Most Important Tools


NES Member
Mar 9, 2005
Litchfield, NH
Feedback: 2 / 0 / 0
Forbes Magazine has been doing a series on the 20 most significant tools in human history, based on a reader poll and a panel of experts. They've been working up the list toward number 1. Here's how the list reads thus far:

#20 - The Chisel
#19 - The Fish Hook
#18 - The Level
#17 - The Telescope
#16 - The Pot
#15 - The Scale
#14 - The Candle
#13 - The Needle
#12 - The Lathe
#11 - The Watch
#10 - The Saw
#9 - Eyeglasses
#8 - The Sword
#7 - The Rifle

Sorry, guys... #1 is the hammer.

When I started working at Sears as a repair tech, on my first day the shop foreman got me a bin full of tools from the stockroom. He handed me a 16 oz rawhide mallet and told me that it was the most important tool in the toolbox.

I thought he was kidding.

He wasn't.

Without the hammer, we don't have any iron tools, bronze tools, knives, guns... I wouldn't be surprised to find the anvil on that list, too.

SgtUSMC8541 said:
I am a Marine Sergeant and I AM A WEAPON!!!!!!! [twisted] [twisted]

Not much good without your M40A1 or M40A2, are you?

Now how does that go?

"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Without me, my rifle is worthless, without my rifle, I am worthless."

etc, etc, etc.
Ummmm, it's eithere an M40A1 or A3. No A2. Or an M82A3.

Yes that is the rifle creed, but that is just to make the rifle gods happy. :) So you are implying that if my bang stick goes down I am no longer a threat to the bad guys? I think not. A rifle is a rifle. A stick is a stick. A hand is a hand. It is what I DO with them that makes it a weapon. Hence, I am a weapon.
Yeah, I know. All I need is a CEOI (or ANCD), a map and a radio, preferably a SINCGARS. I don't need no steenkin gun, that's what Fire Support is for.

And I'm just a Maintenance Puke. Hell, the past few years, my assigned weapon is an M9. We don't have M4's yet, and we turned in all our M3A1's. Of course, my real weapon is a Ma Deuce, sitting on a 56 ton recovery track.
SgtUSMC8541 said:
Hence, I am a weapon.

Not to pour cold water on the testosterone-fest, guys, but the thread is about the most important TOOLS. Not weapons.

Personally, having known folks from all 5 services, I'd be the last one to suggest that they need a rifle to be a weapon.

If they are going to call a watch or Eyeglasses a tool , then maybe they will consider the Wheel as #1.
A watch IS a tool - you use it to measure time. For starters, it greatly increased the accuracy of navigation by the stars (along with a sextent, of course).

derek said:
that still doesnt explain eyeglasses.

You don't wear glasses, do you, Derek? I can explain them real easily... they let otherwise vision-impaired folks SEE.

I'd be legally blind without them.

SiameseRat said:
I'd have to vote for the Axe. It's both a weapon and a tool, and, Ross, you can use the blunt end as a hammer :)

True, SR, and an axe is a valuable tool, but I still stand by the hammer. There are a LOT of different types of hammer... and you can make LOTS of other tools with a hammer (and an anvil and a forge, of course).

Speaking as a former tailor (well, I guess I still am, I just can't practice my trade anymore), I'm waiting to see scissors.

Let's face it, without sicssors, we'd be nude.

Easy Darius, easy. [lol]
Lynne said:
Speaking as a former tailor (well, I guess I still am, I just can't practice my trade anymore), I'm waiting to see scissors.

Let's face it, without sicssors, we'd be nude.

Easy Darius, easy. [lol]

Well, we could use knives, but what about the needle? That should be on the list, too. Easier than an awl and a punch, ya know?
SiameseRat said:
Lynne said:
Speaking as a former tailor (well, I guess I still am, I just can't practice my trade anymore), I'm waiting to see scissors.

Let's face it, without sicssors, we'd be nude.

Easy Darius, easy. [lol]

Well, we could use knives, but what about the needle? That should be on the list, too. Easier than an awl and a punch, ya know?

Ya got a point there, SR. Okay - Sewing implements.

Lynne said:
cdkayak said:
Needle was on there, at #13.


You're right, it was. okay - back to Scissors.

And Derek luv - some of us on this here board DO NOT have bods for loin cloths. [lol] [lol]

OOPS hehe so I skimmed a little...

And Derek, since I still like to imagine (though seeing pics to the contrary) that you're this 50something balding fat guy, a loin cloth just isn't what you need [twisted]
SiameseRat said:
Lynne said:
cdkayak said:
Needle was on there, at #13.


You're right, it was. okay - back to Scissors.

And Derek luv - some of us on this here board DO NOT have bods for loin cloths. [lol] [lol]

OOPS hehe so I skimmed a little...

And Derek, since I still like to imagine (though seeing pics to the contrary) that you're this 50something balding fat guy, a loin cloth just isn't what you need [twisted]

Actually, I'd pay to see Derek in a loin cloth...from the pics I've seen. [lol] [lol]

(Are you blushing yet D?)
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