Now I might be getting nervous...

It's different when you see it with your own eyes, huh?

I love how the stories about this have been showing up for months and months - and everybody was crying "TINFOIL!! TINFOIL!!" - and now Boylston freaking MA - has THREE of them parked right next to the police headquarters.

Do some math. If Boylston (one podunk town) has THREE - then that 2700 number that was being thrown around - is probably LOW.
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Ok WTH, please tell me someone else saw it? I am here now and it's gone. How do I post photos from my iPhone?

Ha! Same thing happened to me last year when I saw one at Ashland PD. It was a Bearcat with "Metro Swat" printed on the side. I tried to go back an hour later to take a few pictures and it was nowhere to be found.
I look like an ass now but that's nothing new. [laugh]

They were there though. I wish I snapped the photo this morning when I saw it.

If they were indeed there. It'll be in the Banner tomorrow or next week. I drove by there at 10:40 or so and didn't notice anything but wasn't looking (had not seen this thread yet )
I look like an ass now but that's nothing new. [laugh]

They were there though. I wish I snapped the photo this morning when I saw it.

Maybe they're on a publicity tour. People should start scouring the local police stations to see if they show up somewhere else.

If they're being brought in as a sales vehicle (so to speak) - then they are likely to show up a number of other local towns so they hit a bunch of places at once.

Either that or they got smart and hid the things before too many people ask questions.
I love how people the stories about this have been showing up for months and months - and everybody was crying "TINFOIL!! TINFOIL!!" - and now Boylston freaking MA - has THREE of them parked right next to the police headquarters.

Do some math. If Boylston (one podunk town) has THREE - then that 2700 number that was being thrown around - is probably LOW.

Yep. That's why I joked earlier about the 7 residents. Sorry, 7000 residents. How many per sq mile is probably factoring into how many of these vehicles are being allocated. I'm sure 10 are being built as I type this on my phone. Lovely. It just warms my heart.
I heard David Linsky personally bought those so that when his bill passes, he can go around to peoples houses to collect their guns. First up, ntomsw's house.
Maybe they're on a publicity tour. People should start scouring the local police stations to see if they show up somewhere else.

If they're being brought in as a sales vehicle (so to speak) - then they are likely to show up a number of other local towns so they hit a bunch of places at once.

Either that or they got smart and hid the things before too many people ask questions.

Or the Camo job on them is so good, they blend right in!
I heard David Linsky personally bought those so that when his bill passes, he can go around to peoples houses to collect their guns. First up, ntomsw's house.

How do we know which one is his, by the sheep carrier on the back?

Styrofoam, gasoline, benzene.

Ammonium nitrate, diesel.

Breakfast of champions. Pretty sure I just made it to the top of the wet list.

Sent from an illegal communications device deep within the bowels of an illegal detention center, yeah I've been black bagged.
The fun part of this is that they trained some of us to exploit weaknesses in armor... I have ideas, and no outlet.

Bob Lee Swagger said:
You got to try to spread it out. It's gonna look odd you buy it all in one place.

Ok and check me out for a second. So Ntom goes to the station, sticks his head out the car like a bird, and the coppers see him staring at the 3 vehicles. They MIB flashlight him and erase his memory and it forces him to take a picture once they can remove the vehicles from the spot. Hey it could happen ...
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