The 2A is no longer a right in MA- it’s a privilege

reply with this from the Massachusetts State Constitution First Part Article 17

Article XVII.

The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it.

Looks like the word "right" to me, not privilege

That Article has no lawful effect anyway.

The Second Amendment does not conclude with: "Except as further clarified or restricted by State Constitution's or Federal aor State laws."

Is simply says "Shall Not Be Infringed."

Absent a CONSTITUTIONAL Amendment ALLOWING Federal, State or Local "infringements" any such article violates the Constitution.
That MassGunRights article should be shared with every forum and social media outlet that supports 2A rights.
@MarjorieDecker should be given the attention that an epic moronic statement like this entitles a virtue-signaling political hack -- she should not be allowed to make political hay on this without some discomfort.

Drudge has a box on the lower right of the main page for suggestions. Send it there, the NRA, wherever else you can. If it gets HAMMERED, from every angle to all of them, it could build up steam nationally, then things might happen. Seriously, remember how the hearings in Westminster and a few other towns went. Just think of the same thing nationally. Gotta stay optimistic, and drive forward. Anything is possible.
Not related to this post other than it made me wonder. Any history buffs or older (no offense, the crowd here is probably mostly 30-50 if I had to guess) nes members know when licenses became a thing? I'm thinking it's somewhere between 1934 and 1968. That would basically be the start of 2a as a privilege, right?

Don't know when licensing started, but license and/or permit=privilege all day, every day.
You know, in this modern, digital age, YOU can be the media outlet yourself. Just like the printing press was ages ago in the age of the town crier, this is what Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. are in the age of TV news and newspapers.

Go to work, boys and girls!
Feel free to use this theme for your own message or go to twitter and re-tweet them.


Or this...


Or this...

“nobody has the right to own anything that can cause bodily harm to others”.

Decker.. Somebody lets you have a pen..

So we can't own cars, knives, matches/lighter, gasoline, household chemicals etc. according to this traitor.
Serious question for Mike S and Knuckledragger... will bringing this to the attention of SCOTUS or the federal Circuses help further along some of our cases toward ceratori?

Some things may be better answered in action and then explained later.
Seriously, **** secession: the Several States should be able to EVICT miscreant states from the union. Massatwoshits would make a good example.
These brainless idiots get elected,,, and why,,, total decay of society
No accountability for their actions,,, what ever is wrong is some one else’s fault
Now I have to get a permit for my pet rock collection?[rofl]

God, if only Cain killed Abel with a stick instead![sad2]

Dam, rocks!![angry]


We demand more rock control![smile]
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These brainless idiots get elected,,, and why,,, total decay of society
No accountability for their actions,,, what ever is wrong is some one else’s fault

You hit the nail on the head. The demoralization phase is over and we're into the end of the normalization phase. The citizenry are jelly.
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