Is there a reason.......

I could be wrong, but outside of the most recent one coming up I've never seen posts for anything.

Maybe I'm not looking in the right sub forum?
Or I'm just missing the posts all together.
Private group is private. You need to learn secret passwords to get the info here. There is a limit on that pm number. Are you a FED? We already have one.
Sounds like it is getting to be time to set something in motion. Maybe the end of May or the beginning of June.
What do all you Western Mass. people think?
Can I catch a ride in the Cayman? =D Otherwise I'll tool you around in the Stinkin' Lincoln.
Pass on the get-togethers.

1. I'm not good with people generally. A few at a time, OK, but the more there are the worse it is, especially if I don't already know them.
2. Other side of that coin: there are some people @ NES I don't especially like, and if they're there and I'm there, it may not end well.
Most of my closest friends started as adversaries
This holds true through adulthood
But you're a human and actually LIKE humans.

I have to PUT UP WITH humans, cuz there's 180 lbs of me, versus 316-someodd million tons of y'all.
I wouldn’t say I liked the guy I threw a 3 lb hammer at in high school shop class, and later in life was my best man

But I do know that the ones that are nice to your face have a way better chance at being a snake than a guy who’s an honest A$$hole
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