Need Advice - Am I a bad person

I don't really like parties and hate being the center of attention.

I'd go for #2 as long as there is no guilt trip attached. But if my wife gave me the same options, I'd probably go with #1.
If you opt for the party, make sure you'd actually enjoy a big huge party with that many people. Your wife and all of your friends might, but it's *your* birthday--the event should be all about you. There are plenty of people who are introverts and would rather spend social time with a handful of close friends.
Tell your wife you want the party. If anyone wants to get you a gift, have them contribute towards a nice 1911, and she can pick up the rest.
I'd do something that I wouldn't normally do. Toys come and go. Experiences last a lifetime. I'm going to fishing in the Keys, for my five-oh.
I'll bite. Since you've gotten tons of good advice I'll answer your second question. Yes, you're a bad person. [wink]
If selecting option#2 makes you a bad person I'd be hated by everyone I know. Why would feeding 20 people be better than buying something for yourself? Think of it this way, you are saving her $500. With that you can take her out to an extremely nice dinner somewhere else and still have cash left over.
Do what you want. If your wife complains tell her when its her birthday you will ignore what she wants and just do or what you want instead. Maybe you could being her to a Patriots game for her birthday and have expensive seats on the 50 yard line! She'll love that! Fair is fair!
You must still be paying off your Christmass credit cards. On my 50th birthday my girlfriend cooked me my favorite dinner and we rented a movie..on my 60th i forgot it was my birthday.. I suggest you take the $1500 and save it for her birthday.
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