Eric Holder resigning!

For others, EMILYS list stands for early money is like yeast (ie it grows). It was started in the 80's by a trust funder women (her relativ was a founder of IBM I believe). They are very far left and are fixated on abortion. They will only give money to women candidates and they MUST be VERY pro abortion. They are fine with abortions in the 9th month for any reason.

oh, just another group of lesbians...
Don't get excited yet. The new AG is probably worse.

yes, but it will take some time for her to get up to her 100% shitty effectiveness. and he rest of the gov. workers will probably not put in much effort to get anything done since they were loyal to who appointed them, i.e. holder
What fools to pay that POS 77 million. I completely agree with you exojam, that's absurd.

Fools? Like believing a satirical article about Eric Holder making $77 million at a bank? [wink]

The Daily Currant said:

The Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media.

Our mission is to ridicule the timid ignorance which obstructs our progress, and promote intelligence - which presses forward.

Q. Are your news stories real?

A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world
Fools? Like believing a satirical article about Eric Holder making $77 million at a bank? [wink]

I caught that later in day and did not have time to add it [rolleyes]

Even though the article may be bunk, I still believe once you leave congress or places like that you should not be able to be a lobbiest for things that go before congress.
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