Baker Follows Feds on Firearm Retailers and Ranges

Just got an Email Blast from Four Seasons and they are going to reopen per the new Emergency Order. Ammo and accessories only. Firearm sales by appointment
with pending transactions completed first...
And le the ammo hoarding begin!!!! My BIL just texted me he is low on ammo. I told him to find out if Bass Pro Opens tomorrow and to be there early if he wants any.

My guess is there will be a huge run on gun shops and places that sell guns and ammo...
Charlie Parker can say whatever he wants. The Federal government has a list, and that supersedes any state policies.
The legality is a bit trickier than that, plus, even if what you say it true it will not help if your favorite shop fears the AG and closes because of the text of the order.
Editing the document after it has been released? What the actual f***?! This isn't Windows 10 with an update patch.

He's doing it wrong - He forgot to write the editorial in the Globe.

The first released version is still valid. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once.
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