Zero Hour turns in pipe bomb builder

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He's a reasonable man who made the right call. No one should be making those pipe bombs, and no responsible gun owner would. If he was making these how safe is he at the same ranges or hunting woods that you or I may frequent. I am sure Jim was not happy having to go to MSP with this info, but this had the potential to be a disaster. What if this man's home caught on fire and those devices detonated as a firefighter I'm certain this would maim or kill firefighter(s), not to mention his 2 children. I think Zero Hour Arms just saved some lives potentially. This isn't an experimenting high school kid with some brake cleaner bombs or torn apart shotgun shells. These were IED's! Good for Zero Hour, they have my business still!

P.S. Also I think zero hour would simply fix your "malfunctioning" sear if it's firing twice, and cheaply too ;o)

That's the same argument the gun grabbers use.

Martlett, I don't understand why you are coming down so hard on something you obviously know nothing about in this instance. Jim was very torn about doing what he did but was kind of forced into it by an officer when he asked his advice on what the officer would do in a similar situation.

Um, going to a police officer is forced to talk to the police? In what bizarro world.

This guy (ambrose) was acustomer of the shop and we actually kinda liked him, BUT, when he started to act irratiaticly and then the last straw was when he came in the shop drunk and was dragging his 6 year old daughter!

If you wan't to keep your mouth shut about such things that's your right but good citizens will and should do the right thing. personally, a lot of folks know me on here and know how I feel about cops and such, I think I would do the same thing given the same circumstances.

That isn't what Jim said.

If you choose not to do business with us and want to try and make us sound like we did then that's fine, we would not want to do business with such a narrow minded person.

There we go. You don't want to do business with me, and I don't want to do business with a rat. Sounds like a great arrangement.

Jim is my friend and I am defending him, make no bones about it. I am not going to sit by and see narrow minded folks bash him as if he ratted out a law abiding citizen for purchasing a legal or ANY gun. We are NOT that kind of shop.

Actually, you just established that you are EXACTLY that kind of shop.

If you want to know the story, call the shop and I would be happy to tell you the truth, but don't bash the guy for doing what he felt was right even if you would have let this guy possibly hurt his family.

I saw Jim tell the story himself. Why would I call you to get it 3rd party?
No pipe bombs and machine guns dont compare. MG's don't have a tendancy to explode on their own. Pipe bombs inherantly have a potential to detonate by themself from heat, friction or static discharge. Machine guns don't just fire on their own (except for the 1 time I watched a SAW "run away"). The fire and explosion danger of 30 or so IED's was huge and these things would harm allot more than a mailbox. If you have the correct licensing you probably have the knowledge and proven responsibility that the ATF expects. Even professionally produced explosives are dangerous if misshandled.

You are torn over this?

Did you read the part about where Sheppard went to the guy's house to to inspect an ATV? This has nothing to do with him being a gun shop owner. It's got everything to do with doing the right thing. I wonder if you'd feel any different if it were a Sears employee that went over his house to deliver a new lawn mower. Would you stop shopping at Sears?

I was at ZHA today picking up a Stag upper when this was going down. I like the shop, the employees and will continue to spend my money there.

Heh. How about reading past post ONE before you comment?
Mods: Should we close this Thread?

It's turned into a personal attack, not a reasonable discussion.

My thoughts only.

Making comparisons for sake of argument about people who own guns legally and have licenses to possess them is just weak. So are statements like Jim catching you speeding, turning you in for having a loose round in your car, etc.

You can dismiss the arguments as stupid, but they are accurate. If they weren't, you'd counter them. You can't.
The actions of Jim are a positive for all lawful gun owners, a guy building and storing pipe bombs is a crackpot. And to compare reporting this type of activity to the police and "ratting" somebody out for speeding is ridiculous.
Do we know all of the details on how powerful this "pipe bomb" is?.. It could be similar to an m-80. If anyone here has not had some fun with m-80s then they're missing out. You can get them in free states.
I'm definitely on the libertarian side of things, and unlike some folks here I don't think it's morally wrong to be making pipe bombs at home where it's nobody else's business (though it's undeniably illegal). But I'm still with Jim on this one. This guy marched into ZHA and announced he likes to get drunk and make bombs. That conscious act right there made it Jim's business. Once he combined that with the first hand evidence that the bombs really existed, there's enough evidence that this guy is a threat to turn him in.
Like an idiot for leaving an unsecured shotgun under my seat and then lending someone my car.

I'd also feel like an idiot if I was making pipe bombs, told someone about it, let someone see them, and then got turned in.

Why make pipe bombs when you have a brace of .500s in the drawer? [smile]
Martlet do you understand how dangerous amature explosives are and what a danger this posed to east bridgewater? or to other motorists if he transported even just 1 device? These things are no joke and do not compare to a firearm.
Fact of the matter is at one point or another he would have gotten caught by someone, even one of his neighbors. He choose that path and thats that. Its not like he was unaware of federal laws in regard to explosive devices. Rat or no rat it was bound to happen.
What if, I know these [what ifs] but if he says nothing and in a week later headlines read mother and childen killed in house explosion,won't he feel like the f***ing a**h***.
If you have the correct licensing you probably have the knowledge and proven responsibility that the ATF expects. Even professionally produced explosives are dangerous if misshandled.


I reload for pistol and rifle, a cartridge is an explosive. You're right you do have to pay attention.
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Martlet do you understand how dangerous amature explosives are and what a danger this posed to east bridgewater? or to other motorists if he transported even just 1 device? These things are no joke and do not compare to a firearm.

Do you understand how dangerous firearms are? Assault weapons? Automobiles? Phew. We'd better ban them all for our own safety.
OK Nostradamus.

Man this thread is getting ugly.

It doesnt take Nostadamus to point out that:

The 'bombs' were visible or in plain sight.
He gets drunk and blows them up.
He brags about it.

Anyhow, I dont have any thing more to add to the flamefest or discussion other than saying that they would have come to light at some point or another.

Happy threading.
Fact of the matter is at one point or another he would have gotten caught by someone, even one of his neighbors. He choose that path and thats that. Its not like he was unaware of federal laws in regard to explosive devices. Rat or no rat it was bound to happen.

In a lot of instances these people get caught when the fire department shows up at their house after an "explosion of unknown origin."
It's sad nobody's stressing the fact the guy was making bomb's drunk . Not just making them but making them drunk.
Do you understand how dangerous firearms are? Assault weapons? Automobiles? Phew. We'd better ban them all for our own safety.

Everything we do is dangerous. Sex with my wife can cause my back to hurt for days.

In any case, Martlet has an excellent point about where is the line drawn between safe and unsafe and who is the line drawer? I, for one, don't like that it is the govt., but they are the ones currently doing so. It used to be common sense.
When I was a kid, 12 years old, I used to make gunpowder ... I ground up charcoal briquets, and had some sulfur and potassium nitrate purloined from a college chem lab. I used to make this other stuff, we called it "rocket fuel", using potassium chlorate. Can't recall the rest of the recipe. You could put the stuff on a snowbank and it would burn and spit like Chinese New Year.

I was always interested in improvised munitions, time-delay fuses, and cool stuff like that.

I was a 12 year old kid with an interest in chemistry and things that burn and explode. Went to college and majored in ... chemistry. And I lived to tell the tale.

Today, I'd be put in foster care or juvenile detention, I suppose. Back then, it was a hobby, and no more shocking than taking your .22 to the dump to shoot rats.

Today we're kinda jumpy when the word "bomb" is mentioned. I wonder just how powerful this guys "bombs" were, and if there's any evidence that he had malicious intent.

I think his two mistakes were

a) living in East Bridgewater, as opposed to, say, rural Maine and

b) talking about his hobby to a guy who is licensed, regulated and accountable under criminal and civil law for how his products are used.

I've got mixed emotions on this issue. [thinking]
Everything we do is dangerous. Sex with my wife can cause my back to hurt for days.

In any case, Martlet has an excellent point about where is the line drawn between safe and unsafe and who is the line drawer? I, for one, don't like that it is the govt., but they are the ones currently doing so. It used to be common sense.

FTG! (except on payday)
Having loose ammo in a vehicle is NOT illegal.

And with a disclaimer no less:

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and thus any interpretation or statements about the law that I might make should be taken with a grain of salt and mixed with your own legal research as well as advice from actual legal counsel. I cannot be held responsible if you find yourself somebody's "friend" in federal, state, or local prison should you act on my opinions on the law.

I like it!
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