What is your main SHTF (Apocolypse) gun/plan?

Off the topic but related to your post. I heard a story years ago about a SGM in Vietnam, showed up for formation allegedly out of uniform to greet the newly arrived and spit shined LT fresh out of school.

The LT admonished the SGM in front of the men, telling him he better be in full uniform for tomorrow’s morning formation.

As the story goes, the SGM showed up to the next formation completely naked, except for a pair of jump boots and a Medal of Honor around his neck.

Anyone know if there’s any truth to that story? For some reason I thought it was SGM Plumly?

funny story but does not sound like most MOH recipients to actually wear it.
funny story but does not sound like most MOH recipients to actually wear it.

Don’t know if it’s true or just made up years ago for laughs. But, I could absolutely see a cranky old SGM wearing it completely naked to formation, in a war zone, as a wake up call and a STFU to a brand new LT who doesn’t know shit yet and should just watch, listen and learn for a few months so he doesn’t get people killed out of sheer arrogance.
Off the topic but related to your post. I heard a story years ago about a SGM in Vietnam, showed up for formation allegedly out of uniform to greet the newly arrived and spit shined LT fresh out of school.

The LT admonished the SGM in front of the men, telling him he better be in full uniform for tomorrow’s morning formation.

As the story goes, the SGM showed up to the next formation completely naked, except for a pair of jump boots and a Medal of Honor around his neck.

Anyone know if there’s any truth to that story? For some reason I thought it was SGM Plumly?
I can't remember but I do recall seeing that in a movie, no idea how truthful it is but it would be awesome if it was.
Turns out it was one of the deleted scenes from We Were Soldiers.

Although according to my Google-Fu it's not entirely accurate.
That is a deleted scene from the movie We Were Soldiers, starring Mel Gibson. And as a side note, the soldier in question had not only one Medal of Honor, but two. Though nineteen servicemen have received double-awards, no soldier has been listed as a double-recipient in Vietnam, Korea, or World War II. That scene, therefore, did not really happen and is likely a true story that was exaggerated by Hollywood.
Which movie has the scene where a lieutenant calls his squad to formation and a guy shows up naked wearing nothing but the medal of honor - Answers
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