Website every one should visit--IMPORTANT

Just a reminder, this map is not accurate. I was at the Police Station this morning and we have 5 offenders posted and only one showed up on the map.
I'd like to see this link posted in the next "safe storage" of firearms when sleeping thread that's started on here.

+1 blindndead, thanks for sharing.
Showed this to my son last night. We have 2 registered pervs in our town (brothers no less). I told him if he ever sees either one of them or sees them talking to any of his friends he is to immediately get himself and his friends to a safe home and tell an adult. What about the hundreds of pervs the registry lost track of in Massachusetts?
There is one in my neighborhood that lives right down the street from the preschool, I'm assuming on purpose. Prior to reading this thread it took me some time to find his picture. I printed it out, and showed it to my 4 year old daughter. I told her that he is a bad man, and that if you ever see him, go tell an adult that you know.
He is a level III (meaning high likelihood of anther offense) and has NINE convictions. If I ever see him in public while I'm with my daughter, I would point him out to her and say in a voice loud enough to be overheard "See that guy? He is a bad man and L3 sex offender. Stay away from him and never talk to him."
I wouldn't do anything more than that, but I want my daughter to be prepared.
It shows an "offender- sexual battery on person under age 14" right near my house. Just another reason to be thankful I don't have kids. [angry]

This is a very good thing to have access to though, even if it's not completely accurate. Keeps you on your toes I guess.
Another consideration before we go down the street all "locked and loaded". What if the offender has moved, yet the information is not updated? some poor sod who moves into the address may be squeaky clean, yet get his teeth knocked in (or worse) by some Internet commando who thinks he is a sex offender.

In general, yeah, an OK tool, but the veracity of the data needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
Another consideration before we go down the street all "locked and loaded". What if the offender has moved, yet the information is not updated? some poor sod who moves into the address may be squeaky clean, yet get his teeth knocked in (or worse) by some Internet commando who thinks he is a sex offender.

In general, yeah, an OK tool, but the veracity of the data needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

The ones that I saw had pictures. Maybe that is why the pictures are there.
I've seen this site before- it's good. It's not perfect I think but it's good. I hope they've tweaked it since I checked some time ago- some of the results were in the reservoir lake!!!!

What I find fascinating is that we must have at least a dozen offenders of various levels scattered around the town, and yet the local & state papers never mention any violent crimes. Must be the water- magical water that miraculously cures the notoriously non-rehabilitation rates of sex offenders.
Got one right down the street from me. I have known about this guy prior to me seeing this site. There is also a preschool right down the street from me too, and this guy lives near it. [thinking]
I had a dream once about a child molester I had second-hand knowledge of (meaning it wasn't me he did it to.) I dreamed that I spent my whole life tracking his movements, trying to warn others around him of his potential intentions and such, and one day I rose up in the middle of a crowd and shot the (deleted). I woke up and realized that wasn't how I wanted to live my life though, and I had to let the system do it's thing.
check out It has better info but not many cities/towns are involved, as it is a pay service for the PDs. It is great because it shows where when and what crimes are occurring and makes the info in almost real time to the public (although sanitized somewhat) Malden, Medford, Haverhill and others are currently on the site - Boston PD will be soon from what I heard. It seems to be growing quite rapidly.

edit: make sure you click the "show registered sex offenders" box, and it will plot them on the map as well.
Offenses=1 Conviction=RAPE OF CHILD WITH FORCE Conviction Date=7/11/2000

Offenses=5 Conviction=INDECENT ASSAULT AND BATTERY ON CHILD UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE Conviction Date=7/11/2000

If he's on that site he is out of jail? So that lands you less than 9 years? Piece of shit. [mg]
Offenses=1 Conviction=RAPE OF CHILD WITH FORCE Conviction Date=7/11/2000

Offenses=5 Conviction=INDECENT ASSAULT AND BATTERY ON CHILD UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE Conviction Date=7/11/2000

If he's on that site he is out of jail? So that lands you less than 9 years? Piece of shit. [mg]

I doubt he was in prison for the entire 9 years.

Sex crimes, especially against children, typically have short incarcerations due to plea bargaining. Many cases do not go to trial as the prosecutor and family do not want to put a child in a court with the rapist and go through the trauma all over again. Pretrial motions and repeat court appearances make a family trudge out to court a couple times a month for a year until they are beaten down enough to accept something just to get the guy some time behind bars

Many, many are pled down from "with force" charges to lower charges. Many people with multiple assaults are pled down to one charge and they then plea to that.

Also, the registration part is a joke. MANY get picked up for failure to register and end up beiong released with no prosecution or just probation (which they are typically on) as a result.

At one point (not sure if still true) the Superior Court probation stats had the majority of their "clients" on probation for sex crimes. Sex offenders have to be housed separately from population and they also typically are college educated, resulting in a person who games the system and causes administration issues. If you could see the number of lawsuits filed by child rapists for conditions in prisons and jails you would be appalled. Remember, these guys in many cases con their way into a childs safe zone and do not look like what you thing a "pervert" should look like. Many are charming, normal looking individuals who have practiced conning everyone around them for their entire life. Combine this with a higher than typical con IQ and you have a recepie for disaster on all accounts.

Do not think that life for a sex offender is that "rough" in prison. It is no more difficult than for a weak or efeminate man in prison. They are typically housed in a different unit than general population and unless a really notorious case, are not assaulted on sight by population.

A true travesty happens to our children once one of these offenders is caught. Short incarcerations, lying on the registry and more trauma for the kid is typical.
Before you judge your neighbors too harshly, you should try to look into what the person actually did. I know someone who is on the sex offender registry for life because he had sex with a 16 year old girl while he was 16 himself. Yes, there are serious rapists or child molesters on that list, but there are also normal people who are victims of a pretty seriously messed up system. So hopefully we can distinguish between the two.

Edit: now that I've spent a few minutes on the site, I see that it gives you the conviction (including the date). So that makes it a bit easier to tell.
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This is a great tool, but don't rely completely upon the data.

I read on a website (can't remember which) that as of 2000, there were about 18,000 convicted sex offenders in the U.S. and only about 1,000 of them were registered as the law requires.

I can't tell if this is true or not, but use the info as a heads up to the fact that no database is complete and up to date.

I expected there to be some scum around my place in MA, but I was surprised to see someone near my place in the sticks of VT. Damn freaks are everywhere it seems.
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