Owner of Riley's kicked police officers keys...

The problem is, everyone loves a beat-down when the other guy is receiving it. When the NYPD was kicking the 99% crowd around we had many here cheering on the police. That needs to stop. America will move forward when we realize that government funded brutality and thuggery are an affront to liberty for us all.

I have to disagree

There's no comparison between the OWS scum that took over private as well as public property, shut down/disrupted businesses, pissed and shit on the steps/in lobbies of private buildings etc etc.

The OWS scum provoced the response

This citizen did not.
If those 3 monkeys were mine they'd be getting lined up for the three stooges down the line slap.
No situational awareness, Escalating a situation to physical violence that was completely un called for.
You de-escalate. Thats why we used to call them peace officers.
There are so many ways that whole situation could have gone south it's not funny.
A training officer friend used to remind his guys frequently that, thats a badge on your chest, not a big S. You'll bleed the same as anyone else.
What if the crowd had turned on them? You can barely handle one guy. How's 20-30 going to work out for you?
Keep your dick measuring contests in the locker room, Do your job in a professional manner and don't create an atmosphere of animosity towards the uniform.
To much to ask? Find another F****** job then, before you get some guy who's trying to do it right hurt.
That was the weakest and most ineffective shoulder poke I have ever seen. Why even bother? A verbal back n forth could have been much more effective and caught on internet tape.
I posted this idea in another thread and got crickets. You find any contact info on him PM me so I can send some dough his way...

PM sent

I'll be sending him something to help with legal fees

They nailed him for 5k in bail according to the paper
^ This. I am not trying to take the establishment position and I realize this could get me flamed. But the reality is the older guy did go too far when he touched the cop. At that point the natural reaction was an arrest: that's common sense. When he resisted arrest, and the situation threatened to escalate, I'm not sure how many options the cops realistically had.

Don't get me wrong. If that were my dad I'd be BS at the po-po. But no one should be touching another person in an unwelcome way - for any reason. And I'm not talking about just the police. I consider the reverse of the equation: what if someone, PO or otherwise, came along and touched my wife or my mom like that. Would I see red? Yes, and I don't think I'm alone. We can argue and we can disagree but don't touch me. That's a natural human reaction.

The only thing I'd implore all my friends on the NES boards to consider is that the older guy, although perhaps well intentioned, is not innocent. I feel badly for the guy because he probably is a decent man and will now suffer the criminal consequences for a minor thoughtless action.

The "natural reaction"? It's only the natural reaction if you believe you're an exalted class unworthy of a touch by the unwashed.
I have to disagree

There's no comparison between the OWS scum that took over private as well as public property, shut down/disrupted businesses, pissed and shit on the steps/in lobbies of private buildings etc etc.

The OWS scum provoced the response

This citizen did not.

Then you have to realize that the anti-gunners are saying the same thing about this guy in the video. Once you think its ok for the gov to do this to one group of people, then all they have to do is find a group of people that want that same violence done to you.
Then you have to realize that the anti-gunners are saying the same thing about this guy in the video. Once you think its ok for the gov to do this to one group of people, then all they have to do is find a group of people that want that same violence done to you.

OWS's treatment was provoked by their actions in every case I've seen

The citizen in NH was assaulted by Concord PD

The two are apples and tomatoes
So you're comparing the weakest parts of your family who couldn't defend themselves well from most (female members with low body muscle %) to grown adult males having an angry conversation with shoulder tapping?

You're misconstruing my point. The question I asked is if you would be angry if someone pushed, poked, touched or prodded someone you loved: would you have a problem with that? I would. I'm not sure if you feel that adult males should be able to have angry conversations with shoulder tapping, which is to say pushing each other. Doesn't that usually lead to a fist fight?

One way to mitigate against the risk of being "touched" by someone is not to walk up to them with two other guys while wearing ready-to-grapple nitrile gloves and then getting in his face and being belligerent.

I agree.

That tends to piss people off, which is why the officer did it. He wanted to provoke the guy so they could make a show of arresting him, make an example of him, and thereby appease the gun-grabber circus..

Absent from your personally knowing the officers involved, or from their having a history of this kind of abuse, you're speculating. We have to be intellectually honest: I have no idea what the officers' intentions were although I have my suspicions. But disguising our suspicions as facts leads to all types of flawed reasoning. Better just to write "I suspect" than to state that you knew what someone else's intent was as hard fact.

I really hope the public comes to see these events as affecting us all... (the) problem is, everyone loves a beat-down when the other guy is receiving it. That needs to stop. America will move forward when we realize that government funded brutality and thuggery are an affront to liberty for us all.

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If those 3 monkeys were mine they'd be getting lined up for the three stooges down the line slap.
No situational awareness, Escalating a situation to physical violence that was completely un called for.
You de-escalate. Thats why we used to call them peace officers.
There are so many ways that whole situation could have gone south it's not funny. ...

Well put.
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You're misconstruing my point. The question I asked is if you would be angry if someone pushed, poked, touched or prodded someone you loved: would you have a problem with that? I would. I'm not sure if you feel that adult males should be able to have angry conversations with shoulder tapping, which is to say pushing each other. Doesn't that usually lead to a fist fight?

Your question has nothing to do with the OP's story. It's rehtorical to ask a person if they would be angry if another party angrily put their hands on a member of their family.

Am I personally ok with people touching each other in heated arguments? No, not really. The police are the one that got right in the guys face. The police are the ones that brought an equally emotional over reaction to an already sketchy situation. The police are the one that escalated this.

I don't hold the police above me. A man putting his hands on another man relatively gently is not cause for arrest in Dench land. Is it in normal America? You bet your ass, but normal America is a police state at the moment.
That was a one sided heated argument. The civilian wasn't heated and it was only the LEO that were heated and giving him shit. When he said he wasn't talking and then tried to show him something is when it went south. If you look at his body language throughout the entire video he talks with his hands and is his style to direct. In no way did he make any hostel action towards the officer nor was he rough in any way when he put a hand on him. It was a simple guide in an attempt to show him something that the LEO was not listening to and could care less what he had to say. Hence, why he said he wasn't going to talk to them.

Trying to say you would be pissed during a loud event that someone put their hand on your shoulder to point something out hardly rises to assault and he never made any actions like puffing his chest or attempts to challenge the LEO. Wake up guys. I only see a few of us who have actually called out CPD for their actions. So stop pissing and moaning and whining on here and be heard. Get you thoughts on their page, especially on the pic of the chiefs badge.
So, in addition to demanding an apology/discipline of the officers in question another way we can apply heat to the situation is to start hitting up the chamber of commerce and let them know that you will be boycotting concord businesses due to the misconduct of Concord PD

Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce
49 South Main Street, Suite 104
Concord, NH 03301
Tel 603.224.2508
Fax 603.224.8128
[email protected]

I'd also let your favorite concord establishments know that you will be avoiding them until Concord PD takes action against the misconduct and apologizes to the citizen they assaulted
I'm pretty sure, based on other pictures of the event, there were people with AR's in that crowd.

A flip of a switch is how far that was from being a shitshow.
So much for the PD trying to de-escalate the conflict. [thinking] That guy was pretty mild, they probably could have easily at least tried to spend some more time trying to resolve whatever the perceived issue was- How about "Please don't touch me" instead of "your under arrest" for merely tapping someone on the shoulder with 2 fingers. [thinking] No wait, trying to de-escalate something that isn't remotely near violent isn't in the cards- once contempt of cop game is on, the police always seem to like to go full retard first. It'd be one thing if this guy was shoving the police around or had hit/attacked someone etc, before they arrived, but there is no evidence of him being anything other than a pain in the ass.

No wait, this is the new amerika- anyone protesting for defense of rights, particularly fundamental ones, is suddenly a "problem" needing to be "dealt with" ... [thinking]

Inundate the towns with letters. Write them respectfully or they will be discounted. Tell them that as citizens you are not ok with this behavior and handling of the situation. Torches and pitch forks will just galvanize the other side.
I think the days of this happening without much harsher consequences are numbered.

If it's the same group as on here that are bitching and complaining, yet saying nothing on their Facebook page or pussy footing around on there. Don't count on it. Everyone wants their anonymity on here and does a good job of waiving the Pom poms, until that is they need to be putting a face to it. Bitching on a gun site isn't furthering the cause so until people start setting up meeting with their cheif and going to city council meetings, school board meetings, etc and making their position be heard we will continue to be over run.
[cerberus];3272155 said:

Nah, that's just Chicago. They heard the Bruins were coming to town.
I'm guessing the whole kicking-the-keys thing was probably done out of frustration with the whole situation. The "perpetrator" did nothing wrong other than being rude to the antis that were busy reading the names of dead terrorists.
On a positive note, the anti gun myth was once again disproved. Dozens of CiTIZENS openly carry firearms and the only violence that day was perpetrated by the government.


On a positive note, the anti gun myth was once again disproved. Dozens of CITIZENS openly carry firearms and the only violence that day was perpetrated by the government.
Apart from the obvious -- and we are really past being surprised by just about anything these days -- note that police all over the country will watch this video and learn from it. They will conclude, as they always do, that they need more power and to exercise that power quickly when a situation starts to get out of control. The crowd was close, the struggle protracted, and the hostility to the police was intense. The officers here put themselves in a situation they could not control. It was only the restraint of the crowd that protected them.

Anyone who attends events like this, or makes any effort to protest in public, take note. The time will come when the slightest deviation from the norm, or the most benign of confrontations with authority, will result in the commoner being grossly overwhelmed with force applied with very quick effect. Above all else, the police will protect themselves and assert control.

Freedom of assembly, to protest, to speak -- these are all niceties we imagine we possess in a time of peace. The reality, particularly when one needs these liberties, is far different. The man arrested in this case acted with the confidence of a free man who did nothing wrong. That attitude can get you killed. Choose how you will, but know the consequences. Authority will not tolerate an absence of control. You may be right, you may be innocent, you may think you are free. None of that matters when law enforcement decides you are a problem, or wants to make you a problem.

That is it. He would not bow before them so they had to force him. No doubt taking orders from Nanny Bloomberg thugs. They act like this because they feel safe from us taking action when we're abused. The time will come when that will not be the case anymore. They are playing with fire. They are setting things in motion that they will not be able to control. SHTF stuff. I can barely control my anger every time I watch that video. If I wanted this I would have stayed back home in the old country where this is normal.
just watched that video....way over the top of unnecessary. That guy was a strong bastard and there was no way they were gonna cuff him. I thought for sure the crowd was gonna swell on the PO....

Too bad they didn't. It would have been funny to have the cops handcuffed and left on the ground. Flip Nanny Bloomberg's bus over too.
We should elect police officers, and be able to recall them. No more internal affairs they should have civilian oversight. If one does something wrong a panel of 12 people should review and pass judgement it would be great if they had a system like that. Oh wait they do the police are above prosecution I forgot.
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