Owner of Riley's kicked police officers keys...

They zapped that poor guy out of pure embarrassment for the fact they couldn't cuff him and were made fools of cause of it.

They couldn't handle the situation.

One of the many problems with the police is that they will do whatever it takes to make an arrest once they say "you're under arrest." Try to think of a time you've ever heard a cop say that, and the person did not end up in jail. The sad part of the police mentality is that once you are deemed to be under arrest, the police will use whatever force necessary to facilitate it - all the way up to lethal force.

The arrested man informed the officer face to face that he has a heart condition and should not be tased. The officer didn't care, because he is going to make an arrest regardless of the safety of the person he is arresting.

The tazer needs to be removed from the police inventory. It is too easy to resort to and has too much of an convenient effect. Physically immobilizing someone for minor crimes is disturbing. If the perp is worth arresting, and is resisting, hit the guy with a baton. That level of violence is high, and takes a lot to drive a person to use. A taser is an easy out to end any 1 on 1 situation that is continuously abused and used for basic police work that normally requires the use of no weapons at all.

While on the topic of lazy police officers, I would like to see the Concord PD try to explain why 3 male officers couldn't take down a near elderly male. If I had to guess I would say the guy that got arrested is 6' and around 230lbs. 3 adult males should be able to move him to the ground without any problem - especially considering the guy was just stiff and not fighting back.

Bunch of weak, lazy losers from start to finish. The officer with the PFC stripes who was visibly emotional prior to the arrest obviously needs to be fired since he is unable to control his emotions plus the physical assault on a person who is not legitimately resisting. the cop that looks like he is 14 with the strength to match who tased should be suspended without pay, and the SGT who ran that shit show should also be suspended.

Thugs with a badge. Can't fight. Can't be objective. Can't keep their emotions out of their job, and put people at risk via their lack of skill set for the job.
Yeah [rolleyes]


4:00 on. Jackbooted thug pricks

I can't even watch that again. ****

I hope half on concord pd loses there jobs over this, absolute jack boot thuggery at its finest. Too many witness and too much video to snuff this out.
Jeez, everybody showed up. Surprised they didn't call the FBI and go door to door.

worse the cops get is a vacation.
[cerberus];3272155 said:

nice blue targets ( i mean helmets )
+1 Dench

The crowd should not have restrained themselves.

Agreed, but they weren't just standing around silent, they were saying "Leave him alone. He's not hurting anyone. Don't do that." If more people stepped in, I imagine it to get significantly worse. SWAT, more tasers, tear gas. And then gun owners live up to the "crazy nutjob gun-owner" cliche, thus alienating us even more. All of this while Bloomy watches this and faps himself for a few weeks straight.
"I have 2 sons in Afghanistan!"

My face when he said that [thinking]

Protecting and serving the shit out of you.

I wonder when people will realize that "serving" -- any job working for the government -- is a job with, at minimum, moral ambiguity. Maybe if we had fewer men volunteering to fight overseas our government would have fewer resources to monitor, harass, and intimidate us here at home.

I hope half on concord pd loses there jobs over this, absolute jack boot thuggery at its finest. Too many witness and too much video to snuff this out.

My guess is that the taser operator might have an issue. He could be severely reprimanded (maybe even a letter in his file!) for not using that taser more quickly. The others did their jobs. They went in to intimidate, to push the man until he confronted them, and once he touched the officer (NEVER touch a police officer) they had what they wanted. It was a confrontation and an arrest that had no necessity apart from the desire of the police to create the situation. They succeeded.
+1 Dench

Agreed, but they weren't just standing around silent, they were saying "Leave him alone. He's not hurting anyone. Don't do that." If more people stepped in, I imagine it to get significantly worse. SWAT, more tasers, tear gas. And then gun owners live up to the "crazy nutjob gun-owner" cliche, thus alienating us even more. All of this while Bloomy watches this and faps himself for a few weeks straight.

Its at the point where that's not the worst option. Look what happened to that guy. A full on conflict is going to happen and each time it doesn't it makes it harder for the time it does. They ratchet up every time the get to beat their chest for tazering an old man.
Still convinced that NH isn't changing and the few anti-gun incidents are isolated?

You guys better wake up, up there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you've been following current events in NH over the last 5 years you would be aware that huge progress was made in helping Manch's finest (and Concord) understand AND respect the law they allegedly are there to uphold.

Google "ridley report open carry" and you see lots of you tube content documenting interactions between folks that OC and police

There was actually a case where the Manch police were threatened with charged/lawsuit as a result of their illegal behavior and iirc it was settled with an apology/recognition that OC is perfectly legal

Its much more rare now that we see police confront folks open carrying anymore since they were pushed to obey the law.......
Here's the Concord Police FB page, let them know how they are doing!


Don't forget to email the chief!

Concord, NH - Official Website - Police

John F. Duval
Chief of Police
[email protected]

Pressure needs to be brought to bear on Concord's police chief

He needs to recieve a shitstorm of calls and emails on this.

If he doesn't feel the heat then you can count on seeing this behavior in the future.....and if that happens its only a matter of time before folks on each side get hurt or worse

As it stands a CITIZEN is going to have to defend himself from bullshit charges that result from the POLICE instigating a conflict with no cause.

We all may want to individually think about making donations to his legal fund.....I think I heard he owns a garage in NH.....I need to dig up details but I'm definately going to send a couple bucks his way,,,,,,,,you can count on his legal fees setting him back easily 5k for this nonsense
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Apart from the obvious -- and we are really past being surprised by just about anything these days -- note that police all over the country will watch this video and learn from it. They will conclude, as they always do, that they need more power and to exercise that power quickly when a situation starts to get out of control. The crowd was close, the struggle protracted, and the hostility to the police was intense. The officers here put themselves in a situation they could not control. It was only the restraint of the crowd that protected them.

Anyone who attends events like this, or makes any effort to protest in public, take note. The time will come when the slightest deviation from the norm, or the most benign of confrontations with authority, will result in the commoner being grossly overwhelmed with force applied with very quick effect. Above all else, the police will protect themselves and assert control.

Freedom of assembly, to protest, to speak -- these are all niceties we imagine we possess in a time of peace. The reality, particularly when one needs these liberties, is far different. The man arrested in this case acted with the confidence of a free man who did nothing wrong. That attitude can get you killed. Choose how you will, but know the consequences. Authority will not tolerate an absence of control. You may be right, you may be innocent, you may think you are free. None of that matters when law enforcement decides you are a problem, or wants to make you a problem.

Dont forget that budgets for police in towns accross NH are controlled by us citizens.

They only get the toys that we agree to fund

We all need to be very active in controlling the expansion of the police state in NH and that starts with you getting to know your local police and making it clear that you support funding the tools they need to be Peacekeepers but you will NOT support swat team, armored vehicles etc etc
Its at the point where that's not the worst option. Look what happened to that guy. A full on conflict is going to happen and each time it doesn't it makes it harder for the time it does. They ratchet up every time the get to beat their chest for tazering an old man.

Yep. I just don't see that ending well. I know it has to happen eventually, but this guy screwed up putting hands on the cop. I'm happy we have smartphones today because we all got to see this messed up situation unfold.

The kid cop with the taser gun got picked on a lot in high school and never got invited to parties.

Now he is showing the world,he WILL get respect,something he never could have gotten without a badge.

Never seen that video,pretty ****ing disgusting.

Definitely. And yeah it is disgusting. I don't think he knew that you're not even supposed to lay a finger on a high-and-mighty cop. I still felt bad for him and it sounded like he had a close friend or two in the crowd. I'm not sure what I'd do if I saw a friend get thrown into a corner and got tased. I don't see it ending well for me
I'm not anti cop at all...but these dikheads look like a bunch of homos. If the guy had been a black man.....this never would happen. Apparently Concord requires their cops to be certified wusses....and these clowns are overqualified!
Well now that I have seen that and puked in my mouth.............. I am sure nothing will happen to the cops.....
The kid cop with the taser gun got picked on a lot in high school and never got invited to parties.

Now he is showing the world,he WILL get respect,something he never could have gotten without a badge.

Never seen that video,pretty ****ing disgusting.

without a doubt grade A penis boy.
Yep. I just don't see that ending well. I know it has to happen eventually, but this guy screwed up putting hands on the cop. I'm happy we have smartphones today because we all got to see this messed up situation unfold.

^ This. I am not trying to take the establishment position and I realize this could get me flamed. But the reality is the older guy did go too far when he touched the cop. At that point the natural reaction was an arrest: that's common sense. When he resisted arrest, and the situation threatened to escalate, I'm not sure how many options the cops realistically had.

Don't get me wrong. If that were my dad I'd be BS at the po-po. But no one should be touching another person in an unwelcome way - for any reason. And I'm not talking about just the police. I consider the reverse of the equation: what if someone, PO or otherwise, came along and touched my wife or my mom like that. Would I see red? Yes, and I don't think I'm alone. We can argue and we can disagree but don't touch me. That's a natural human reaction.

The only thing I'd implore all my friends on the NES boards to consider is that the older guy, although perhaps well intentioned, is not innocent. I feel badly for the guy because he probably is a decent man and will now suffer the criminal consequences for a minor thoughtless action.
Well now I'm thoroughly pissed off bunch of bitches that guy could have easily bit his jugular while smashing the others two's heads together,they are lucky he didn't snap.
I consider the reverse of the equation: what if someone, PO or otherwise, came along and touched my wife or my mom like that. Would I see red? Yes, and I don't think I'm alone. We can argue and we can disagree but don't touch me. That's a natural human reaction.

So you're comparing the weakest parts of your family who couldn't defend themselves well from most (female members with low body muscle %) to grown adult males having an angry conversation with shoulder tapping?

You might as well brought your kids into the example also.
Don't get me wrong. If that were my dad I'd be BS at the po-po. But no one should be touching another person in an unwelcome way - for any reason. And I'm not talking about just the police. I consider the reverse of the equation: what if someone, PO or otherwise, came along and touched my wife or my mom like that. Would I see red? Yes, and I don't think I'm alone. We can argue and we can disagree but don't touch me. That's a natural human reaction.

One way to mitigate against the risk of being "touched" by someone is not to walk up to them with two other guys while wearing ready-to-grapple nitrile gloves and then getting in his face and being belligerent. That tends to piss people off, which is why the officer did it. He wanted to provoke the guy so they could make a show of arresting him, make an example of him, and thereby appease the gun-grabber circus. Problem was, they didn't bring enough horsepower, so out came the LEO's little helper, they lit him up, and still barely got things under control.

I really hope the public comes to see these events as affecting us all, and not, as here, to offer up irrelevant comparisons and ex-post rationalization of a police state. The problem is, everyone loves a beat-down when the other guy is receiving it. When the NYPD was kicking the 99% crowd around we had many here cheering on the police. That needs to stop. America will move forward when we realize that government funded brutality and thuggery are an affront to liberty for us all.
Pressure needs to be brought to bear on Concord's police chief

He needs to recieve a shitstorm of calls and emails on this.

If he doesn't feel the heat then you can count on seeing this behavior in the future.....and if that happens its only a matter of time before folks on each side get hurt or worse

As it stands a CITIZEN is going to have to defend himself from bullshit charges that result from the POLICE instigating a conflict with no cause.

We all may want to individually think about making donations to his legal fund.....I think I heard he owns a garage in NH.....I need to dig up details but I'm definately going to send a couple bucks his way,,,,,,,,you can count on his legal fees setting him back easily 5k for this nonsense

I posted this idea in another thread and got crickets. You find any contact info on him PM me so I can send some dough his way...
^ This. I am not trying to take the establishment position and I realize this could get me flamed. But the reality is the older guy did go too far when he touched the cop. At that point the natural reaction was an arrest: that's common sense. When he resisted arrest, and the situation threatened to escalate, I'm not sure how many options the cops realistically had.

Don't get me wrong. If that were my dad I'd be BS at the po-po. But no one should be touching another person in an unwelcome way - for any reason. And I'm not talking about just the police. I consider the reverse of the equation: what if someone, PO or otherwise, came along and touched my wife or my mom like that. Would I see red? Yes, and I don't think I'm alone. We can argue and we can disagree but don't touch me. That's a natural human reaction.

The only thing I'd implore all my friends on the NES boards to consider is that the older guy, although perhaps well intentioned, is not innocent. I feel badly for the guy because he probably is a decent man and will now suffer the criminal consequences for a minor thoughtless action.

You know I agree the man went too far but go back and watch the cop lunge for his throat right after the cop got touched. Then look for the footage of probably the same cop drop his knee with all his weight on the guys forearm after hes down. If he didn't turn wrenches for a living he'd be nursing a broken arm...

The cops drove this one home for the Bloomberg crowd. Way to go Concord...
The only thing I'd implore all my friends on the NES boards to consider is that the older guy, although perhaps well intentioned, is not innocent. I feel badly for the guy because he probably is a decent man and will now suffer the criminal consequences for a minor thoughtless action.

The police officers instigated the entire incident

They approached him with clear intent to arrest him and make an example of him

This is clear in the facial expressions and overall demeanor of the bad cop that instigated the whole thing.

Fault is on the police.

The citizen is innocent
I just posted this in their Facebook:

When a free man touches you on the shoulder in a non threatening manner, you feel an arrest is in order? That is thuggish behavior at its finest. Shame on you, CPD.

On a positive note, the anti gun myth was once again disproved. Dozens of CiTIZENS openly carry firearms and the only violence that day was perpetrated by the government.
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