More BS from an "expert"

I usually go to the grocery store to buy my gun accessories.

I go straight to the deli/gun accessory counter. I usually order a half a pound of ham and a "clip"....

then after this I guess they are going to analyze gun casings.
Well that was entertaining. Now I'm off to the grocery store to buy a scope for my double shot rifle.

That was 3:23 of my life that I will never have back.......

So if I can buy weapons / accessories at a grocery store does that mean I can pick up beef jerky at Four Seasons???
What the hell is a 'double shot weapon'?

As long as it's a double shot weapon you could easily do it with something you could purchase at a grocery store.

Other things I learned from the video:

You can buy adapters at a gun store that make it an assault rifle and allow it to shoot faster.


Bullets have to be ejected in between

Gun casings
She sounds like she's talking about a very specific thing, any idea what she's trying to describe? What's this part that can be purchased at the grocery store to make my gun shoot faster?
She sounds like she's talking about a very specific thing, any idea what she's trying to describe? What's this part that can be purchased at the grocery store to make my gun shoot faster?

All of your popular gun lubes are just Crisco
what the actual fck?

A hunting rifle with a scope modified by parts i can buy almost anywhere makes it an assault rifle? including parts i can buy at the grocery store? and this is an expert? fcking idiot. a single-action rifle? as long as the bullet doesn't have to be ejected in between? wtf? you can fire multiple times without ejecting the bullet? i thought the bullet goes out the muzzle?

so confusing...
Watched it again. I think the guy who filmed it let out an audible sigh towards the end of the clip. [rofl]

This should reach the "shoulder thing that goes up" status in short order.
I'm stopping at Market Basket after the gym, does anyone know if they carry any double shot weapons and what should it cost? I believe I should be able to use my EBT card.
Ban vantage points, form a new group/anti vantage point, of course there would be opposition from the pro vantage point group. License/permit vantage point property owners, higher tax rate for them as they are more dangerous to society. Like smart/safe guns, install bullet proof glass to limit the illegal use of any vantage point. Of course any proper vantage point user would be licensed and have access to button which would automatically put this safety glass in the down mode. This can be done with present technology, why are we not doing this, Ok , I better end this now. .....
Wow that one was pretty bad.
I wonder if anyone actually clues these folks in on how dumb they sound after the fact or if they just get a pat on the back for offering their "expert" opinion.
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