Is it possible for my buddy to get his ltc licence back

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In MA, you leave your gun on a car seat and other gun owners will hang you out to dry. Some of you people are pathetic.

That. I think if Rick had just said: "Woa,woa,woa, stop the clock - I thought about it again and I was wrong to hope he'd not get his license back", I'd have some respect for him. Continuing on with his idiotic, elitist argument, rather than buck up, man up and admit a faux pas, just continues to show him to be of the wollen clad crowd...
this sounds like a case for why it is so important to carry in a holster that is comfy. I have been know to toss my gun in the glove box and lock it while I am driving because the holster doesn't fit right and you could very easily get to your destination and just get out like you normally would. I would hope your friend could atleast convince them to give him a restricted at first and then work on a non-resticted at his renwel. Either way good luck to him.
I know I'm new here and I'm not trying to troll, I hope OP has learned his lesson and gets his LTC back. At the same time, that was one broken window away from arming a criminal. Not something I would do...

NRA Rules:
"Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons."

Many factors must be considered when deciding where and how to store guns. A person's particular situation will be a major part of the consideration. Dozens of gun storage devices, as well as locking devices that attach directly to the gun, are available. However, mechanical locking devices, like the mechanical safeties built into guns, can fail and should not be used as a substitute for safe gun handling and the observance of all gun safety rules.

Misspellings courtesy of iPhone, so sue me. Go ahead, take away my birthday!
In the majority of other states this would not be an issue.

Was it stupid? Yes. Is it grounds for denying a basic right? No.

It's that simple.
Make no mistake what he did was completely stupid though. Not going to lie. Everyone makes mistakes but use your goddamn brain if your going to leave a gun in the open don't leave it loaded.

I have to ask, but I know I am going to regret it; what on earth are you talking about?

Have you ever left your phone in your car? Out in the open? OH MY GOD it was CHARGED?! Can you imagine? What if somebody stole it? It would be totally your fault.

This 'blame the victim' stuff gets old. I hope the guy did it on purpose. I also hope that as many of the moonbats stay south as possible. Please do not visit, move to, or otherwise interact with free states unless you appreciate liberty.
It is just like the guy that left his kid in the car to go into the store just for a minute,the kid took the fathers gun and blew his brains out. Now the father should not lose his gun rights because his son was stupid .
I fail at quoting

In this thread, no one will notice. Alllll Abbboardd!!!

It is just like the guy that left his kid in the car to go into the store just for a minute,the kid took the fathers gun and blew his brains out. Now the father should not lose his gun rights because his son was stupid .

As awful as such a situation might be, should the father lose his nail gun rights if it had been a nail gun? For Christ's sake, guns are tools.
It is just like the guy that left his kid in the car to go into the store just for a minute,the kid took the fathers gun and blew his brains out. Now the father should not lose his gun rights because his son was stupid .


What about the kid in Westborough that escaped though a window and drowned in a pool. Seriously?

To answer the OP. He should move or get an FID card.

Charges for improper storage weren't brought against him correct?
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To answer the OP. He should move or get an FID card.

Charges for improper storage weren't brought against him correct?
He will still have to answer forever more that he has had a license suspended or revoked on any of the various forms that ask that question... Move to a constitutional carry state or get a lawyer...
Simple fix - Move to NH

We're done here

I think that's the answer to everything. I'm debating moving to SW NH and commuting to my northern CT job once I get out of work.

Misspellings courtesy of iPhone, so sue me. Go ahead, take away my birthday!
Not so simple, remember that comment about "have you had a license suspended or revoked?"

When I filled out the NH non-res it was on there. Is it on the NH res? Many states ask for their CCW license.

So your saying NH can deny you a res carry permit even if you haven't committed any felonies or violent crimes?
One of my friends lost his licence two years ago for leaving his firearm in his car in the open unsecured loaded and him not around . The police saw it in the car and suspended his licence. Since then he moved to a new green town in mass still . Is it possible for him to get it back and how hard would it be and would he need a lawyer or could he just apply in the new town he is in . And what would be the outcome be likley if he did apply.

OK, the first thing that your friends needs are the facts.

- Was he arrested or criminally charged?

- If he was charged, what was the disposition (CWOF, conviction, not-guilty verdict, plea bargain to double parking while improperly storing the gun, etc.)

He has a record of a suspended license which can be an obstacle, but is not in an of itself, a disqualifier. On the other hand, if he was actually convicted he could have a "crime involving a gun for which a jail term is possible", in which case he is DQed for life, or perhaps even a 2.5 year misdemeanor in which case he is federally prohibited for life. Understanding the EXACT disposition is a key to knowing if there are any statutory obstacles.

He also needs to know if he was arrested or charged, as these will show up on a CORI in addition to the fact that he has a LTC suspension.
I don't really know what all this out myself thing means. If it means I'm not going to be welcomed then it is what it is. I mean come on, I've had what, about 100 posts before this thread in the year and a half since I've signed up to NES so it's not like I'm a major contributor. If it weren't for the many awesome gun deals I've got from other members then I probably wouldn't have paid the subscription. I'll go back to the classifieds now. [cheers]
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I wish I could follow this whole thread, because it has clearly inflamed a lot of passions. I hope we can harness those at the ballot box. Now I gotta go look for my gun.
I don't really know what all this out myself thing means. If it means I'm not going to be welcomed then it is what it is. I mean come on, I've had what, about 100 posts before this thread in the year and a half since I've signed up to NES so it's not like I'm a major contributor. If it weren't for the many awesome gun deals I've got from other members then I probably wouldn't have paid the subscription. I'll go back to the classifies now. [cheers]
It's not a matter of welcome or not as far as I am concerned. I am a firm believer in everyone's right to their opinion, even if it offends my sensibilities to the core. The problem is you are just wrong. [wink] [laugh]

Seriously though, I've met very few people, myself included who when they stopped and thought about their political beliefs didn't find something in there that they hadn't really thought through, made the connection, worked out, etc...

In the void of really answering those questions for yourself you almost invariably find messages in which we have all been bathed our entire lives and frankly those messages are anti-gun, anti-liberty and fundamentally unsound.

You almost cannot have grown up in the last 50+ years and not been exposed to this in one way or another. I question my beliefs and assumptions all the time and sometimes I find dumb !@#$ that's been on a mental shelf since I was a kid and I never questioned it...

I can't be alone in that... I am sure I am not...
It's not a matter of welcome or not as far as I am concerned. I am a firm believer in everyone's right to their opinion, even if it offends my sensibilities to the core. The problem is you are just wrong. [wink] [laugh]

To be honest I'm a little more upset that our state would give back a driver's license to a drunk driver than the op's friend's case. One can be an honest mistake and the other well, poor judgement. Yeah driving is a privilege and not a right but still the law is still the law (unattended gun) and I'll abide by it until it changes. If I'm wrong in your eyes, whatever. I'll still going to get my 8 hours tonight whatever anyone thinks of my beliefs.
I don't really know what all this out myself thing means. If it means I'm not going to be welcomed then it is what it is. I mean come on, I've had what, about 100 posts before this thread in the year and a half since I've signed up to NES so it's not like I'm a major contributor. If it weren't for the many awesome gun deals I've got from other members then I probably wouldn't have paid the subscription. I'll go back to the classifieds now. [cheers]

I think that what the majority of the members here are trying to impress upon you, is that they feel it is wrong to take away a persons rights for a brief moment of forgetfulness. Yeah, did the guy have an "oh shit" moment? Yep, he sure did. Did he break the law? Sure. Did he deserve to loose his LTC? I don't think so.

True story that I read in my towns Police blotter in the local paper. An elderly mas calls 911 to report his handgun stolen. Police respond to take the report. His adult daughter shows up and tells the police that she found his firearm on the night stand and locked it up. The Cops make sure that the gentleman is aware of safe storage laws and the fella promises to be more careful.
And they all lived happily ever after. End of story

I don't think you are a sheep, and I bet that you care about our 2A rights as much as the next guy, but in general I think that most of the over the top BS in this state related to firearms could be handled without ruining a persons life, just because they can.

Don't take the beating you took personally and stick around. We are better as a group with you here. Admit that there maybe an opinion other than your own that has merit, and maybe that yours might be debatable. Brush it off, move on, and enjoy the forum
I think that what the majority of the members here are trying to impress upon you, is that they feel it is wrong to take away a persons rights for a brief moment of forgetfulness. Yeah, did the guy have an "oh shit" moment? Yep, he sure did. Did he break the law? Sure. Did he deserve to loose his LTC? I don't think so.

True story that I read in my towns Police blotter in the local paper. An elderly mas calls 911 to report his handgun stolen. Police respond to take the report. His adult daughter shows up and tells the police that she found his firearm on the night stand and locked it up. The Cops make sure that the gentleman is aware of safe storage laws and the fella promises to be more careful.
And they all lived happily ever after. End of story

I don't think you are a sheep, and I bet that you care about our 2A rights as much as the next guy, but in general I think that most of the over the top BS in this state related to firearms could be handled without ruining a persons life, just because they can.

Don't take the beating you took personally and stick around. We are better as a group with you here. Admit that there maybe an opinion other than your own that has merit, and maybe that yours might be debatable. Brush it off, move on, and enjoy the forum

Highlighted it for ya rick, because this is what almost everyone is getting at [wink]
Most important thing he said right there. Police could make a judgement call, and be human and really use their medulla oblongata, but instead they choose to be robotic machines "enforcing the law in the name of public safety" PAAALEASE

They could have slapped him on the pee pee, and sent him home scared as shit thinking, "oh man I can't ever do that again" to which he most likely wouldn't and he would have learned a valuable lesson - dont be a bone head. Instead they basically gave him a scarlet letter.
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To be honest I'm a little more upset that our state would give back a driver's license to a drunk driver than the op's friend's case. One can be an honest mistake and the other well, poor judgement. Yeah driving is a privilege and not a right but still the law is still the law (unattended gun) and I'll abide by it until it changes. If I'm wrong in your eyes, whatever. I'll still going to get my 8 hours tonight whatever anyone thinks of my beliefs.
I have no problem with you or anyone else abiding by the law (in fact, it is a darn good idea, bad law or not), but you've done much more than that in this thread and I suspect at the ballot box as well... Whether tacitly or actively, you take the mentality you have posted here to the ballot box (or not, apathy is just as powerful as activism - only it is powerful for your opposition).

So, unless you are working to change our laws, you are directly responsible for the abuse of the OP's friends fundamental rights.

That's what I am trying to get you to think about... You may not have walked into his house and taken his property when his LTC was suspended, but the state acting on your behalf certainly did.

That's the violence of government at work and the blood of that violence is on the hands of those who ask, demand or allow government to commit it.
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