Advice Needed.....

Because everyone took the time to give me advice, I will go green. How do I sign up?

And there's a Member's Only shoot NEXT WEEKEND that's still got plenty of room, too. Look for the sticky in the Members forum labeled The Village Idiot Fundraiser Shoot.

Bring your fiancee and your soon to be FIL, too. [smile]
Back when I was 18 I had a GF that was anti-gun. Found that out when we talked about kids and I said that I want to teach them how to shoot. She said, there will be no guns in my house... wasn't long after that. Well, she dumped me. I curlled up into a little wuss-ball cuz I lubbed her, I lubbed her so much. Then I snapped out of it, bought more guns and was very happy.

And there's a Member's Only shoot NEXT WEEKEND that's still got plenty of room, too. Look for the sticky in the Members forum labeled The Village Idiot Fundraiser Shoot.

Bring your fiancee and your soon to be FIL, too. [smile]

Holy Bat-Poop!

I had it in my head that was sometime next month! Thanks for the reminder.
I just love happy endings - once you get her into the love of guns, just think what the future could bring...

If your inlaws are giving you hell about the guns and their daughter, you could always clean them in the living room while you chat about their conserns. For example........Just kidding! Hope things work out for you.


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Thanks for the responses guys. I am just going to tell my fiancee that there will be no discussion on the subject with her parents. My own parents aren't too hot on the subject either (and they are right wing), so I just don't bring it up. She came to the range and shot my pistol with me and actually liked I don't know whats going on. I have left gun related items around the house and she doesn't even flinch. She just gets nervous seeing the AK it seems.

The guns are locked up in a safe that I just refered to as a everything is OK relative to safety issues.
Join a local gun club and if future daddy wants to "talk" about your guns tell him to meet you at the club. Take him to the range and let him fire a few rounds. If he refuses to meet you at the range you know he is a moonbat and tell him the subject is closed.
Another way to look at it...
If you sell the guns especially if their nice ones, you may not ever be able to buy them again in Mass.

On the flip side.. As of right now women in mass are generally plentiful and, so far, don't require licensing or registration..
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If your inlaws are giving you hell about the guns and their daughter, you could always clean them in the living room while you chat about their conserns. For example........Just kidding! Hope things work out for you.

DISCLAIMER: Terrible joke ahead, and I love my wife.

What do you do if you see your wife stumbling in the back yard?

Shoot her again!
GTFO. Seriously.

It's not the money. It's the guns.

If you value your hobby, your passion, and your freedom, get out now.

If she won't accept you as you are, right now, guns and all, she will never accept you. If you change to suit her, she will walk all over you for the rest of your relationship.

There's plenty of other girls out there...

Truth ^
When me and my wife were first starting to live on our own before we got married I had an extremely hard time breaking her off of the "daddys girl" mentality.

Everytime we needed to make a descision about something she needed to check with him to get his opinion. Or something that he had told her as she was growing up was gospel to her regardless of the fact that it was wrong whether it be in regards to car maintenence or what have you.

It took a long time of living on our own and me trying to wane her off of it for it to subside. Also having the FIL do something inexcuasable to her helped in that regard also.

Point being is is hard to stop the "daddys girl" syndrome.
Tell him you have a problem with the fact that they voted for Obama and you need to discuss it. Sorry but I would tell them to pound sand! It may not be helpful but it's the best I can do for anyone that voted for the socialist and is proud of it.
Her dad said that myself, my fiancee, and both her parents need to get together and "talk about it". QUOTE]

Excuse my language here gentlemen and ladies...

Is he also going to tell you how often you can &^%$ your future wife? (okay I'm too much of a lady to type it even)

It's none of his damn business!

Sounds like you will end up going down the same road as one of our other members did recently where him and his wife had a disagreement about porn and she ran home to the parents. Are you a man or what? You don't need to be "talked to" about owning guns.
Her dad said that myself, my fiancee, and both her parents need to get together and "talk about it". QUOTE]

Excuse my language here gentlemen and ladies...

Is he also going to tell you how often you can &^%$ your future wife? (okay I'm too much of a lady to type it even)

It's none of his damn business!

Sounds like you will end up going down the same road as one of our other members did recently where him and his wife had a disagreement about porn and she ran home to the parents. Are you a man or what? You don't need to be "talked to" about owning guns.

I think I love you. [kiss]

Don't tell my GF [wink]
I was talking to my fiancee tonight and I find out that she hates the fact I have a 9mm pistol and an AK. Her dad was over yesterday, and I showed him both guns because he was asking if I was out shooting. I thought he was interested[thinking].....but he and my future mother in law have a big problem with the guns. They are both voted for Obama and love the job he has done(I think you get the picture). My fiancee has more of a problem with the money I spent on the guns, not just the fact she thinks they are "dangerous". Her dad said that myself, my fiancee, and both her parents need to get together and "talk about it". I think, and most of you I think agree, there is nothing to talk about.

Has anyone had to deal with a similar situation? Any suggestions?

I feel for you. My mother-in-law isn't afraid to give me her opinion on anything. While I respect that she speaks her mind, she knows I will make the final decision and rarely tries to outright tell me what to do.

Of course I do wonder how I ended up living 30 seconds up the road from her. ;)

Good luck.
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I feel your pain (no seriously, not like Bill Clinton). My wife even to this day will not let me take out my friends in the presence of her. She acknowledges that while she does not like guns, she respects me having them and she really appreciates the extra security.

That being said, before my significant other became my Wife, I told her outright that I don't drink (to excess [wink]), do drugs, smoke, or have any other hobby other than collecting guns: Basically, I told her if me owning guns (and having 3 safes later) was a problem with her, then we would have to really reconsider if she trusted me at all.

I went through all of the BULLSHIT: Having a gun in the house you are 60% more likely to kill one of your family members. All of the Brady Bunch bullshit you could throw at me, and I was all I could take but scream. I then loaded Gunfacts on her laptop one day and I caught her reading it... Basically, it was an unspoken word that as long as she did not "see them" I was OK.

As a sidebar... When we were making our family trip down to Florida this year, she asked me if I was taking my "friend" along. I said "Yes, absolutely." and she stated that she was happy to hear that. [shocked]

All changed when we had our first daughter, and after that she has suddenly adopted the theory of "My home is my Castle, and if you eff with us you are going out in a body bag." Kind of funny how a life changing moment turns the perspective 180 degrees when you look at a little baby.

Anyhow, I have been trying to get her to take the class and get an LTC, but I am not pushing. I work from home 99.9% of the time and she is still in the "I am now OK with all of this, but I still do not want to see them" attitude. So, at least I have won the battle of ~5 years. The best part was when my Mother-in-Law found out I had guns and wanted to know what types and calibers as she wanted me to suggest what she should get for protection! [smile] And yea, she told my Wife to grow up and get a set and go shooting with me. [smile] your case... You my friend need a gut check... With that much pressure, I would have told your potential father-in-law to mind his own business and FOAD.

It all comes down to whether you truly LOVE your girlfriend: If there is any doubt, split and reevaluate.
Her dad said that myself, my fiancee, and both her parents need to get together and "talk about it".
Wrong, You and your fiancee are accountable to each other, and that's where the talk needs to happen. The time to involve the parents is if you are either accepting assistance from them for a project (in which case the topic is the project, not how you run your life); if they are requesting assistance from you; or if they or you want to discuss plans for their/your estate in the event of someone's demise.

If you invite them to the table now, you'll never shake the precedent.

If you do agree to speak to them, tell them they need to be trained in the legal and procedural basics is order to be qualified to have a meaningful conversation, so the need to take a basic pistol course first.

I have been very lucky in this regard. My wife's attitude towards guns is that they are just like golf clubs, except you don't generally keep golf clubs in a safe. She has only one rule, and that is that no single gun can cost more than her most expensive ring (which means I have to buy the scope separately if I ever get a Barrett). The total value of all guns doesn't matter, but the ring has to be the most expensive item we own other than the house and cars. I've been able to live with that - so far :).
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