Winter Concealment Setup

It's actually very comfortable, and perfect for me to get at my gun in a majority situations. A gun with proper functioning safety systems in a kydex holster is perfectly safe to carry appendix. Guns don't just go off.

Glad it works for you! What about sitting down/ in a car? Doesnt your body (mid section) crush the barrel either into your inner thigh know where? haha I am literally sitting here thinking about the anatomy of it all...
It will be tight... but doable.

So I just got a couple of those from Amazon in the mail yesterday. Damn, what took me so long to find this? Mags for my XDs 45 or XDm 9mm in the same pouch? awesome!!

With the Velcro attachment, they fit my belt nicely, but don't move around. Very comfortable. Thanks man!!
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