Why did you buy your first gun?

where my grandparents were born, their race was not allowed to own any weapons. they were promised safety and protection in exchange for their skilled labor. then one day the leadership decided that our race and religion were the sources of their financial woes and hardship....so they killed a few million of us.

my great grandfather was actually an arms dealer....then they killed him....how's that for irony.

anyway that's why i own guns.
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My father was a collector so I grew up shooting.

My first purchase was in another state. Maverick 88 which I proceeded to put the pistol grip on, buy a box of sabots and go to the public range. Fired a few rounds (ouch) and never fired it again. I was a lot younger back then and probably just as stupid as I am now.
I did not grow up around guns. However, when I was young we went on a visit with family in the Azores. My mother's cousin's husband was a rabbit hunter and had several antique looking side by side shotguns which I found fascinating and he had a pack of hunting dogs. The whole thing looked like it would be fun and I begged to go but I was really young, like 6 and my parents wouldn't let me, lol. Years later, my best friend in school invited me to NH for a long weekend. His family had some some .22 pistols and rifles so we had a ball shooting cans and paper targets and I got the bug of shooting. As soon as I could, I got my FID and just hunted duck and Pheasant with my brother for a number of years. After the law changed in 98 in Mass I never renewed my FID and had just started a family which kept me busy so did not shoot for a number of years. But after Newtown, I had been reading about all the anti stuff going on and decided that I needed to step up and get my LTC before we lost too much in Mass. So I did that and bought my first pistol last year, joined a club local to me and have been dabbling in IDPA.
My girlfriend, now my wife, thought it would be a good hobby, so I can can have something to do with the husband of a couple we both got to know well at work.
The link went to a story. I bought my first gun because I finally realized it was my responsibility for my family's protection.
Yeah something is off about the OP. You bought a gun because some dude in Canada killed his ex? WTF did I just click on?
Got 1st gun for protection. I was only gonna get one and maybe shoot it once per year to remind myself how it shot. Ya know, one gun, no real expenses after I bought it. Just to have "in case."

Then it got out of control.
Did some shooting in scouts and loved it then, once I had a place to secure them I wanted to take it up again. Not to mention I love how they are works of art, that contain awesome forces, and can be used to perform awesome feats of accuracy.....
Oh and it's nice that anyone can pull a trigger, but it takes real practice and skill to do it well

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re-read the story in the link 3 times and i still don't get it. what does the op's question have to do with the story?[thinking]
Got 1st gun for protection. I was only gonna get one and maybe shoot it once per year to remind myself how it shot. Ya know, one gun, no real expenses after I bought it. Just to have "in case."

Then it got out of control.

Yeah I had the same thing happen to me. [laugh2]
I enjoy the challenge and self satisfaction of the control needed to accurately hit a target.

The OP on the other hand, sounds like someone without those qualities........
Retarded thread did anyone actually read that weird link...did the OP read his own enchanted link. The OP obviously bought a gun becuase he lives in a fantasy land...you need to come back to reality.
People really need to read the linked post. It's not an "article" at all: It's the op's blog. My guess is he will try to spin all these comments into another blog post.

OP, you scare me.
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