Top Shot back tonight

I definitely feel like the editing team did some work on this. All season, Ashley's seemed like a nice enough guy, then all of a sudden, he's portrayed as a huge prick (as opposed to George, who's been a dick the entire season).

It was pretty classless for Ashley not to shake Jamie's hand though.
I definitely feel like the editing team did some work on this. All season, Ashley's seemed like a nice enough guy, then all of a sudden, he's portrayed as a huge prick (as opposed to George, who's been a dick the entire season).

It was pretty classless for Ashley not to shake Jamie's hand though.

I might be being naive, but I think it's pretty tough to edit that to make it anything other than what it was. Even if he hadn't been shooting his mouth off.
Editing for effect is easy. You omit that kitchen scene and Jamie's interview about Ashley not shaking his hand and he's still the same nice guy you thought he was before the last episode.
Editing for effect is easy. You omit that kitchen scene and Jamie's interview about Ashley not shaking his hand and he's still the same nice guy you thought he was before the last episode.

I was more thinking that short of cutting out the part where he walked right past Jamie it's tough to spin Ashley's snub into anything else.
Has anyone else read Ashley's Facebook page recently? Aside from the fact that he seems to have a lot of free time, he insinuated that he was conducting some kind of "investigation" of Jamie. I am not being a smart-ass when I ask this because I really do not know...did Jamie ever say, on camera, anything that should set Ashley off on him like this? I know he was cagey, but Ashley makes mention of something he thinks Jamie said about being in on some "kill" and that Ahsley doubts the veracity of that statement. This keeps going on and one of them is going to eventually look really, really, really bad if all the information comes out that either proves one or the other of them wrong.
my guess is it was not aired. I've personally known 2 spec ops .mil guys and neither had any tolerance for people that would claim to be of their world.

guessing Jaime might have insinuated that he had gone through BUD's successfully, and when Ashley found out he didn't... well, you know the rest
When we get to see the first episode, how much of the show has been filmed? What I am asking is: if Jamie said something that caused this big fight, why didn't they show it? It would add to the drama, which is what the producers really want. George can't stand Jamie, but all he ever says is that Jamie was being an a-hole and not telling anyone what he did. George never makes it sound like Jamie was mis-representing himself, just that he wouldn't give up any info as to what he did. Maybe there is a big messy finale coming up.

Man, I really need to get out there and find a life, don't I?
Dear God, and I was complaining about drama on the show... [laugh] I can be the biggest hypocrite sometimes.

From Ashley's facebook fan page:

I do have to assume people will not read other posts or threads, this is a learning experience for me. I will not shake hands with a person I do not respect or that I know is a liar. I called Jamie out on some of his missions in Iraq (which they do not show) and he still will not answer them. He has said that he has confirmed kills in Iraq when he was attached to a certain group of guys whom I happen to know. Once this came out, I lost it. It is that simple. I posted the question to him onhis page and he has deleted it, why? Another guy posted it on there and he deleted it, why? This is my problem I have with him as well of the rest of his team wanting him gone from week one due to his questionable stories all the time.

If that's true, then I gotta man up and say I was wrong to jump on the f- Ashley bandwagon. It wasn't the impression that I got from the show, but as others have said, it's all in the editing.

ETA: What's funny is that I kinda called it a few pages back, too.
Exactly. If that is true, then Ashley would have a right to be pissed off. If it is true , why they won't show any other conversations between these two guys is odd. If all that happened was the little scene in the kitchen the other night, then Ashley looks like a DB, based on the reactions, as well, of George and Chris. If Ashley is right and Jamie did claim confirmed kills with people who know Ashley and told him otherwise, then Jamie is the DB. And if Bobby Ewing didn't shoot J.R., who did?
Dear God, and I was complaining about drama on the show... [laugh] I can be the biggest hypocrite sometimes.

From Ashley's facebook fan page:

If that's true, then I gotta man up and say I was wrong to jump on the f- Ashley bandwagon. It wasn't the impression that I got from the show, but as others have said, it's all in the editing.

ETA: What's funny is that I kinda called it a few pages back, too.

Wow. That is pretty damning.

This also makes me think that maybe Jamie wins the whole thing. Think about it, if they aired footage of him talking trash it tarnishes him to the point that no one wants to cheer for him. They want the viewers to feel good about whoever wins so they edit the show to make Jamie look like a good guy who was outcast and misunderstood.
Wow. That is pretty damning.

This also makes me think that maybe Jamie wins the whole thing. Think about it, if they aired footage of him talking trash it tarnishes him to the point that no one wants to cheer for him. They want the viewers to feel good about whoever wins so they edit the show to make Jamie look like a good guy who was outcast and misunderstood.

I hope not, I'm actually pulling for George...
So I finally watched the last episode and Ashley was definitely a pouty little bitch in it. What bothered me more than him not shaking Jamie's had was that he walked past Joe and didn't shake Joe's hand until Joe stood up and stuck his hand out. I'm definitely interested to hear all the details about the "Jamie Drama" when the show is done.
If that's true, then I gotta man up and say I was wrong to jump on the f- Ashley bandwagon. It wasn't the impression that I got from the show, but as others have said, it's all in the editing.

I would say he probably let his mouth write a check...

I trust Ashley. I don't trust Jaime. Even though they both have girl names.

This is exactly what I was getting at when I posted about Jaime a few pages back. I know of a few guys who fit his description and also shot their mouths off about "ops" and had their cards pulled. It makes sense to me that the rest of the guys are giving him the stink eye if this is the case.

Still don't like George that much though, I pulling for Zins.
I don't blame Ashley for lashing out at Jamie. They obviously edited the show to make more drama and never show what lead up to his outburst.

These guys were trapped in a house with a bunch of dudes, someone is bound to get upset. Too much testosterone, they should have kept the ladies around for a bit longer. I know I would have....

Enough bickering

Apparently reading comprehension is not a strong point here at Brainasium...

You should apply for an editing job at Top Shot [wink]
... What bothered me more than him not shaking Jamie's had was that he walked past Joe and didn't shake Joe's hand until Joe stood up and stuck his hand out. ....

In all fairness, I honestly thought Ashley was meaning to "save" the handshake with Joe for last. That is how I would have done it. If I lost the elimination challenge, I would say bye to the other members, then give the one last handshake to the deserving member that I just lost to, out of respect. Kind of like: "save the best for last" kinda thing.
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