Please,every gun owner read this post!!


Sorry to hear of this problem.

I strongly suggest that you consider contacting Atty Kevin Reddington. I think that he is one of the rare attorneys out there that could resolve this problem for you . . . with due respect to the other attorneys that I recommend here for licensing issues.

See my post in the link below for his contact info and reputation.

Good luck!
Robert, you need a lawyer to advance this case. I hope that this might be seen as a challenge to discretionary licensing statewide, but ... I am not a lawyer.

You need help, and I hope you get it.

I agree 100% with you. The licensing process in the whole country is a joke. If we as residents in Massachusetts are found suitable to carry a firearm in this state,then why not in Texas,or Maine,or any other state? Let's try to take it away from the local chief and make it a federal permit. Lets face it. We all have an FBI check run on us every time we renew our carry permit. If we are deemed a suitable person in Mass. why does that change when we enter another state,or hell,another town? Every evening I see common crooks arrested with firearms yet all of us that hold a class A or B are "under the gun" so to speak. I guess if you have enough money,you too can buy and carry a gun. The hell with the rest of us who do the right thing! There is just something very wrong with the whole process. However,the local police have to much damm power. I'll explain. My cousin is the DA. in Worcester. MY other cousin is Mike Yacino,who needs no introduction. My dad is the former ADJ. General of Massachusetts, Maj. General Raymond A. Vezina,the list goes on. I'm not a bad person but even with my connections,it,s up to the local chief,who has the final word. There is just something wrong with the whole process.I'm not backing down,and in a small way,maybe I'm taking it on the chin for all of us. I will keep posting as this story gets larger. Again,Thank-You all for your support!!
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Let's try to take it away from the local chief and make it a federal permit.

I disagree strongly on this point. Powers not assigned to Congress are reserved to the states. The federal government should have no say in who owns/carries other than that everyone can.

Furthermore, permits are not required to possess in 90% of the states in this country, and there is no reason that the burden should be imposed on them. This is a Massachusetts fight, the bulk of which must be fought by those of us who live here.
Seriously, I wouldn't be posting stuff on internet boards. This thread is like Geraldo telling the world what the 101s scheme of maneuver is when he was an embed journalist during the war. I don't see it ever helping.

Best wishes. I hope you find some justice.

I disagree strongly on this point. Powers not assigned to Congress are reserved to the states. The federal government should have no say in who owns/carries other than that everyone can.

Furthermore, permits are not required to possess in 90% of the states in this country, and there is no reason that the burden should be imposed on them. This is a Massachusetts fight, the bulk of which must be fought by those of us who live here.

I have to disagree with you. The FBI Stands for the Federal bereau of Investagation. The key word being FEDERAL. At that point it is no longer a state or local issue as they are the true and final say. We all are under the microscope of the federal goverment. If my argrument does not hold water then why don't we all not need a seprate drivers lisense for every state we drive thru? I'm new here and don't hope to start fight's. However,message boards are meant to voice opinions. No disrespect intended.
I have to disagree with you. The FBI Stands for the Federal bereau of Investagation. The key word being FEDERAL. At that point it is no longer a state or local issue as they are the true and final say. We all are under the microscope of the federal goverment. If my argrument does not hold water then why don't we all not need a seprate drivers lisense for every state we drive thru? I'm new here and don't hope to start fight's. However,message boards are meant to voice opinions. No disrespect intended.

Why should I need a background check for any sort of license? Why should I even need a license? Since when do LTC holders undergo an extensive FBI background check anyway?

The federal government has no say in whether you are issued an LTC or FID other than providing the record of an automatic disqualifier, and should not have any say. Period. This is our screwed up state government and it is our job to vote the people in who will fix it.

Driver's licenses are an entirely different issue, but interstate compacts (agreements between the states) drive those agreements.
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Why should I need a background check for any sort of license? Why should I even need a license? Since when do LTC holders undergo an extensive FBI background check anyway?

The federal government has no say in whether you are issued an LTC or FID other than providing the record of an automatic disqualifier, and should not have any say. Period. This is our screwed up state government and it is our job to vote the people in who will fix it.

Driver's licenses are an entirely different issue, but interstate compacts (agreements between the states) drive those agreements.

Why do you need a background check? I don't know. I do know every time I renew my LTC,they take my prints and have been told not only by Shrewsbury P.D but as well as a friend with the FBI,we are run thru the "system". This may come as news to many of you but I assure you the infomation is correct. If any of you doubt it and have a friend in the goverment or the FBI,just ask them. Not my rules,theres.
TTBOMK, the "system" is actually a state level check, DMH check, and a check of the National Instant Check system.

An FBI background investigation is much more involved. The paperwork for that one type of check is more heavily involved and involves more paperwork for one check than I have filled out for all my firearms combined (exaggeration, but not by much).

Either way, there should be no federal licensing of gun owners.
How many times have I heard these words, or something similar, from people here who seem to think they can never fall into a Kafkaesque hell because they lock their defense gun up at night, and schmooze with the local Sherriff's Association?

First, I want to add my thanks for, and appreciation of, Eddie Coyle's excellent and much needed splash of cold water on the face earlier in this thread.

Egregiously poor grammar is a peeve of mine and a lack of paragraph breaks drives me absolutely nits. But in a matter as important and as compelling as this I'm willing to cut and paste the post into a Word document and add my own damned paragraph breaks to make sure I get the essence of it.

Second, if ever there was a circumstance in Massachusetts that warranted a legal defense fund, this is it. Some of you may remember the Linda Hamilton case in North Adams back around 2000. A good woman got railroaded by incompetent police, venal prosecutors, and a contemptible judge. And then there was the ... FBI agent, and I'll withold editorializing because he's a friend of mine. But he f'ed up big time.

Few came out to aid Linda Hamilton in her struggle. I think that GOAL posted notices and asked for donations, but little was forthcoming. Linda committed suicide a while back.

This kind of injustice can happen to any one of us, any day of the week. Now, in Obamatime, things are only going to get worse for us. The moonbats are emboldened and will soon, I half-expect, start calling in suspicious-man reports, fabricating threats, and generally harassing anyone seen with a gun or a gun case, anyone shooting on their property, anyone who writes a pro-RKBA letter-to-the-editor ...

Sound far-fetched? Remember what "progressive activists" did to the supporters of Prop. 8 in California, once they got a list of donors. Remember what some Soros-funded loons did in Connecticut, conducting bus tours of the homes of AIG executives ... putting families in fear after Congress threated to release the names of bonus recipients in the face of ugly death threats. This behavior is straight out of the "Rules For Radicals" playbook.

Will GOAL look into establishing a fund to bring this matter into court? Are there any lawyers willing to work pro-bono? Is there a legal precedent that can be obtained out of it all? If so, a national organization might take a look at defending this case.

We can't count on the ACLU on this one.

The OP has not only been deprived of his Constitutional liberty, he's been humiliated and defamed. Isn't it time to rise up?

Its funny you mention the ACLU. I alomost forgot that part of my story. I spoke with the Boston chapter of the ACLU. and they where all over this case. They then put me in touch with the Worcester chapter. I have a letter from them somewhere,I believe the mans name was Madnick,or maddox. However,I have the letter somewhere. I spoke with him on the phone and his comment was to me and I quote. "Wayne Sampson is a friend of mine and I don't see a case here" I have the letter to prove it! So do you all see how they are circling the wagons? Sorry for the typos,I'm new here and have not found a spell check yet. Hell,let's be honest,I was never the spelling bee champ anyhow..:)
darkstorm, good luck on this battle. Keep us updated.

In my opinion, and hopefully you will take this as constructive:

The letter you sent to the police chief seems rather angry (and you are right to be). However, I think you'd get better results if you came off as more matter-of-fact, referred less to the "other police officers have said" type of opinion as that probably wouldn't matter to the Chief. He already thinks he is some sort of diety.

It is VERY good for you to have copied the town manager and board of selectmen.

Just be mindful of the impression you make when you speak to them. If you are too angry (again you have a right to be), then you will come off as "one of those crazies". If you are calm, collected, reasonable and not seemingly vengeful I think you will see better results and faster.

And of course, anything we can do to help let us know. I'm willing to stage a protest outside their PD with you. I'll march around town too...You just have to tell me where Shrewsbury is cause I don't know :)

Sorry to hear of this problem.

I strongly suggest that you consider contacting Atty Kevin Reddington. I think that he is one of the rare attorneys out there that could resolve this problem for you . . . with due respect to the other attorneys that I recommend here for licensing issues.

See my post in the link below for his contact info and reputation.

Good luck!

I will be speaking with him today. Thank-You very much for the leed!
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Duck Rodeo...

I will be speaking with him today. Thank-You very much for the lead!

Excellent - I hope this works out well for you - you need a break. If I can offer one piece of advice - get all your ducks in a row. It sounds like you may be a bit disorganized, (this is coming from someone who is the same way, so not a criticism). I would gather up all correspondence - like the letter from the ACLU and put it in a folder. Sit quietly with a legal pad and do a point-by-point of this incident in it's entirety: dates, times, incident (s) leading up to this, officers names, response, (if any) from local PD, telephone conversations, inventory, newspaper articles, bills related, medical records - everything you can think of. This will give Kevin something to lead with in putting together a case.

As to not accepting our offer for help, I completely understand it, but hope you will reconsider. Many of us here believe their should be a statewide fund administered by GOAL or some other entity for just this reason. I am a man of means by no means, but I can swing 20-bucks to help you. If my number is magnified, (which I'm sure it is), you could be on your way to getting some real legal help in this matter. Many of us here at NES are like family - we look out for our own and like it or not, you're one of us. This situation could have happened to every single person reading this thread. Your liberty has been stripped and you are largely alone in this. When you meet with Kevin - let him know that many of us here support you - we could send funds directly to him, so there would be no cause for questioning "where the money went"...[wink] You can repay us all by continuing to fight the good fight and take your town and subsequently the State of Massachusetts to task for presuming they have the almighty power of stripping you of an inalienable right. We are with you on this and I for one think you should set aside pride and let us help where we can. You can further repay us, by winning your case, becoming a green member here at NES, hosting a shoot and letting us all shoot your chit....Don't worry - we'll bring the ammo.... [cheers]
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Excellent - I hope this works out well for you - you need a break. If I can offer one piece of advice - get all your ducks in a row. It sounds like you may be a bit disorganized, (this is coming from someone who is the same way, so not a criticism). I would gather up all correspondence - like the letter from the ACLU and put it in a folder. Sit quietly with a legal pad and do a point-by-point of this incident in it's entirety: dates, times, incident (s) leading up to this, officers names, response, (if any) from local PD, telephone conversations, inventory, newspaper articles, bills related, medical records - everything you can think of. This will give Kevin something to lead with in putting together a case.

As to not accepting our offer for help, I completely understand it, but hope you will reconsider. Many of us here believe their should be a statewide fund administered by GOAL or some other entity for just this reason. I am a man of means by no means, but I can swing 20-bucks to help you. If my number is magnified, (which I'm sure it is), you could be on your way to getting some real legal help in this matter. Many of us here at NES are like family - we look out for our own and like it or not, you're one of us. This situation could have happened to every single person reading this thread. Your liberty has been stripped and you are largely alone in this. When you meet with Kevin - let him know that many of us here support you - we could send funds directly to him, so there would be no cause for questioning "where the money went"...[wink] You can repay us all by continuing to fight the good fight and take your town and subsequently the State of Massachusetts to task for presuming they have the almighty power of stripping you of an inalienable right. We are with you on this and I for one think you should set aside pride and let us help where we can. You can further repay us, by winning your case, becoming a green member here at NES, hosting a shoot and letting us all shoot your chit....Don't worry - we'll bring the ammo.... [cheers]

What he said. [wink]
Count me in.

Down in PA, the PAFOA.ORG group has done a rather nice job of supporting people using the courts to defend their firearms rights. The individuals there *do* contribute to collections to support victims of misapplication of the law.

You can imagine how empowered somebody can be by getting financial support, emotional support, and physical "in-court" presence support, as they fight injustice.

Campaigns against injustice are fought one case at a time... If a trusted group like GOAL, or a well-trusted person, opens a defense fund, I am in. Lets help give this man his day in court.

Excellent - I hope this works out well for you - you need a break. If I can offer one piece of advice - get all your ducks in a row. It sounds like you may be a bit disorganized, (this is coming from someone who is the same way, so not a criticism). I would gather up all correspondence - like the letter from the ACLU and put it in a folder. Sit quietly with a legal pad and do a point-by-point of this incident in it's entirety: dates, times, incident (s) leading up to this, officers names, response, (if any) from local PD, telephone conversations, inventory, newspaper articles, bills related, medical records - everything you can think of. This will give Kevin something to lead with in putting together a case.

As to not accepting our offer for help, I completely understand it, but hope you will reconsider. Many of us here believe their should be a statewide fund administered by GOAL or some other entity for just this reason. I am a man of means by no means, but I can swing 20-bucks to help you. If my number is magnified, (which I'm sure it is), you could be on your way to getting some real legal help in this matter. Many of us here at NES are like family - we look out for our own and like it or not, you're one of us. This situation could have happened to every single person reading this thread. Your liberty has been stripped and you are largely alone in this. When you meet with Kevin - let him know that many of us here support you - we could send funds directly to him, so there would be no cause for questioning "where the money went"...[wink] You can repay us all by continuing to fight the good fight and take your town and subsequently the State of Massachusetts to task for presuming they have the almighty power of stripping you of an inalienable right. We are with you on this and I for one think you should set aside pride and let us help where we can. You can further repay us, by winning your case, becoming a green member here at NES, hosting a shoot and letting us all shoot your chit....Don't worry - we'll bring the ammo.... [cheers]

I can't thank all you people for your wonderfull offer of help. I will be contacting that laywer this morning. I wish I had found this site years ago. Shame on Jon Green for not telling me about it:) The reporter wants to do another story on this and today I need to fax him yet another letter from the wonderfull Shrewsbury police dept.If I have to sell my treadlock gunsafe to pay the lawyer,maybe you folks could help me with that.I will keep all posted. And again,thank-you all who even took the time to respond to this thread!!
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Darkstorm... good luck mate.

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but I see alot of "you shouldn't have allowed them entry" comments in threads like these.

That's great advice, but not so useful after the fact. The problem is, there are many good people who are still functioning under the theory that LEO's are benevolent entities, and exist to help the citizen first and foremost.

Remember folks... we may all be on the same page in regards to protecting ourselves with the tools our constitution and natural born rights instill in us, but not everyone gets on that page until after they've been abused first hand.

Use Darkstorm's story as a teaching tool. Educate everyone you think may care to learn. The police are not your friend. You may have a friend or friends who are LEO's, but the entity they belong to is not your friend, and has not been for a long time.
Well I asked and I haven't seen an answer so I'm going to ask again: (apologies if I missed one)

OP: why has it taken you what looks to be 4-5 years to address this situation?

If your version of the case is correct, it's an outrageous violation of basic rights. A violation I would think many lawyers would be happy to take on contingency basis.

Why are we only hearing about this case now?

I'm not trying to cast aspersions, but seriously...four or five YEARS?
Well I asked and I haven't seen an answer so I'm going to ask again: (apologies if I missed one)

OP: why has it taken you what looks to be 4-5 years to address this situation?

If your version of the case is correct, it's an outrageous violation of basic rights. A violation I would think many lawyers would be happy to take on contingency basis.

Why are we only hearing about this case now?

I'm not trying to cast aspersions, but seriously...four or five YEARS?
I had to spend $ 45,000.00 to hire a lawyer to sue my ex partner over a real estate deal. Over 2 years ago,my lawyer and I did met with the now former chief of police. A. Wayne Sampson. I was told that would stop the clock from ticking. I just don't have the money to mount this sort of fight. I'm in real estate so I don't think I need say anymore. I'm doing the best I can.
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I just don't have the money to mount this sort of fight. I'm in real estate so I don't think I need say anymore. I'm doing the best I can.

Please let us help you in this fight by setting up a legal defense fund. This battle is yours today, but it could be any of us tomorrow. Its not charity, it's collective defense of our rights.
Dreamer,again Thank you all so very,very much for your offer. Maybe I can sell this awesome gun safe to get the ball rolling 20 plus long guns will fit ,has the light kit inside,maybe the capicity on the door to hold maybe 15 handguns,fireproofed,golden rod, hunter green,S & G combo with locking tumbler,hunter green. Can send pictures. I would rather do that than take handouts, although I'm shocked at how many of you folks want to help me!! Words can not express what it means to me!!!!
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I had to spend $ 45,000.00 to hire a lawyer to sue my ex partner over a real estate deal. Over 2 years ago,my lawyer and I did meet with the now former chief of police. A. Wayne Sampson. I was told that would stop the clock from ticking. I just don't have the money to mount this sort of fight. I'm in real estate so I don't think I need say anymore. I'm doing the best I can.

UGH... how did you make out in this litigation?
UGH... how did you make out in this litigation?

I lost Rich only because I left out TWO words in the P & S agreement!! 3 years of legal battles,$ 45,000.00 and 6 years before that working to hold the deal together. Well,what the hell is 9 years of your life over two damm words. It's all a matter of public record. It seems I get f***ed no matter what I do. To be honest,I'm getting a little tired of it!
Dreamer,again Thank you all so very,very much for your offer. Maybe I can sell this awesome gun safe to get the ball rollong. 20 plus long guns will fit ,has the light kit inside,maybe the capicity on the door to hold maybe 15 handguns,fireproofed,golden rod, hunter green,S & G combo with locking tumbler,hunter green. Can send pictures. I would rather do that than take handouts,altough I'm shocked at how many of you folks want to help me!! Words can not express what it means to me!!!!

How about a legal fund raffle for the safe?
How about a legal fund raffle for the safe?

That is something I could live with. I did try to contact that lawyer today but he was out sick. Let me speak with him first and get a feel for what he thinks and go from there. Outstanding idea! Thank-You very,very much!!
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