Panic Buying

Ya'll could save yourselves money and lifestyle if you work to keep Hillary from being elected. Won't matter what you bought if she does get elected because she is comming to take it away.[thinking]
Honestly this is what I would be most worried about. Even if its smaller like 10-20 cents a round, it will be devastating to those of us who actually try to shoot our guns consistently. They'll start comparing them to cigarettes and how dangerous they are and how sensible "only 10-20 cents" is and how we need to protect the kids blah blah. The public sheep with no firearm experience and even casual "have one just in case" gun owners will eat it up as common sense.

I feel like most guns will always be available in some capacity but ammo is the limiting reagent so never hurts to have an extra case of each caliber you shoot stashed away.

Do you really think the House and Senate will develop suicidal tendencies? They'll never approve something like that which will cost them a lot of votes.
he's a lot of things but not a buffoon. He's a master manipulator, and people always underestimate him. He can beat Hilary, he will change his tune to fit the general voting public once he wins the nomination.

Hilary cannot really do this, she can't seem to control herself - look at her anti-gun stance, how's that going to play in a general election? Plus she's so unlikeable.

But I think the panic buying will happen anyway, since the election will be close.
Gonna build a wall and make mexico pay for it! Amazes me that people hear that and dont automatically think hes a grandstanding egomaniac and totally full of shit! Also allnhe says is make america great again.....tell me how! What policy? What platform? Hes gonna lose big time.
Gonna build a wall and make mexico pay for it! Amazes me that people hear that and dont automatically think hes a grandstanding egomaniac and totally full of shit! Also allnhe says is make america great again.....tell me how! What policy? What platform? Hes gonna lose big time.

We are in a battle between the makers and the takers.

The takers will always vote for Democrats.

This means that it only takes a small portion of the makers to vote Democratic for the enemy to win. Trump would have to win an overwhelming landslide of the people who actually pay taxes and do not have an EBT card to win. DeToqueville was probably right.
If hitlery is elected... There will be a 10-20 cent per round tax. But it will NOT be from Hitlery. It will be from ****ing tinfoil hat wearing, shit-brained gun owners running around and armflapping about hitlery for the 4 or 8 years (shudder) that she's in office. And before anyone here is offended by my comment, these shitbirds are not usually enthusiasts like us, either, these are the tinfoilers who forward each other emails from faux news and wayne lapierre that buy shit and throw it in their closet CUZ OBAMA etc but don't actually shoot on a regular basis. (Let's ponder things realistically, if even 20% of the post 2008 gun owners shot on a regular basis, you wouldn't be able to get within a year long waitlist on even the shittiest gun clubs in new england. )


This is a good point. When FS had 500 round bricks of CCI .22LR in stock a while back, I heard one guy ask "is this the stuff that ran out and people were selling for double the price a few years back" as he put a few on the counter. These overreacting turds who don't even shoot and the guys who wait in lines to clear the shelves just to resell are the real enemy.

Do you really think the House and Senate will develop suicidal tendencies? They'll never approve something like that which will cost them a lot of votes.

Right now, no. If the distribution shifts towards the democrats and hillary takes office, I don't see how its unrealistic. Tell smokers 100 years ago how much cigarettes are currently taxed and they would laugh in your face. A stupid AWB passed in the not so distant past. The cover of public safety can get alot of stupidity through if its the right time.

I'm not one to buy for the sake of buying but an extra case on the side of each caliber I shoot now that things are calm just makes sense. Still, going full retard and stocking thousands upon thousands of rounds of every caliber in stock out of fear of a ban or tax is stupid.
"We could reduce the federal deficit by charging $1 a round on every bullet" really would be that easy. It's like the cigarette taxes.....I don't smoke so I couldn't care less if a pack costs $50
"We could reduce the federal deficit by charging $1 a round on every bullet" really would be that easy. It's like the cigarette taxes.....I don't smoke so I couldn't care less if a pack costs $50
The fairest tax is the one someone else pays.
Really, the best time to buy is when you don't feel like you need to. Stocks, real estate, ammo, all the same. If there's already talk of needing to buy, it's either too late or close to it.
I keep hearing from friends and reading on some forums about how soon everyone will be "panic buying" before november. I guess I'm just curious on others thoughts on this subject and how likely it is to actually happen because of the election. I sort of missed the last panic buy go round so really not sure what to expect as far as ammo availability and firearm prices but have been slowly stocking up here and there on ammo but nothing crazy. What do you think or expect to happen in regards to "panic buying" over the next 5-6 months?

Yes. The way it looks right now anyway is that Clinton is going to win by a decent margin. People will panic. Nothing will change.
Yes. The way it looks right now anyway is that Clinton is going to win by a decent margin. People will panic. Nothing will change.

[laugh] for Clinton to win the potus it would depend on who counts the votes not who votes. Trump will win a fair election but it doesn't mean we keep our gun rights. Fortunately I am old and won't have to see the end of my rights.[laugh]
I'm guilty of panic buying. Was considering adding the 640 pro into my collection but then I thought, with the world as it is and under our current administration - I needed something more substantial than five shots. So I'm getting the HK p2000sk, and will pick up the p2000 later. At the rate things are going, I expect Hillary will win. God help us all.....
Literally nothing is going to happen. Gun laws have loosened tremendously over the last 30 years. Over the last few years, we've gone up to nine constitutional carry states and about to get a tenth. A bunch of states passed anti-gun-control laws since Sandy Hook as a response to Obama's BS. Even SCOTUS has been on our side. Gun bans are a leftist wet dream that simply isn't going to come to fruition any time soon, Hillary or otherwise.

There'll almost certainly be some pre-election hoarding by idiots dumb enough to listen to the fear mongers and those who decide to capitalize on that fear. I recently bought another 22 and some ammo. Haven't shot a 22 much at all since 2008, due to ammo cost. I could afford it, just wasn't going to be held up to those prices. Funny enough, the recent gun's ammo is $75 for 500, plus shipping, and that's wholesale. But, it's Eley.

30 years ago, exactly ONE state had what is now called "constitutional carry". Now there's what, 10? Plus one territory. Yeah, that territory and one state could be disputed, but at least in that state, open carry wasn't legal in 1978.

If people would just pay attention to what's really changing, like Kalash and myself (and a few others), you'd see it isn't all doom and gloom.

22LR will always be a bitch, that trend got started after sandy hook bs... plus the skinflints have all glommed onto that as the round of choice.

3 things made most of the shortage.

Fearful owners that listened to fear mongering and started stocking much more than previously.

New owners that saw that having a lot of ammo on hand was "normal".

Gougers hoping to stockpile a lot of it, then resell it at stupid prices.

These 3 things together caused a lot of problems. Some of the FUDDs out there buy a lot of it to wear as a badge of honor, I think. We certainly know they don't shoot much.

Kind of reminds me of the "M1 guys" buying ammo from us. They'd take some out of the box, scrutinize it, then try to haggle us down to nothing, then might buy 2 boxes, to shoot their M1 about 10 rounds per year. M14/FAL guys would look for the cheapest possible MILSURP ammo (some still do), long after it was all gone. AK and AR guys were the best though. They'd take a quick look at it, then ask what kind of deal we'd give them if they bought a case of it. And, they would usually buy several cases, if we had it. Now, you can fall into the latter category, even if you own an M1 or M14/FAL. I ought to know, because I've owned all 5, at the same time.

If hitlery is elected... There will be a 10-20 cent per round tax. But it will NOT be from Hitlery. It will be from ****ing tinfoil hat wearing, shit-brained gun owners running around and armflapping about hitlery for the 4 or 8 years (shudder) that she's in office. And before anyone here is offended by my comment, these shitbirds are not usually enthusiasts like us, either, these are the tinfoilers who forward each other emails from faux news and wayne lapierre that buy shit and throw it in their closet CUZ OBAMA etc but don't actually shoot on a regular basis. (Let's ponder things realistically, if even 20% of the post 2008 gun owners shot on a regular basis, you wouldn't be able to get within a year long waitlist on even the shittiest gun clubs in new england. )


You're dead right on that one. Plus, too many people have already decided she will win. She hasn't gotten the DNC nomination yet, which she didn't in 2008 either. Super-delegates can be very fickle, as she well knows. Plus, the last guy that said he was going to raise taxes lost in a landslide in 1984. His name was Mondale, and he was better than any of this 4 (and I didn't like him then either). She has all she can do to stay ahead of a very old socialist that has about zero chance, and some of you think she'll win?

One of 4 people will be POTUS. One side has a fascist and a socialist running, one would be the oldest person to take the helm as POTUS, the other the second oldest. One's Jewish, the other female. Either one would be a first. The other side has a Hispanic Canadian and a white guy from NYC running. Of the 4, there's just one WASP. Exactly 2 non-WASP people have ever been elected to the office. One was white Anglo Saxon, but Catholic. The other was black. The 1960 election was said to be questionable, due to the vote in Chicago and the mob. The black guy ran against a very unliked head case that had a woman as a running partner.

I'm not saying Hillary won't win, as there's exactly ONE poll that means anything, and it's in early November. Some people call it an election.

I am saying, IF she wins, she's got a very uphill climb to do so, and it currently looks like she isn't doing so well at it. Add enough people that despise her, and I fail to see exactly how she is going to get over 50% of the vote. Way too many of her own people don't like her already. I think you'll find more Bernie supporters go to Trump versus Hillary. Yeah, Trump isn't my first choice, for sure, but if he gets the GOP nod, I'll vote for him, or should I say, I'll vote against Hillary.
I am saying, IF she wins, she's got a very uphill climb to do so, and it currently looks like she isn't doing so well at it. Add enough people that despise her, and I fail to see exactly how she is going to get over 50% of the vote.
She'll get 100% of the FSA vote, at 90% of the hispanic vote. It will only take a small percent of the working, non-hispanic voters, to put her over the top.

But, remember Obama never met a gun control bill he didn't like and he never got anywhere, so it's not the end of the world if the Hildebeast wins. It would be much more entertaining with Trump at the helm though.
She'll get 100% of the FSA vote, at 90% of the hispanic vote. It will only take a small percent of the working, non-hispanic voters, to put her over the top.

But, remember Obama never met a gun control bill he didn't like and he never got anywhere, so it's not the end of the world if the Hildebeast wins. It would be much more entertaining with Trump at the helm though.

Actually, I think you're part wrong on the FSA part. The poorer inner city types tend to go to her or Bernie, and would switch from Bernie to her. The "free college" younger types won't though. I'm thinking they see her for the fascist she is.

I agree Obama got nowhere with gun control. He got elected though, and he beat her significantly. Add that I don't think he really likes her, or wants her to follow behind him, as it hurts his "legacy" he thinks he has. Or so they say. Me, I don't trust the guy.

We can hope Bernie runs third party like the independent he really is. That would tube her right there.
Literally nothing is going to happen. Gun laws have loosened tremendously over the last 30 years. Over the last few years, we've gone up to nine constitutional carry states and about to get a tenth. A bunch of states passed anti-gun-control laws since Sandy Hook as a response to Obama's BS. Even SCOTUS has been on our side. Gun bans are a leftist wet dream that simply isn't going to come to fruition any time soon, Hillary or otherwise.

Everyone has there own "two cents" to put in so here is mine....

Between now and the Dem/Rep conventions is the time to buy what ever you want or need. Currently prices are low and stocks of rifles, pistols and ammo are plentiful. As the weeks and months head to November and then to Jan prices will start to climb as the panic rises and people get scared.

I highly doubt Trump will win and I fear Hilary will win. ( Even if I am wrong is better to error on the safer side). People seem to forget that it was under Bill Clinton the Assault Rifle Ban was instituted.... and I am sure Hillary will do everything she can to reinstate one ( but in this next one, no sunset law!

Also she will be able to appoint the next supreme court judge so the court will be packed against gun owners.

AR's, AKs, high capacity pistols and high capacity magazines will be targeted for banning..... this has been in the Dems play book for years. ( Look at Mass, Conn and Calif as examples...) If you EVER think you will want any of these, now is the time to buy them. High Cap AR and AK mags can also be an investment.... if ban looks likely, prices will skyrocket as the did during the last two panics.

As for ammo buy as much of it as you can afford... everyone has some magic number! But remember it never expire and prices only seem to go up over time!

In any event now is the time ... if you haven't learned anything from the last two panics, then you have your head in the sand!
But, remember Obama never met a gun control bill he didn't like and he never got anywhere, so it's not the end of the world if the Hildebeast wins. It would be much more entertaining with Trump at the helm though.

What matters as far as gun control bills is who has control of Congress. Obama didn't get anywhere because for his entire second term the Republicans have had the House and after Obama started with his gun control nonsense the Senate flipped Republican as well at the 2014 midterm elections. There are a bunch of Republican Senators who are up for re-election this cycle or who are retiring, and the Dems are campaigning hard to unseat them. Twenty four Republicans are either retiring or running for re-election as opposed to only ten Democrats. There has been a strong movement by Democrats to "Take back the Senate!" this election cycle. I truly worry about what might happen if the Dems end up with both the White House and Congress.
You missed it. It was not really from people dumping their stash, but from stores that suddenly had more than they could move and needed to at least get back what they spent. $40 stripped lowers were around for a few months and $10 for 50rn ball 9mm was there too. It was quick though a month, two at most.

$10 for 50rn ball 9mm is a past dumping price ???? I was a Collectable Arms an Ammo in Merrimack and they've had at least two brands of 9mm that was under $10 for at least the last two months! That's the new normal and I doubt its get much cheaper!
There'll almost certainly be some pre-election hoarding by idiots dumb enough to listen to the fear mongers and those who decide to capitalize on that fear.
These so-called "idiots" may turn out to be foresighted geniuses if the shelves are cleared of .22, 9mm, powder and primers if the Hildebeast wins.

Remember, it's only hoarding when someone else does it. When you do it, the term is prudent inventory management.
Specific to the 9mm ammo market, I'm finding the availability, selection, & pricing quite variable among sellers - more so than I've ever seen in the past. I read recently that ammo manufacturing (plant expansion) has increased significantly since Sandy Hook and that, no doubt, has been helpful to supply an ever-increasing (new gun enthusiast) demand for product. My guess is that the better pricing and availability is strictly related to bulk buying by those who have the credit to do so. What else could be the explanation for a 30% delta in pricing among some of the more noteworthy "vendors". (Not talking about the corner firearms stores.)

As suggested, now is the time to "pick your spots" to find the ammo you want at decent pricing. If the Hitlery story plays out as suggested, the increasing manufacturing capacity will not be able to serve the (retarded) needs of the needy.
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