oregon militia seizes building

Black Lives Matter blocks highways, airports and shopping centers? Legitimate protests!

Left wing activists occupy the Wisconsin Capitol? Legitimate protests!

Occupy Wall Street hippies take over public areas? Legitimate protests!

Right wingers occupy an empty federal building in the middle of nowhere? TERRORISTS!!!!!

Hold up there Sparky. Was subjected to some CNN over lunch time today and the banner accrossnthe bottom of the screen read "Protesters take over federal building in Oregon." And had a guest on pointing out the difference between protesters who occupy an empty building, armed or otherwise, and terrorists. And the host was going along with it. 'Bout fell off my chair
They are not protesters, they are just undocumented campers...

But really, what laws are they currently breaking? I've seen that the visitors center was not locked and had no "do not trespass" signs. Is it just that they won't disperse when told too? Are rifles/shotguns legal at the park?

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A reliable source has intimated Pablo Escobar has been hired on consignment to trench a tunnel for the fellas so when the Feds eviscerate the grid, there will be no dental records to claim .gov victory.

Oh boy...the class of 2013 trolls are opening their pie hole.[rolleyes][rolleyes]

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Black Lives Matter blocks highways, airports and shopping centers? Legitimate protests!

Left wing activists occupy the Wisconsin Capitol? Legitimate protests!

Occupy Wall Street hippies take over public areas? Legitimate protests!

Right wingers occupy an empty federal building in the middle of nowhere? TERRORISTS!!!!!

And most brain phucked Americans won't get it.
From CDKing - twitter:

They keep calling these guys terrorists. Who are they terrorizing? At worst I'll give these guys "Constitutional Extremists", which we know is the worst form of extremism.

In related news, you're only a rebel until you win. At that point you become a revolutionary.
You ought to go read up on Randy Weaver a little bit more.

He was painted as a racist - and that was largely done so they (the govt.) - could screw him over.

My bad, I gave those murderers (the screwer-overers) too much credit. In my defense I did use the term "historical understatements". The fact that he won in court says a lot, but no amount of money could replace what was stolen from him.
Best one was

"You know you're a badass Tea Party patriot when your militia takes over an unprotected bird sanctuary"

still they did it, knowing full well, the gov would prob come down hard on them and the media would do their best to turn the population against them. They do have the balls to put their money where their mouth is.
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Clueless? Are we thinking of the same Megyn Kelly - the one on Fox News that just refused to play along with Ammon Bundy's poor attempt at leading questions?

Didn't see it.

I cut the cable cord years and years ago, but do remember Megyn Kelley and there are plenty of you tube clips with her shenanigans. She's anti gun, big government Rino. So, yeah, I can see her giving these guys a hard time.

She's a Bimbo. She has her job because of her looks, not her brains. That would be obvious to a blind man.
Didn't see it.

I cut the cable cord years and years ago, but do remember Megyn Kelley and there are plenty of you tube clips with her shenanigans. She's anti gun, big government Rino. So, yeah, I can see her giving these guys a hard time.

She's a Bimbo. She has her job because of her looks, not her brains. That would be obvious to a blind man.

Not a bimbo by any stretch. I don't necessarily agree with her politics - don't even know much of anything about them, but I'm not voting for her, I'm watching her show. Read a bit about her - very intelligent woman and seems to be good at her job. Guy that pumps my gas is good at his job, too, and I don't care about his politics either. It's not why I want him pumping my gas, just as I don't care about her politics, because that's not why I watch her show.
Not a bimbo by any stretch. I don't necessarily agree with her politics - don't even know much of anything about them, but I'm not voting for her, I'm watching her show. Read a bit about her - very intelligent woman and seems to be good at her job. Guy that pumps my gas is good at his job, too, and I don't care about his politics either. It's not why I want him pumping my gas, just as I don't care about her politics, because that's not why I watch her show.

But...her show is commentary, not news...

Here's why people get down on Faux news. They watch the evening shows, which is all commentary on the news of the day. Not news shows. You watch her show to see her interview people. But just by her interviewing people, the questions she asks, the way she pushes the interview, IMHO, is biased and against what I, and day I say we or most of we here at NES, stand for.

Now, Bret Bair, probably the best newsman in the country today. Hard to spot his bias, but it's still there.

I mean, do what you want, hell, my father still watches Fox News all night religiously. But, IMHO, it's now propaganda, just like CNN and the major networks are.

Again, didn't see her interview Bundy, but am not surprised she'd guide the interview to where she wants it to go.

If you're watching her show for her looks, no doubts about it, she is a smoke show.

ETA: I know her biography. Typically fluffed. Failed as a lawyer, but was told, hey, you'r smoking hot, go on TV. And Boom! Highly rated show! Easy formula!
Black Lives Matter blocks highways, airports and shopping centers? Legitimate protests!

Left wing activists occupy the Wisconsin Capitol? Legitimate protests!

Occupy Wall Street hippies take over public areas? Legitimate protests!

Right wingers occupy an empty federal building in the middle of nowhere? TERRORISTS!!!!!

But...her show is commentary, not news...

Here's why people get down on Faux news. They watch the evening shows, which is all commentary on the news of the day. Not news shows. You watch her show to see her interview people. But just by her interviewing people, the questions she asks, the way she pushes the interview, IMHO, is biased and against what I, and day I say we or most of we here at NES, stand for.

Now, Bret Bair, probably the best newsman in the country today. Hard to spot his bias, but it's still there.

I mean, do what you want, hell, my father still watches Fox News all night religiously. But, IMHO, it's now propaganda, just like CNN and the major networks are.

Again, didn't see her interview Bundy, but am not surprised she'd guide the interview to where she wants it to go.

If you're watching her show for her looks, no doubts about it, she is a smoke show.

ETA: I know her biography. Typically fluffed. Failed as a lawyer, but was told, hey, you'r smoking hot, go on TV. And Boom! Highly rated show! Easy formula!


Just saw this linked from another page if you're curious and want to see the interview. And you're absolutely right about interviewers pushing their own bias in interviews, but if it keeps me amused, I'm fine with it.

Just saw this linked from another page if you're curious and want to see the interview. And you're absolutely right about interviewers pushing their own bias in interviews, but if it keeps me amused, I'm fine with it.

Wow. Good interview. Megyn Kelly went in with an agenda. Bundy did a good job deflecting her.

Bundy laid it out. He's right. Govt was plaintiff and prosecutor in this case.

And Megyn wasn't even showing cleavage! Damn it!

ETA: and again, Megyn fails as a lawyer and constitutional scholar. The Supreme Court is not the end all and be all of justice, in this so called nation. Of laws. We did fight a civil war over disagreements about laws and how they can make law.

Now, in NO way am I advocating any violent action because like Bundy in the interview, I too have a successful business, a beautiful wife and 2 great kids, and I'd like them to enjoy the freedoms than were fought for by our ancestors.

But, No, the Supreme Court is not the Final arbiter in these United States, the people are. Whether it be by, in this case, civil disobedience, or by forcing this or the next president to pardon these guys and reform the BLM. And at least once in our history, is was through firing a gun.

If the people support something enough, it can and will be done, and damn the Supreme Court.
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It would be truly hilarious and completely **** with the minds of the BLM and media if they were to suddenly pack up and move to another equally unoccupied facility while leaving the current building spic and span (sorry if thats now a racist comment)

the word spic or the fact that conservatives leave their gathering area cleaner than they found it?
I would be stupid to head out there.

That whole thing has false flag written all over it - and there's numerous people saying as much in a number of sites I've looked at.

If you have to travel all the way across the country to get involved in shit - you're doing it wrong.

Men will never ask for help, when they decided to get involved they knew what could happen. If you really look at it they picked the ground because of where it's at and they don't believe the government has a right to steal it. In my opinion people like these will stand for what they believe in and could care less if anyone else stands up because the know what they are doing is the right thing.

They tried the courts for justice and the Hammonds were thrown in jail for terrorism for burning sagebrush in the middle of no where. The courts here are as corrupt as the government so what are you supposed to do, let them steal your land and throw you in prison? Will they do the same to you?

Point being, the Internet is full of warriors looking for a million reasons to not stand up to corruption. America deserves the government it has.
if Obama had any balls or common sense, he would physically go visit these guys, and figure out if their beef with the government was justified. THEN he should pardon these two ranchers that some ahole judge decided should go back to presion after serving what sounded like a fair sentence.
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