oregon militia seizes building

But...her show is commentary, not news...

Here's why people get down on Faux news. They watch the evening shows, which is all commentary on the news of the day. Not news shows. You watch her show to see her interview people. But just by her interviewing people, the questions she asks, the way she pushes the interview, IMHO, is biased and against what I, and day I say we or most of we here at NES, stand for.

Now, Bret Bair, probably the best newsman in the country today. Hard to spot his bias, but it's still there.

I mean, do what you want, hell, my father still watches Fox News all night religiously. But, IMHO, it's now propaganda, just like CNN and the major networks are.

Again, didn't see her interview Bundy, but am not surprised she'd guide the interview to where she wants it to go.

If you're watching her show for her looks, no doubts about it, she is a smoke show.

ETA: I know her biography. Typically fluffed. Failed as a lawyer, but was told, hey, you'r smoking hot, go on TV. And Boom! Highly rated show! Easy formula!
I would bet it's not a lot of lawyers who make more than she does. I don't agree with her politics either, but I'd say she has been quite successful.

Her husband should put up some money for her dental work. Nice video.
Her husband should put up some money for her dental work. Nice video.

I bet you're just gorgeous dude. How shallow can you get?

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I would bet it's not a lot of lawyers who make more than she does. I don't agree with her politics either, but I'd say she has been quite successful.

That was my point. Much better money in being a bimbo on TV than in being a lawyer. Especially when you suck as a lawyer.
I keep hearing the phrase " Armed militant's " But have not seen anyone with a firearm . Does anybody have a photo of a armed protester ? Or is the media setting them up ?
I keep hearing the phrase " Armed militant's " But have not seen anyone with a firearm . Does anybody have a photo of a armed protester ? Or is the media setting them up ?

I saw a photo of a rancher with what looked like a lever action rifle over his knees. It was pretty much fully covered by a leather holster though.
I still think this one wont end well. The .gov's will do their thing.

The funny (or not so) thing is that if enough state legislatures start legislating against the unholy cesspool known as dc, there would be no need for these events.
I still think this one wont end well. The .gov's will do their thing.

The funny (or not so) thing is that if enough state legislatures start legislating against the unholy cesspool known as dc, there would be no need for these events.

This will end peaceably.
Ianal, but I dont think I can ever recall an instance of someone being sentenced, doing the time, being released, and then at a later time having to be returned to jail because the court decided the sentence should of been longer.

Sounds like an sneaky way of achieving double jeopardy. " Oh, you did 10 years? Sorry, should of been 20, back you go." Its like serving two sentences for the same crime.

Double jeopardy is being "tried" twice for the same crime. There's a difference here....but it still sucks.
Double jeopardy is being "tried" twice for the same crime. There's a difference here....but it still sucks.

It's a difference without a meaning.

They served the sentence. The heavier sentence demanded by the .gov was disproportionate to the crime.

This is nothing NEW to the .gov. There is someone currently serving a LIFE sentence for stealing nine video tapes. Another for stealing three golf clubs.

(shamelessly stolen from a friend's facebook feed)

In rejecting Hogan's conclusion that the mandatory minimum was unconstitutional as applied to the Hammonds, the 9th Circuit noted that the Supreme Court "has upheld far tougher sentences for less serious or, at the very least, comparable offenses." The examples it cited included "a sentence of fifty years to life under California's three-strikes law for stealing nine videotapes," "a sentence of twenty-five years to life under California's three-strikes law for the theft of three golf clubs," "a forty-year sentence for possession of nine ounces of marijuana with the intent to distribute," and "a life sentence under Texas's recidivist statute for obtaining $120.75 by false pretenses." If those penalties did not qualify as "grossly disproportionate," the appeals court reasoned, five years for accidentally setting fire to federal land cannot possibly exceed the limits imposed by the Eighth Amendment.

Please note, I find ALL those sentences to be absolutely ridiculous, including the 5 years for the backfires. The courts got all those cases so wrong it is disgusting.

Also from that article: In other words, since even worse miscarriages of justice have passed constitutional muster, this one must be OK too.
Funny how this president releases thousands of drug dealers that poison our kids and put in prisons those who put beef on our tables...

Drug dealers serve a purpose for him and his ilk. Ranchers are in his way with respect to taking over all land. It's the $hitcago way.
Beyond any doubt it's all about government corruption. 70% of the country knows the government is corrupt yet won't take a stand against it. Suppose 5,000 people had taken a stand with these ranchers against corruption, what would government do? How about 30,000? It's the perfect place to stand against corruption but people are going to wait for the knock on the door rather than picking a spot to stand.
Beyond any doubt it's all about government corruption. 70% of the country knows the government is corrupt yet won't take a stand against it. Suppose 5,000 people had taken a stand with these ranchers against corruption, what would government do? How about 30,000? It's the perfect place to stand against corruption but people are going to wait for the knock on the door rather than picking a spot to stand.

I bet if they did this in a warm areas and bikini shot girls they get a better turnout. But not being facetious I have no f***ing clue what the blm is does or its purpose. Just like if we did this protesting the rampant corruption at the t I wouldn't expect them to show up. You need a country wide issue. I highly doubt your gonna get some of the brothas in Chicago worked up over a bunch of crazy backwoods dudes they think are racist anyway.

The touching off point is a hell of a lot closer than anyone thinks it is. But thinking anyone is going to a place that's -8 to support some guys 90%of us can't relate to is nuts.
I bet if they did this in a warm areas and bikini shot girls they get a better turnout. But not being facetious I have no f***ing clue what the blm is does or its purpose. Just like if we did this protesting the rampant corruption at the t I wouldn't expect them to show up. You need a country wide issue. I highly doubt your gonna get some of the brothas in Chicago worked up over a bunch of crazy backwoods dudes they think are racist anyway.

The touching off point is a hell of a lot closer than anyone thinks it is. But thinking anyone is going to a place that's -8 to support some guys 90%of us can't relate to is nuts.

BLM Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Bureau of Land Management to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of
the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
It's clearly about the abuse of procecution in Oregon and the tactics the Feds are useing to steal people's land. Where they took the stand is important because it's ranch land the government stole. If thousands showed up out there it would defiantly show how really pissed off people are. Wouldn't have to be armed but thousands standing with these guys would change the government tune.
One of the arguments floating around is that constitutionally speaking, outside of forts/ports/etc there is no accommodation for federal land and all of this should legally be in the hands of the states or citizens...effectively renders the BLM null and void

I was answering his question, not justifying BLM!

I agree BLM should release the property to the States and they in turn should devise appropriate ways to conserve and utilize the land. For instance, allowing grazing. New state parks. 5,000 yard shooting ranges. Etc.
One of the arguments floating around is that constitutionally speaking, outside of forts/ports/etc there is no accommodation for federal land and all of this should legally be in the hands of the states or citizens...effectively renders the BLM null and void

They own like 80% of Arizona. When AZ entered the union did they agree to let the feds own the whole ****ing state? How can the Feds own so much state land?

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I understand :)

Just pointing out a very valid argument that is obviously being ignored by most of the talking heads.

I think we need to come to grips that we are currently living in/under a system that has slipped the bounds of the constitution and increasingly the only candidate I see that is capable of dealing with that and POSSIBLY reforming it is Trump....as much as I like Cruz/Paul I am increasingly seeing them as VP's/future POTUS candidates instead of THE 2016 GOP candidate

yeah Trump loves the constitution [laugh]
They own like 80% of Arizona. When AZ entered the union did they agree to let the feds own the whole ****ing state? How can the Feds own so much state land?

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yeah Trump loves the constitution [laugh]

It's ridiculous that they own so much of the west. So many things that wouldn't be an issue if that land were almost entirely in private hands (like it is in eastern states).
And they throw people in prison plus heavy fines to steal more land. Who has ever gone to prison for 5 years for burning 150 acres of sage brush 60 miles from the nearest town. Yep fine them $400,000 and send them to prison and steal their land.
Beyond any doubt it's all about government corruption. 70% of the country knows the government is corrupt yet won't take a stand against it. Suppose 5,000 people had taken a stand with these ranchers against corruption, what would government do? How about 30,000? It's the perfect place to stand against corruption but people are going to wait for the knock on the door rather than picking a spot to stand.

Let us all know when you get out there how the weather is.. or are you waiting for the knock on the door too? I could not tell based on your post.
Let us all know when you get out there how the weather is.. or are you waiting for the knock on the door too? I could not tell based on your post.

Will be headed out there after this weekend,[smile] I am sure there are plenty of people like you waiting to see...
Feds are charging them $1.69 per head per month.

Average private grazing fee is $14.50 a month.


I was talking about the .gov making it's people more important than the peasants.

The Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) created the five-year mandatory minimum sentences that the Hammonds face for arson on public property. That law sailed through a Republican Congress in the wake of the 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. McVeigh and Nichols were inspired to that murderous act in part by the fatal standoffs between armed resistors and federal agents at Ruby Ridge and Waco in the early 1990s, where multiple people died and law enforcement were blamed for mishandling and escalating the situations.
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