Natick gun buyback

Nobody would care. The only thing that matters is the picture on the evening news with a self congratulatory blurb. We don't get the positive press so we can't make use of tactics like that. It doesn't matter if most of the guns are air soft, your typical news watcher can't tell the difference.

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This. A soccer mom can't tell the difference between a junk shotgun and an AK. But she does see them stacked on a table and gets the message that evil guns were taken "off the street." They do these "buybacks" because it gets the message across to ignorant people, and it works in that sense. That's why we shouldn't participate in these. It is a case where you might think you're trolling them, but they're really trolling you, and they win every single time.

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Someone should park a large black SUV on the public road right by this, and stand next to it with a DSLR taking pictures of license plates as they enter. Also wear a dark suit or whatever a g-man would wear.
Someone should park a large black SUV on the public road right by this, and stand next to it with a DSLR taking pictures of license plates as they enter. Also wear a dark suit or whatever a g-man would wear.

You will be there about five minutes before the cops run you off like anyone who sets up telling people not to give up their guns and instead to go to a local ffl.
Take notes for future gun buyback postings on Facespace...someone figured out how to use it against them...

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Have you considered the statement it might make if half the guns collected in in their "buyback" turned out to be from gun owners getting rid of their trash and supporting a pro gun cause?

As long as they get their guns, they don't care, and nobody will ever find out where the money went. "Getting rid of your trash" helps them, and it is exactly what they want you to do

Have you considered that a reason we loose because we spend more time trolling our own instead of the enemy?
It's "lose", and trying to talk you out of helping the anti-gunners isn't trolling. Disagreeing with you isn't trolling.

THIS is trolling:


Somebody reported the Natick police dept's Facebook photo promoting their gun "buyback", and Facebook deleted it because it violated their "no-selling-guns" policy.
Seeing guns on the table makes people think the buyback is working. It's good press for scared anti 2A people who don't know the difference between cap guns, air soft, and omgz assault wepunz, and no mainstream media would report anything on our side even if 100 percent of the money from the buyback went straight to the NRA

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As long as they get their guns, they don't care, and nobody will ever find out where the money went. "Getting rid of your trash" helps them, and it is exactly what they want you to do
This. The only way that turning in trash is going to hurt their cause is if a SUBSTANTIAL number of people (25+) have the balls to walk in there with 2x4s duct taped to serialized iron pipes. Gumming up the process, soaking the resources, and not providing them a photo op at the end would work. Extending the wait to an amount of time that allows people standing in line with lumber and plumbing materials to inform people with desirable, real firearms that they could contact an FFL and get paid decent money would be a side benefit.
THIS is trolling:


Somebody reported the Natick police dept's Facebook photo promoting their gun "buyback", and Facebook deleted it because it violated their "no-selling-guns" policy.
Yes, yes it is. "Somebody," Jim? [laugh]
LA keeping it real. A lot of nice stuff turned in for a Target gift card. Such a waste. The rocket launcher was a nice touch.
As much as this bothers the shit out of me, I remind myself of the fact that the anti-gunners are LOSING. Gun ownership is on an exponential upward trajectory. More and more states are adopting Constitutional carry. I could go on and on. Let those moonbats sleep well at night. They're not changing the general public opinion.
^THIS. Don't participate. The less they can show on the news, the less the moonbats see as good.

I believe someone earlier in this thread (or another "buyback" thread) stated they'd just use firearms from the evidence room or stock photographs from other "successful" buybacks - the general public wouldn't know the difference.
As much as this bothers the shit out of me, I remind myself of the fact that the anti-gunners are LOSING. Gun ownership is on an exponential upward trajectory. More and more states are adopting Constitutional carry. I could go on and on. Let those moonbats sleep well at night. They're not changing the general public opinion.
Correct. LA County has a population exceeding 10 Million not even counting all the illegals. They got 772 guns turned in at this year's buyback (if you believe the leftist LA Times) for some pretty substantial $$$ (Framingham & Boston level) gift cards. This is success for the Commiefornia gun grabbers? Consider the fact that it is statistically likely based on available data that more brand new guns were sold in LA County that same day alone, not including resold used guns. So who is winning or losing here? [thinking]

I believe someone earlier in this thread (or another "buyback" thread) stated they'd just use firearms from the evidence room or stock photographs from other "successful" buybacks - the general public wouldn't know the difference.
Those guns look pretty new. I doubt anyone turned them in.
Correct again. The "money shot" will happen in the leftist press regardless of anything anyone does or doesn't do. It could have been taken days, weeks or even months earlier. Impossible to know the truth. It's pure leftist propaganda folks. That's how the world works. [thinking]
Remember "Cash for Clunkers", when the gubmint bought up the supply of used cars to drive up sales of new cars? This is the same thing. Driving up sales for Gun Manufacturers.

It's really a brilliant strategy.
OK, I'll be the dumbass that throws himself to the lions...

At the last Natick buyback I brought in a couple old breaktops that I would never shoot because they were pre-smokeless powder and I was scared shit of them blowing up in my face, a broken old 16 guage, 4 old(very old) BB guns from my youth, none of which worked and a couple of my kids airsoft guns that we paid maybe $10 apiece for.

Also just as an FYI, I posted the breaktops here and no one stepped up to the plate to offer me anything for them. I also went to legitimate gun shops and they all laughed at the though of buying them.

So why should I/we be shamed into keeping trash in my/our safes when we can turn it into cash.

So was it worth it you ask, supporting the libtards and their fear mongering and propaganda? Well I am now the VERY HAPPY owner of a shiny new P320.
OHHH IT WAS SOOO WORTH IT! I took 9 chunks of metal and plastic and turned them in something I can actually shoot.

You wanna help the cause, take your kids or friends out shooting. Teach them to love the sport as much as we do.

Let the bashing begin.


Exercise your rights, Often.

Booooo you suck.... can't believe you bought a pos 320:)
I wonder if somebody showed up at one of these no question asked buybacks, on foot, with a duffel bag full of 10 to 20 shotguns made out of pipes and 2x4's, if they would pay for every one, or send them back out on the street.
Not relevant. They look scary. Or cool. The guy that bought one from me at a gun show was psyched for the chance to hang an inoperable piece of one-shot trash on his man-cave's wall. [laugh]

I have a hard plastic fishing rod carrier that is adjustable for length by latches and it has handles. It's so airlines can't destroy them and it looks just as scary on those empty LAW tubes.
I don't fly with them anymore so I don't get cautious looks anymore.
Not relevant. They look scary. Or cool. The guy that bought one from me at a gun show was psyched for the chance to hang an inoperable piece of one-shot trash on his man-cave's wall. [laugh]

Yes, it's trash but so is the home decor crap one buys at Home Goods or Christmas Tree Shop.

It's Man Cave Decor and there is NO shame in it!

Don't judge me.

Not relevant. They look scary. Or cool. The guy that bought one from me at a gun show was psyched for the chance to hang an inoperable piece of one-shot trash on his man-cave's wall. [laugh]

Did he put a trigger lock on it? Better make sure no tax assessors can see it while they're peeping through his windows.
Remember "Cash for Clunkers", when the gubmint bought up the supply of used cars to drive up sales of new cars? This is the same thing. Driving up sales for Gun Manufacturers.

It's really a brilliant strategy.

No uhhhhhhhhh. Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . .forclunkers. . . . was to give CASH. . . . . . . . . forCLUNKers!

Oh, sorry. Obama's spirit just invaded my keyboard. That was one of the stupidest programs known to mankind.
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