Mass. LTC Class A-All Lawful Purposes licensees

Tweed said:
When my wife went to apply for her LTC-ALP last year in Groton the nice lady said she was happy the wife was applying and thought that more women should.
I am trying to get my wife to go to one of the women's shooting events /training and hopefully eventually get her LTC
I think Melrose is listed as green. I'd say it should be downgraded to grey.

Submitted application for renewal, got jerked around, told that it was the Criminal History board holding up the works. 40 days came and went so I called the CH board. They'd never seen nor heard of me, the PD wouldn't respond to phone calls. When I finally got in touch with the officer he admitted that he'd never sent them in despite telling me several times that it was at the CH board. Had to withdraw application because I'm moving.

What's the point in having a law (40 days) if it is impossible to enforce?
SiameseRat said:
What's the point in having a law (40 days) if it is impossible to enforce?

What's stopping you? The statute says that the PD has 40 days in which to approve or deny. On the 41st day you have the right to appeal to the district court.

IF there is a legitimate delay (DMH, for example), you may want to wait a bit. When you know the cop is just lying to you, why wait any longer?
Scrivener said:
What's stopping you? The statute says that the PD has 40 days in which to approve or deny. On the 41st day you have the right to appeal to the district court.

IF there is a legitimate delay (DMH, for example), you may want to wait a bit. When you know the cop is just lying to you, why wait any longer?

First: I'm moving. Tomorrow.

Second: I already have a Sporting and Target. My aim was to get an ALP. What cop is going to give an ALP to a woman who is on his ass? None. You know, downgrading me to a Class B is NOT a denial and leaves me no ground for appeal. What cop is too dumb to figure that out? There is only so much that an "average person" can do to walk the line between being assertive and being stupid.

What do you suggest?
SiameseRat said:
I already have a Sporting and Target.

Then how is it you:

Submitted application for renewal, got jerked around, told that it was the Criminal History board holding up the works.

You were either RENEWING your license OR trying to upgrade current one. BIG difference. If the latter, there is little to appeal because you HAVE a license. This is also a killer where one applies for ALP and gets a lesser license.

Anyone note the stupidity of departments that issue "Sporting and Target?" Aside from the misuse of capital letters, target shooting IS a sport! [rolleyes]
Scrivener said:
Then how is it you:

You were either RENEWING your license OR trying to upgrade current one. BIG difference. If the latter, there is little to appeal because you HAVE a license. This is also a killer where one applies for ALP and gets a lesser license.

Anyone note the stupidity of departments that issue "Sporting and Target?" Aside from the misuse of capital letters, target shooting IS a sport! [rolleyes]

Yes I've often pondered the subtle differences betwixt and between Sporting and Target. But this is Massachusetts after all, so I'm sure the politicians will be able to sort it out for us. [rolleyes]

I was reapplying. My husband was renewing. We both have S&T. His from Canton, mine from Somerville. Both applications were ignored. I haven't a leg to stand on, but Patrick could have pursued the issue. The move makes it moot. We'll see what happens in the future. Not much, likely. [hmmm]
Here are some reports from Berkshire county. In 2002 I got my class A ALP in Becket. That is the only license the CLO gave out unless one asked for another type. He is still the COP in town so I doubt anything has changed. I now live in Lenox, and will be starting the renewal process soon. We have a new chief in town so I am not sure what is stance is on ALP. I did talk to him on the phone the other day and he had no problems with renewing a Class A.
I know through friends that: Lee, Chesire, Dalton give out Class A, ALP without trouble. A few friends live in Pittsfield who state that it is difficult to get any class LTC. ALP is out of the question.

Update: The Lenox police officer who renewed my LTC A with ALP said they only give out ALP, in Class A licenses.
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Scrivener said:
Anyone note the stupidity of departments that issue "Sporting and Target?" Aside from the misuse of capital letters, target shooting IS a sport! [rolleyes]

Aside from some of the typos that have been made on licenses (e.g., All Awful Purposes, All Unlawful Purposes), my favorite was the common "Protection of Life and Property". It tended to be the favorite of know-nothing chiefs who insisted that there was no such thing as "All Lawful Purposes", that it was simply something made up by the NRA or GOAL. "But your honor, the chief explicitly authorized me I to use deadly force in defense of my television set." [shocked]

Littleton is great!!No problem getting All lawful purpose. I had no problem renewing in Lunenburg!!! and In Ayer.

I know that Billk had no problem in Fitchburg!!! I moving there next week !!
I've seen Worcester listed as Red, but I had absolutely no problem getting a Class A ALP in Worcester. I am however, moving to Holliston this summer. Anyone have any trouble renewing a class A in Holliston? Mine is due for renewal in 2008...
Mine was issued in 2004. I did have to take a brief safety class as the the police station. After my application was submitted it took about 45 days to receive the ALP.
Good thing you got it in 2004 and are leaving Worcester - the new chief does NOT believe in allowing the peons to defend themselves.
dreppucci007 said:
Congrats!...What'll be the next purchase? [smile]

Some type of 9mm.

Still looking over the options, saving some money.

After that a .45ACP of some sort?

I need to spend more time in each caliber, look at ammo cost : range time etc.
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Plainville is green

ABSOLUTELY NOT GREEN!!! Wasn't green when Merrick was there and still isn't with Alfred. My personal belief is that this is the result of the process being left up to Bona, and NOT the Interim Police Chief. Just applied and was told I would NOT be given an unrestricted Class A LTC! (Yeah, I have a good reason!)
Holy freakin necropost, batman.

keylimes, for more up to date information, please see "Guide to Gun Rights In Your MA Town", which is stickied at the top of the Gen Discussion forum.
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