Can you help me? I'm doing a survey of all cities and towns in Mass. concerning their licensing practices. It appears on on the Mass. webpage. Cities are color coded in green, red, or black. If your town or city will issue a resident a Class A-All Lawful Purposes LTC with no restrictions(concealed carry), if you complete the requirements of the license, and pass the background check, I need your help with info. If they might, but will make you jump through hoops, please help. If they refuse to issue Class A LTC's without restrictions, I can use that info. Partial results can be viewed by scrolling down the Mass. webpage at the above website. If your city or town has not been surveyed(colored grey) and you have info, I would appreciate it. You can email info to me at [email protected] or [email protected]. Many thanks for any info. This survey will be available to GOAL for their future legislative action in Mass.