Dumb guy at the range

I used to point my muzzle dangerously close to my feet because I was so worried about it pointing somewhere it shouldn't be when I was new.

figured I'd admit that and come clean
I'm glad I don't belong to the clubs all you guys belong to. Is every club in Mass a shit show?

No, not really. There are a ton of them that when you show up there is nobody there. Which works out great. If you stay west or even south of
the 128 loop the clubs improve dramatically. (the number of clubs inside the loop that dont suck can probably be counted on one hand).

What's the consensus on drawing from the holster at the range? I was told it was a no no. Not sure if some previous idiots drew fast like they were in a Western shootout and ruined it for everyone. But I was thinking of slower draw from a carry gun. Is this okay in general at other clubs?
The thing I have seen the most is as soon as a jam happens all safty rules are forgotten.


Dealing with (some) malfunctions can be practiced with dummy rounds, away from the range. Practice beforehand, and don't get panicked when dealing with jams on a hot range.
What's the consensus on drawing from the holster at the range? I was told it was a no no. Not sure if some previous idiots drew fast like they were in a Western shootout and ruined it for everyone. But I was thinking of slower draw from a carry gun. Is this okay in general at other clubs?

If you can't train like real life, you need a new range.
What's the consensus on drawing from the holster at the range? I was told it was a no no. Not sure if some previous idiots drew fast like they were in a Western shootout and ruined it for everyone. But I was thinking of slower draw from a carry gun. Is this okay in general at other clubs?

The same rules apply when you draw from a holster as apply when you already have the gun in your hand.
What's the range that used to limit guns to five rounds, including 6-shot revolvers? I wonder if they allow holster draws [rofl]
I was once that guy when i just got my ak47 and i was used to my ar15 and i got the mag jammed in the magwell because i put it in straight instead of an agle....needless to say it sucked... lol
I was shooting 9mm once at the range and the newb shooters next to me were putting .22 holes in my target [laugh] and their 'knowledgeable' friend did not correct them at all...
What's the consensus on drawing from the holster at the range? I was told it was a no no. Not sure if some previous idiots drew fast like they were in a Western shootout and ruined it for everyone. But I was thinking of slower draw from a carry gun. Is this okay in general at other clubs?

If your club doesn't at least allow safe holster work (IMHO safe defined as not sweeping others during the draw etc. ) then it's pretty worthless club.

If you stay west or even south of
the 128 loop the clubs improve dramatically. (the number of clubs inside the loop that dont suck can probably be counted on one hand).


This. I live in Burlington about equal distance from MRA and Woburn Sportsman Club. Too many unsafe experiences at MRA indoor range and Woburn is too restrictive and rule bound. I joined the Shirley Rod & Gun several years ago and I love it. Usually no on there or there are a few guys and I know them. Only minor BS and on rare occasion. The drive is well worth it.
"know your target and what's beyond it"

Well... I stapled my target to my rifle.

I was stapling the target to the cardboard carrier, and the cardboard was on the bench.. on top of the rifle.

I went to pick up the target and it was stuck. IMG_6916.jpg

I took my brother to the range (he was in the Marines but has been out a long time). I had a Marlin 30-30 and an SKS on deck and he was loading the SKS with 30-30 ammo. He couldn't get the bolt forward which is when I caught the issue. In his defense, he's been living in Australia for 10 years now HA.
My brother and i had something similar. We shoot almost every Sunday at WPRC. We were there a couple years ago shooting at the 100 Yard range and this car pulls in, parks right next to the shooting bench. Two guys jump out and start heading down range. We stop shooting of course and yell at them. The guy says you guys were shooting at the hundred and we are setting up at the 25 so you wont hit us.

I wonder how they think the bullets get to the 100 yard line without going through the 25 yard line.
I was shooting 9mm once at the range and the newb shooters next to me were putting .22 holes in my target [laugh] and their 'knowledgeable' friend did not correct them at all...

This I see at my range and it pisses me off. Just this weekend I had a .22 target set at 50 yards so I could shoot for one hole groups. I forgot my rear bag so I was not tight enough. I stopped shooting to talk with someone and when I went to get my target it was full of .308 holes from a new member.

If YOU don't put up a target then it's not YOUR target.
If YOU don't put up a target then it's not YOUR target.

This also drives me nuts. I put out my steel gong and others will start shooting it and missing and hitting the frame/legs of the gong stand[rolleyes]
This I see at my range and it pisses me off. Just this weekend I had a .22 target set at 50 yards so I could shoot for one hole groups. I forgot my rear bag so I was not tight enough. I stopped shooting to talk with someone and when I went to get my target it was full of .308 holes from a new member.

If YOU don't put up a target then it's not YOUR target.

Maybe they thought they were shooting at their own target but they were so horrible with their gun, they were shooting into your lane instead Lol
I am going to the range in a week or 2 with a buddy and made sure he read this thread. I used to go often so i know general safety. I told him to youtube "range etiquette". I do not want him to embarrass me since i might want to go back there and do not want to be know as "that guys here, time to go"
Racking a slide and pointing the gun anywhere but down range happens on the regular.....and not just from the newbs either. I've seen many so called "gun guys" do it on more than one occasion. Learn proper technique and turn your body if needed. Most people think that safety/firearms training ends once your take your safety class. That is just the beginning of the training you need. Spend time with seasoned LTC holders. Range officers are a big help also. Seek out additional training.

I can't stress safety enough! Last thing I want to do is be shot or die on the line.

Also, if you think something is unsafe, don't do it!
I was at MRA last year and some Dad was there with his teenagers which was fine. The older boy had a red laser pen pointer. He was sitting in the back so not shooting or at the booths. Anyway he kept pointing the red laser on other people that were shooting (not his family members but other people). Not too smart.
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