
I’m getting them on my game cams - so many squirrels and chipmunks about that their flourishing in SoNH. Now, if I only had a few deer....

I did some squirrel and chipmunk control in the spring to keep the local population in check, but in the last few weeks I've been seeing them all over the place, where did they all come from ???
Time to set up the Conibear 110's again.
We had a coyote stalking my neighbors wife and 3yo son while they were out on a walk. I've also had them on my back deck in the middle of the night sizing up my lunatic dog through the slider he was trying to bust through to get at them too. They are pretty bold, and you need to be wary of them.

We had a yote attack one of our chickens last fall while they were free ranging on the property. The flock was a bit into the woods when it happened. This was the first coyote sighting since we've been here for 12 years (and the first time since we've had chickens over the past 7 years or so). We've known they were out there, but just had not had an incident.

That bastard managed to get 1 of our favorite (friendliest) hens, but it did not get away with her.
I managed to get out of the house in time and wing it with a 12 gauge and the POS dropped her (but she was pretty much gone at that point).

Since then I've added a whole array of additional CCTV cams along that side of the property with trail cams and a pile of wireless motion sensor alarms.
The next time it pops up its gonna be toast (unless I end-up with some free time to set myself up with my sightmark wraith and AR a few nights).

The great majority of coyotes don't prey upon livestock. However, once a coyote learns that young livestock are easy prey, depredation can become a problem. If this occurs, removal of the offending coyote is often recommended.
- Eastern Coyote | Wildlife | New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

(on a side note, we had a bobcat try to get to the chickens last week, it hopped right into the area they were free-lounging at and they scattered. Fortunately it did't get any, and we managed to respond fast enough to scare it off).
Some of you are just like my neighborhood Karens. Every two weeks, as if on schedule, one of them posts on the neighborhood facebook group about a coyote sighting and the rest of the Karens start their clucking. "OMG I'm so worried about my outdoor kitty!" and "Wow! I must go save my little 10lbs purse dog that I let loose in the back yard even though my property abuts a state forest!" [laugh]
Some of you are just like my neighborhood Karens. Every two weeks, as if on schedule, one of them posts on the neighborhood facebook group about a coyote sighting and the rest of the Karens start their clucking. "OMG I'm so worried about my outdoor kitty!" and "Wow! I must go save my little 10lbs purse dog that I let loose in the back yard even though my property abuts a state forest!" [laugh]

Don't understand why.... Coyotes gotta eat too, and their little snackdogs are a nice little meal.
Better to just use the shotgun at night. Unfortunately, you can't use buckshot either!
Shit like that is why a cheap shotshell reloader can be worth it's weight in gold. Take some high brass shells from some turkey loads and load em up with some #4 or 00 buck topped off with some #8 or #9 shot to hide it lol
My land backs into conservation land. I get Coyotes in my backyard on a fairly regular basis. Last one I saw was mid afternoon along the back about a week ago. The only time I've ever had an issue was maybe 10 years ago in the middle of the day. My wife's Pug was in the yard and one came out of the woods and tried to grab the Pug. I yelled at the Coyote and threw a rake at it and it took off into the woods without the Pug. I do have some flood lights on the back of the house and I don't let the dogs out alone at night. I go with them and make sure they stay close to the house in the illuminated area. Some nights the Coyotes get howling in the woods really good. I like to sit on my back deck with a cold beer and listen to them.
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When we first bought our house, in a very wooded area, I was awakened one night by a coyote howling party in the woods behind us.
I thought to myself "I'm gonna hate living here!"
Two minutes later, from a couple doors down the street, I hear KABOOM!, shotgun blast. Coyotes STFU.
I thought to myself "I'm gonna LOVE living here!".
Over twenty years later, still love my neighborhood.
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