Boston LTC process - denied my 2a because I'm a second class citizen

The issue is that Boston would not confirm that a Certificate of Citizenship was acceptable. They would ONLY accept a Birth Certificate or Naturalization Certificate. Ngo could obtain neither.

The funny thing is when just talking with him, he said the PD was angry that they were sued instead of "filing a complaint". As if a lone person filing a complaint would have changed the department's stupid policy.

The people he talked to when trying to even apply were ignorant about even the idea that derivative citizenship even existed and never gave straight answers. Kinda glad he decided to call a week after to confirm if the Certificate of citizenship was really acceptable. After that i told him to ask on these forums and contact Comm2a.
Angry that they were sued when they should have been apologetic for having trampled his rights.

They are ENTITLED to trample on our "rights". However, they get pissed when we have the unmitigated gaul to ASSERT our "rights"!!
The funny thing is when just talking with him, he said the PD was angry that they were sued instead of "filing a complaint".
Just like some drivers are angry when they are given a citation for an expired inspection sticker, instead of simply being told it is out of date and it's time for a new one.
Just like some drivers are angry when they are given a citation for an expired inspection sticker, instead of simply being told it is out of date and it's time for a new one.

And, similarly, if you get the car inspected and challenge the ticket, it'll get dismissed.
And, similarly, if you get the car inspected and challenge the ticket, it'll get dismissed.

Sort of like how Boston changed their policy (or non-policy as they claim) and managed to get the federal case dismissed.
Sort of like how Boston changed their policy (or non-policy as they claim) and managed to get the federal case dismissed.

Comm2A's case against BPD was dismissed as moot, because (as the court saw it) there was no on-going harm. I liken this logic to saying that the harm suffered by Abner Louima ceased as soon as the officers of the 70th precinct extracted the broom handle from Mr. Louima.
Comm2A's case against BPD was dismissed as moot, because (as the court saw it) there was no on-going harm. I liken this logic to saying that the harm suffered by Abner Louima ceased as soon as the officers of the 70th precinct extracted the broom handle from Mr. Louima.

I seriously considered using that analogy.
Don't know if anyone remembers this, but i do and i'm sure there are still some guys working BPD that do too.

It's the crime that did away with lifetime FID cards and made Boston extra stupid trying to get a LTC.

And before the haters come out i'm glad this guy got his LTC. I had to lawyer up to get mine and i carried a gun for a living !

On the flip side put yourself in that cop's shoes. You rubber stamp someone's permit and they go on a shooting spree.

Guess who's mug shows up on the nightly news ?
Don't know if anyone remembers this, but i do and i'm sure there are still some guys working BPD that do too.

It's the crime that did away with lifetime FID cards and made Boston extra stupid trying to get a LTC.

And before the haters come out i'm glad this guy got his LTC. I had to lawyer up to get mine and i carried a gun for a living !

On the flip side put yourself in that cop's shoes. You rubber stamp someone's permit and they go on a shooting spree.

Guess who's mug shows up on the nightly news ?

This is the most absurd excuse I have ever heard for making it difficult to get an LTC. If anything, it's an argument for removing chief's discretion entirely; if the chief is legally bound to issue the LTC then he cannot be held responsible for the actions of the people he issues LTCs to. He really can't be held responsible in any case, but I guess they think otherwise.
That happened in 1987, lifetime FIDs did NOT go away until 10/21/1998. I see no connection.

Info from Atty Karen MacNutt (Boston resident who sued BPD ages ago wrt LTC issues) told me in the 1970s and 1980s about the hoops Boston residents were made to jump thru to get restricted LTCs.

I see nothing in that article to indicate that the shooter had a LTC at all.

Terrible crime, but I see no connection with anything else that you claimed.
The guy was a recent immigrant , got his FID in a couple weeks and murdered those people with a rifle he bought.

But, no rampant shootings don't have any effect on local gun laws [rolleyes]

See any .22 rimfire lately ?
The guy was a recent immigrant , got his FID in a couple weeks and murdered those people with a rifle he bought.

But, no rampant shootings don't have any effect on local gun laws [rolleyes]

See any .22 rimfire lately ?

11 years went by between that event and the demise of lifetime FIDs.

Boston was always tough and the run-around that people got just to get the application form was a separate travesty that no longer exists . . . again this was true more than 10 years PRIOR to the incident you posted.

So again, I say that there is no connection between the two.
On the flip side put yourself in that cop's shoes. You rubber stamp someone's permit and they go on a shooting spree.

Guess who's mug shows up on the nightly news ?
Huh? I have never seen the mug of any licensing officer on the news in connection with a shooting of any kind. I can't even remember ever hearing a reporter asking "Why did this suspect have a gun license" to any official. Probably because 99% of the time they don't have one.

That would be an access-ending question for a reporter to ask of a police chief if the were suitability based licenses. But it doesn't happen because it doesn't happen.

That would be a great softball question for an anti reporter to toss at a police chief over shall-issue licenses though. But it doesn't happen because it doesn't happen.
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