TOP SHOT SEASON 3 Megathread

The host made a name for himself on Survivor. He kept is word to another contestant knowing it would guarantee him a 2nd place finish instead of 1st.

He was in a voting situation where his vote would determine who the only other survivor would be. His choices were some a-hole that no one liked and a lady he had made a pact with to stay a team to the end. If he had selected the a-hole, the a-hole would have been voted off the island leaving him 1st place. But he kept his word and chose the lady (which everyone liked). He was voted off the island leaving her the winner. That's character.
Yeah, I've never heard anything bad about him. Seems like a good dude making the most of 15 minutes of fame.
Somehow I feel we haven't heard the last of Jake Zweig.

That guy rust isn't wrapped right, and I feel we'll be reading about him in the newspapers somewhere down the road.
Just got done watching it on DVR... Yea, Dustin pretty much just demolished that last stage. Good for him.

I liked his intro video... He's what I would consider scarry good.
Can you imagine the reaction of the kids who go to his camp? They must be freaking out about his win.

I just have to say that I think it's awesome that a guy with seemingly NO ego at all won. What a shooter! And what a refreshing attitude - he really was a breath of fresh air.
Dustin was my #1 pick throughout the season.
and once again, a regular man can be a good shooter!!!!

the navy seal black guy was way too strange. don't like him..
Good guys can win! Never underestimate the power of those who believe in the lord. They are thinking about way more important things than missing a shot.
The host made a name for himself on Survivor. He kept is word to another contestant knowing it would guarantee him a 2nd place finish instead of 1st.

He was in a voting situation where his vote would determine who the only other survivor would be. His choices were some a-hole that no one liked and a lady he had made a pact with to stay a team to the end. If he had selected the a-hole, the a-hole would have been voted off the island leaving him 1st place. But he kept his word and chose the lady (which everyone liked). He was voted off the island leaving her the winner. That's character.

It's not his character that bothers me, he acts fake on the show.. Might be i'm just not interested in drama side of tv, don't get why America eats that shit up.
It's not his character that bothers me, he acts fake on the show..
No argument here. He stands motionless with a cleaning rod up his butt, talking through semi-clenched peroxide white teeth, carefully crafting every inflection of his voice. Still, I don't think we'll be reading about him on the cover of the tabloids while we stand in line at the grocery store. I think the cleaning rod and peroxide are just part of his new job.
Regarding Dustin,something that I head somewhere from someone along time ago Beware of the quiet guys,cause in the long run they're the ones to look out for. He was there to have fun and winning the competition was a side benefit.
Can you imagine the reaction of the kids who go to his camp? They must be freaking out about his win.

Agreed, but If I was a kid at his camp I'd already be freaking out over how cool it is to have a camp counselor with a kick-ass gun collection, and his own range at the camp!
No argument here. He stands motionless with a cleaning rod up his butt, talking through semi-clenched peroxide white teeth, carefully crafting every inflection of his voice.

Doesn't really bother me; I just want to watch the shooting. It's no worse than any other game show host.

Agreed, but If I was a kid at his camp I'd already be freaking out over how cool it is to have a camp counselor with a kick-ass gun collection, and his own range at the camp!

You know it!!
I was surprised Mike had such a hard time hitting those jars with the shotgun. I don't think it would have mattered if they left that stage at the same time though, cause I think Justin only missed ONE shot after that and that was on the last stage. I don't think there would have been any way he could have beat Justin in the final.
What a character Jake was... I think he walked off the show because he expected the elimination to involve pistol shooting like it was in the challenge and we all saw how bad he was at that. He would probably rather walk off than getting beat, but it was funny that the elimination challenge was all rifle shooting and he would have had a pretty good shot at winning that one.
Anyway, I am glad he wasn't the overall winner!
I was surprised Mike had such a hard time hitting those jars with the shotgun.

In the aftershow he explained that he got the wrong sight picture. The shotgun had ghost ring sights, and he was putting the front sight down all the way in the notch rather than centering it, so he was consistently shooting low. He started sighting on the jar lids at the end which is when he started hitting them.
Dustin sure comes of as a heck of a nice guy and a very gracious competitor. In the highlights show, Jake Zweig just makes it even more clear that he is 5 bottles short of a six-pack.
I think it was sort of cool when Mike was able to come back after Jake whimped out. It was also sort of a righteous poke in the eye to Jake, since it seemed he disliked Mike so much (it was his quitting that gave Mike his second chance).

Having said that, it would have seemed a bit weird if Mike ended up knocking Dustin out.

Dustin beat all comers and it was very appropriate that he won. I'm a big believer in meritocracy.
Anyone else get bothered by the host? I haven't watched much of top shot till I got my DVR and I only got the last half of the season and when I see the host for some reason I just get pissed.. Maybe because he looks like a ******* salesman and keeps one pose throughout.

Another thing is I feel the show is a bit too mainstream, IDGAS what they're feeling or their beef with one another (mostly from Jake) I just want to see raw competition. Too much time spent babbling away, I find myself fast forwarding 80% of the show

My girlfriend and I make fun of this guy every episode! To us, it's one of the major attractions of the show! He stands there like the monty python lumberjack!!! Whenever he brings one of the pre-stage trainers on camera with him, they just stand awkwardly next to him while he "poses"
Yeah, I've never heard anything bad about him. Seems like a good dude making the most of 15 minutes of fame.

He's also a genuine gun guy. I read an article about in the first season and he talked about keeping an AR 15 in his truck. His play by play annoys me, but in reality, it actually helps me know what's going on in the challenges where you can't see the hits. I think he gets genuinely excited about each round and it comes through. I'm not holding it against him.
ok, bringing back an old thread but watching some old episodes and it seems that the one thing everyone complains about is how 'bad' the triggers are. Seems like someone use to mass compliant trigger would clean up there...
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