Suspected active shooter investigation involving news crew

Zombie apocolypse?

Thank God.

If this douchenozzle had lived, the trial would have lasted years, and been an absolute sideshow circus. Thankfully, we taxpayers won't have to pay to both prosecute, defend, and then imprison him for thirty-something years.

He did us all a favor.

Really, if he wanted to start a shit storm he should have driven to a local PD and surrendered. The years of court cases/protesting/public statements etc. etc. would have been a mess after all the ferguson crap.
There was something on faces of death when a guy got shot multiple times on live tv. He kept hiding behind a tree as the guy chased him shooting.

that was a lawyer, in Georgia, IIRC...he was representing the shooters's wife in a divorce trial. I believe the guy kept missing and ran out of ammo

this one?

He got life
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Zombie apocolypse?

Patient zero?



This is a horrible case.

I'm pretty sure that even the non-tinfoilers agree that the current regime is certainly into boiling racial tension into this nation, with the kind help of the MSM.

They have certainly succeeded. I can only hope no stupid,moronic "retaliation" will follow.

My comments on this forum prove I'm not a "ohh let's just all get along" type of person, because I think it's BS. However, In all honesty, I cannot care less that he's black, white or pink, I only care the POS is a cold blooded murderer.

But, I don't think I'm in the majority. Plenty of white people will see this moron's action as an attack, it's likely that somewhere, somehow someone will retaliate and....

The clown we have for president and his communist overlords will sit down while their plan unfolds.
they declared him dead at 1:30.
Crap. I was so looking forward to the viral video of Chris Hurst, Melissa Ott, and Vicki Gardner walking down a dead-end hallway after Bryce Williams with pistols in their hands while he screams like a little girl.
Who was that wise man called this a hate crime hours ago?

Lol, I don't even believe in that terminology, because it's MSM/politically correct BS. Even at that, my guess is the guy put the racial shit in his manifesto to deflect the fact that he sucked at life. It's an easier sell to say you've been racially oppressed or aggrieved or whatever than it is to just appear as a failure. If this was really a racially motivated attack why didn't he just march into a mall and shoot a bunch of white people? Crazy people often come with with some heinous idea, and then they come up with some ****ed up logic after the fact to justify internally doing the heinous shit. Basically the "I'm black and gay and people oppressed me for it" is a big cop out to try to garner public sympathy for what he did, to try to make people cast him as something other than a typical wackjob.

That's the one. Then there is the politician who ate the barrel of a revolver in front of reporters in the Capital building. They showed it on live TV. Same episode of FOD I believe.

that was a lawyer, in Georgia, IIRC...he was representing the shooters's wife in a divorce trial. I believe the guy kept missing and ran out of ammo

this one?

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Eff that. If a white kid shooting nine black folks in a church didn't do it, a black guy shooting two people on live TV can't.

It wouldn't be the first time in this country that gun control was enabled by white folks being scared of black folks. In fact, it has happened quite a bit.
I wonder how long it will be before some idiots from "blacklivesmatter" start saying they're glad this happened so white people will know how it feels, or something to that affect. I don't think it will be that long even though I hope I'm wrong.
Isn't that the reporter from DC a while back that did the "Emily Gets a Gun" series?

Yes. Emily Miller now works at the Fox affiliate in DC. She recently called out DC Police Chief Lanier for her claims that access to 'high capacity' guns and magazines were one of the causes (yes, CAUSES) for all the recent shootings in DC.

I follow Emily on FB, as she usually posts timely, relevant stories.
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