Steve King deletes Facebook post asking who would win new US civil war

The cities would burn to rubble within a month shortly after the EBT, store shelves, gas shortages go on for more than a week. I was on a motorcycle riding home to MA from Florida during the big power outages in New England in 2003. Imagine if there were power outages all over the country? No fuel for a week or so its going to get sporty if this ever lights off! During that motorcycle ride there was some concern I might not be able to get gas with only about 150 mile range and almost hit empty a couple of times. Very few stations had back up generators and the ones that did ran out fast. It was very interesting how fast things were deteriorating and it was only a few days?

Northeast blackout of 2003 - Wikipedia
Unfortunately everything outside of the cities is nearly identical.........very few people are prepared to live an 18th century subsistance lifestyle for very long.....some not at all

That's where Darwin comes into play.
Give me a couple of hours and a rifle and I can put enough on the table for weeks.
People who live on take out , not so much.
In the cities , the natives will go feral a few days after the EBT runs out and greatly reduce the Democrat voting base.
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