"...some freedoms for ..... may need to be restricted....."

What a bunch of morons. Australians probably will start restricting more rights.

The exact opposite of what they should be doing.

And this doesn't even begin to address the possibility that the whole reason why ISIS exists in the first place and is being pushed in the media so hard - is to get yet another reason to restrict everybody's rights.


(Denninger allows full posts as long as credit is given)

Ah, They're Waking Up

Gee, who would have thought....

Never before have I felt so naked.

Now more than ever, I wish I was armed.

And I’m not alone.

Any and all home-grown Islamic terrorism should be able, if need be, to be met by a well-armed civilian militia. The United Kingdom has had two beheadings of members of the public in the last two years, with neither police nor civilians able to prevent it. It has prohibitive gun laws.

With news of the ISIS plot to randomly abduct members of the Australian public and behead them, Australian sentiment on guns is dramatically shifting.

Yeah, I know, it's WorldNet Trash, otherwise known as WND.

But the point stands. ISIS thinks it should behead people in other nations. Like Australia. Like the UK, where two people were beheaded in public and that very same public was unable to stop it as nobody among the civilian population had a gun.

Have you wondered why that clowncar group called ISIS hasn't tried something like that here?

I'll tell you why -- there are millions of people in this country that, were ISIS adherents to attempt beheading someone in public, would fill them full of lead without a bit of remorse.

The Second Amendment is all about making attempts at tyranny and terrorism unprofitable enough that the people who would try it get second thoughts. That very process applies to the common street thug, the ISIS jackass and a potentially-terroristic government itself.

All are comprised of people who have no respect for the law or common decency. They speak only one language -- violence, and they respect only one language -- the ability to meet their violence with equal or superior violence.

The shark does not bite man at will because it is not certain that you, who are of good size, have no teeth of equal power. Of course we do not, but were the shark to be certain of this it would eat us with impunity any time we went in the water. Nobody could swim in the ocean without being turned into chum; if you doubt this go take a chopper or airplane ride at low altitude over a beach sometime. There are usually numerous sharks within tens of feet if not closer to people swimming in the water, yet they do not bite said swimmers.

Likewise there are predators of the two-legged variety all over the world. These are individuals and groups of individuals who in some cases don ski masks and dark clothing, in others they don magical costumes of various colors and in still other cases they simply operate brazenly in the open.

These predatory individuals and groups are no more stupid than the shark is. Just as the shark does not bite in the general case on purpose, that is, when it bites it does so due to an error in identification (e.g. you look like a seal, which the shark knows has no defensive weapons of substance when you're on a surfboard and the shark is below you) the two-legged predators are not interested in initiating a fight they believe they may lose.

So ISIS plots to saw the heads off people in Australia, because the general public has no guns -- and certainly none in public where they would be of use in such a situation. Crazy Muzzies did cut the heads off two people in the UK for the same reason.

Why do we have a Second Amendment and why must all Americans demand that the actual words in that Amendment be honored, with an immediate and full removal of all alleged "laws" that are in conflict with it?

For the precise reason that there are predatory animals walking on two legs, and they understand exactly one language when it comes to deterring their behavior -- the ability and willingness to meet their initiation of violence with an equally-violent defensive response at that precise moment in time.

Welcome to the real world, Australia.

As for those on the other side of the debate here in America, who would call me a "crazy teabagger" or some other slur, I will simply point out that when your head is about to be sawed off by a Muzzy nutball it will be too late to change your mind about whether I, as a law-abiding citizen who by happenstance is close enough to stop that act, should be legally able to carry the only device known to mankind that will allow me to drill said jackass right between the eyes at the moment of your gravest extreme need.
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Being killed – according to their account – is a victory. This is where the secret lies.
Let's all hope they are "victorious" then. Remember, one can only become a martyr if he dies.
“These ISIL soldiers apparently believed that if they were killed in battle, they went to paradise as long as they were killed by a man,” Royce explained, using another acronym for the terror group."


Well let's accommodate them.

I hope the bad guys know it.

You know, that's a good point. I do know some Marines down at camp Lajeune who have done this very thing. Not sure if the brass approves, or would approve if they knew. Maybe thats why they didn't post pictures on the web. I mean, hey, maybe it works. Satan is always looking for new playthings.
They seem to have it in for the French. I laughed when I read this:

"Especially the spiteful and filthy French"

Them there is fighting words!!
Wow, nobody likes the French:

If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French

Going forward if I'm ever caught in one of these situations without a firearm - I'm going to use this as my defense:

"look - I know you want to kill me because I'm a disbeliever and all that - but see that guy over there? Well I just overheard him saying he thinks you guys REALLY suck - and I'm pretty sure he's French because he always eats croissants at lunch - I'll wait right here while you go take care of that situation first"
Going forward if I'm ever caught in one of these situations without a firearm - I'm going to use this as my defense:

"look - I know you want to kill me because I'm a disbeliever and all that - but see that guy over there? Well I just overheard him saying he thinks you guys REALLY suck - and I'm pretty sure he's French because he always eats croissants at lunch - I'll wait right here while you go take care of that situation first"

They will ask you if he is French French or French Canadian.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott:

Mr Abbott warned that there could be "more restrictions on some so that there can be more protections for others".

This is only common sense, and the government is uniquely qualified to determine whose rights should be abridged and who gets enhanced protection. I was trying to figure out why Mr. Abbott's quote sounded so familiar. After a quick search I found another quote that has the same idea:

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
I am actually curious why they singled out the French. Did the guy's ancestor get served by a snooty waiter in Paris or something?

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Sykes picot maybe. This appears to be their real life movie the Ottoman Empire Strikes back....
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