shooting in Boston

Jan 16, 2006
new hampshire for now
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I hope that i heard this wrong, completely wrong.

On the news this morining the brilliance that exists in this state is
cosidering limiting the amount of ammo you can buy.

secondly, to have the serial number of the gun put on the bullets.

Here's another fine example of STUPIDITY.

Anyone else hear this...????


This is a crackpot scheme from mumbles Menino (If you heard him speak, you'd understand why the mayor has this name).

The funny thing about this is that MA is one of the few places in the US where you need a license to buy ammunition. Of course, they are also worried that you can "buy ammo for any type of gun if you have a license for a different type of gun." (Yup, MA has 7 different license types depending on how you count, and that count does not include the additional types created by restrictive conditions which can be added to the "A" license).
Anyway, I think that CA has been trying to do this for some time. But they can't get it passed. So I don't really think that we have too much to worry least not yet.

But the thing is, I don't think that they are really thinking this through. But then what else do you expect?
Needless to say, it's a load of crap.

From this morning's mAss Backwards post:

Mosher also said the current law allows buyers with a license for one type of gun to buy ammunition for any type of gun.

You know what current state law also allows for requires? Issuing licesnse to carry (or written letters of denial) within 40 days of the application date. You missed that one by 66 days, Detective.

As to your claim there of being able to buy ammuntion for any type of gun, regardless of the type of license one holds, I don't see much (read: any) merit to that claim.

Class "A" License to Carry (LTC) holders can purchase any type of ammunition for sale in Massachsuetts on the civilian market.

The same holds true for Class "B" LTC holders, with the main distinctions between the two classes being how the gun may be carried and the magazine capacity allowed - nothing, whatsoever, to do with caliber or ammuntion type.

That leaves us with Firearms Identification Card (FID) holders. Basically, this license allows for the purchase and possesison of non-high-capactity long guns (rifles and shotguns) and ammunition.

Last I checked, an FID holder could legally buy a rifle in this state chambered in many common handgun calibers, including .22LR, 9mm, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .40-caliber, .44 Magnum, and .45 ACP. In addition, such a licensed individual could also purchase non-high-capacity rifles chambered in those calibers commonly associated with those scary, high-capacity "assault weapons", or "sniper rifles".

Care to explain your words, Detective? You wouldn't be feeding the Globe a string of bullshit there just to further your boss's political agenda, and remain in his good graces now, would you?

More here.
I can just see it now - this dumbass scheme passes into law. Guns sold in Massachusetts (if there still are any) immediately go up in price. Black market for ammo surges to meet the "demand." Millions spent on another quick-fix that does nothing but harm legal, law-abiding gun owners.

As icing on the cake, criminals defeat the microstamping brainstorm by visiting all known firing ranges and scooping up empty brass.... so they can conveniently drop a few after a killing.

Another regoddamndiculous idea from our friends in the capital city.
It just goes to show that the left is completely out of touch with reality. [roll] Is there no one in Boston to educate these morons during these firearm summits?
derek said:
It just goes to show that the left is completely out of touch with reality. [roll] Is there no one in Boston to educate these morons during these firearm summits?

You can bet your ass that if there were, the would be voted out very quick.
new bullet-tracking technology, known as microstamping,

You gotta love it when the idiots that are pushing this technology don't even know the way it works. Or the media are too dumb to research it to print it right.

The "microstamping" has NOTHING to do with the bullet., it imprints the primer with a specially imprinted firing pin unique to a particular gun. It is the primer that is stamped, not the bullet. OR, it uses a special engraving on the chamber wall to imprint when the case expands.

Of course, details like TRUTH are rarely any kind of a requirement when it comes to gun laws.

And do these people really think that criminals are too dumb to know to pass a file across the tip of their firing pin or scrub the chamber wtih steel wool when they use their own registered gun? Oh yea, criminals don't register their guns.

Wait a minute.. all those FA-10's Surely there are crimes solved every day from all that data that's collected. Right? OK, surely a crime a week, that's only 52 a year. 1 crime a month? No? A year? Has any crime been solved thanks to the registration data? Ever? And why do we waste the millions a year on this program?

Oh yea, because some political stuffed shirt feels better. You know, a good fart would probably feel just as good and probably be a lot more productive.

If they use either the firing pin or chamber thing there are some other problems...

First, the imprint on the pins would have to be VERY fine. That being the case, what happens to the reliability of the imprints when the firing pin gets fouled? Same thing with the chamber... What happens when the engraving gets fouled? What happens if you use one of those stainless steel chamber brushes?

These ideas are so beyond flawed!

Adam_MA said:
If they use either the firing pin or chamber thing there are some other problems...

First, the imprint on the pins would have to be VERY fine. That being the case, what happens to the reliability of the imprints when the firing pin gets fouled? Same thing with the chamber... What happens when the engraving gets fouled? What happens if you use one of those stainless steel chamber brushes?

These ideas are so beyond flawed!


Not really, Adam. You seem to be evaluating them as if they were actually intended to help fight crime. Where did you come up with that crazy idea? Their only real purpose is to raise the price of any new guns actually offered for sale in Massachusetts up to the point where only people like John Rosenthal and his buddies could afford one. Then, when that fails to eliminate crime, it will serve as a good excuse to ban all private sales and eventually used guns unless they're somehow retrofitted and certified as compliant.

Chris said:
new bullet-tracking technology, known as microstamping,

You gotta love it when the idiots that are pushing this technology don't even know the way it works. Or the media are too dumb to research it to print it right.

It is quite amazing.
Of course, this law woud be followed with the following laws to close the "microprinting loophole"

Effective immediately, all persons responsible for illegal shootings in Boston using a revolver will be required to eject their empty shell casings at the scene for collection by BPD Forensics personnel.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, as we all strive to make Boston a safe city for all.

- Mayor Thomas M. Menino

Naturally, when this fails to reduce the crime rate, next up will be:

Effective immediately, all murderers in the city of Boston are hereby required to attach to tag listing their name, address and firearms license number to their victim's big toe.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, as we all strive to make Boston a safe city for all.

- Mayor Thomas M. Menino
KMaurer said:
Adam_MA said:
If they use either the firing pin or chamber thing there are some other problems...

First, the imprint on the pins would have to be VERY fine. That being the case, what happens to the reliability of the imprints when the firing pin gets fouled? Same thing with the chamber... What happens when the engraving gets fouled? What happens if you use one of those stainless steel chamber brushes?

These ideas are so beyond flawed!


Not really, Adam. You seem to be evaluating them as if they were actually intended to help fight crime. Where did you come up with that crazy idea? Their only real purpose is to raise the price of any new guns actually offered for sale in Massachusetts up to the point where only people like John Rosenthal and his buddies could afford one. Then, when that fails to eliminate crime, it will serve as a good excuse to ban all private sales and eventually used guns unless they're somehow retrofitted and certified as compliant.


What's even worse, what happens when you break a firing pin? I mean, that never happens, so nevermind.
I bet you would have to send your firearm to the manufacture, so they could CUSTOM engrave you a new firing pin, and then install it directly into the gun it was intended for.

Mucho expensive I'm sure...

Oh yeah... What happens if your gun doesn't strike the primer square? I mean, I have picked up TONS of brass at the range with tear drop shaped primer strikes.

There is a very similar thread here on a bill that was filed to do a lot of what Mumbles wants to do.

Hopefully, he'll concentrate on City Council. They can pass a "Boston Law" in a matter of a few weeks and it will have any real effect on most anyone.

How many FFLs/ammo dealers do you think are in the City of Boston? Probably only a handful besides a few police supply stores.

As long as Mumbles keeps his manure in the City, it will be toothless and meaningless.

Going after a state law . . . he'll have a bit of difficulty, but I wouldn't rule out his ability to get it passed in this G_d-forsaken communist state. Remember Barrios runs the Public Safety Committee and he's never seen any restriction/ban that he doesn't like.
The only thing that sucks is when the plan fails miserably he will blame it on other cities that didnt follow suit, and will push for a state wide law. Oh and NH will get thrown under the bus too.
derek said:
The only thing that sucks is when the plan fails miserably he will blame it on other cities that didnt follow suit, and will push for a state wide law. Oh and NH will get thrown under the bus too.

Yup. [roll]
derek said:
It just goes to show that the left is completely out of touch with reality. [roll] Is there no one in Boston to educate these morons during these firearm summits?

Yeah, we have GOAL there for us.

Actually i think Mumbles and the Police commisioner are looking for excuses. Either they can't find the criminals or they do a crappy job
of prosecuting them. DON"T even think that a dumb ass law is
gonna stop the shootings in Boston. They are dealing with a different
crowd. How about the T shirts, "don't tell"

What the HELL is the matter with these stupid bastards, don't they
get it.

One other thing Mumbles said this morning, "he was working with some
other mayors of large cities, goes on to say he didn't like what the NRA
did to them, you know the NRA is a very powerful organization"

SURE is you dumb bastard, stupid ideas invoke those with some logic
to step up the plate.

KMaurer said:
Not really, Adam. You seem to be evaluating them as if they were actually intended to help fight crime. Where did you come up with that crazy idea? Their only real purpose is to raise the price of any new guns actually offered for sale in Massachusetts up to the point where only people like John Rosenthal and his buddies could afford one. Then, when that fails to eliminate crime, it will serve as a good excuse to ban all private sales and eventually used guns unless they're somehow retrofitted and certified as compliant.


This is what really concerns me. We can't lose grip of the fact the they are really just trying to deter ANYONE from getting and using handguns. I hate to generalize and stereotype but it pisses me off when the first thing our dumb ass liberal "leaders" do is try to come up with more laws. Why can't they they see the real problems? Oh wait... let me think a minute.. if we eliminate guns.. the bad people will just go away. How about facing reality guys- most of these scum bag murderers have no value systems... I wonder why?
Lugnut said:
KMaurer said:
Not really, Adam. You seem to be evaluating them as if they were actually intended to help fight crime. Where did you come up with that crazy idea? Their only real purpose is to raise the price of any new guns actually offered for sale in Massachusetts up to the point where only people like John Rosenthal and his buddies could afford one. Then, when that fails to eliminate crime, it will serve as a good excuse to ban all private sales and eventually used guns unless they're somehow retrofitted and certified as compliant.


This is what really concerns me. We can't lose grip of the fact the they are really just trying to deter ANYONE from getting and using handguns. I hate to generalize and stereotype but it pisses me off when the first thing our dumb ass liberal "leaders" do is try to come up with more laws. Why can't they they see the real problems? Oh wait... let me think a minute.. if we eliminate guns.. the bad people will just go away. How about facing reality guys- most of these scum bag murderers have no value systems... I wonder why?


You're 100% correct. The only problem is liberals have been thinking this way from the begining of time.
Folks, you do know that some of the Liberals that propose these schemes aren't totally stupid, right? The idea isn't to track the ammo, it's to make shooting and owning firearms so expensive, and so much hassle that people will give up. They know they can't pass draconian anti-gun laws (other than what they have now) or a complete ban, since they don't have the support. But, they can make ammo SO EXPENSIVE and hard to get that having a hundred rounds would be a Goldmine. THen just tighten the noose from there. They'll start with a couple of states, then try a National Law. Fortunately, the outcome of a National Law would likely be another Civil War. That's a good thing, since even an idiot can see that coming, so if a draconian ammo bill were to come up in Congress, it would fall flat on it's face.

Remember, "Gun Control" isn't about guns, it's about CONTROL.

And the good news is that the Anti-Gun folks know their time is limited, since the media and the public are starting to see through their stated agenda and see the real agenda. HEll, I saw Myers (sp?) on NBC bad-mouthing the UN last night. I never thought that's ever happen.
KMaurer said:
derek said:
You're 100% correct. The only problem is liberals have been thinking this way from the begining of time.
Now, Derek, we all no that liberals never think, they feel. [roll]


I forgot Ken, they never think, it's all emotion. [wink]
Nickle said:
Remember, "Gun Control" isn't about guns, it's about CONTROL.

Bingo...give the man a cupie doll. They don't care if the criminals are running around killing us. All they want is to disarm us. Period. they can't do it outright, so they'll back door it every chance they get.
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