Needless to say, it's a load of crap.
From this morning's mAss Backwards post:
Mosher also said the current law allows buyers with a license for one type of gun to buy ammunition for any type of gun.
You know what current state law also allows for requires? Issuing licesnse to carry (or written letters of denial) within 40 days of the application date. You missed that one by 66 days, Detective.
As to your claim there of being able to buy ammuntion for any type of gun, regardless of the type of license one holds, I don't see much (read: any) merit to that claim.
Class "A" License to Carry (LTC) holders can purchase any type of ammunition for sale in Massachsuetts on the civilian market.
The same holds true for Class "B" LTC holders, with the main distinctions between the two classes being how the gun may be carried and the magazine capacity allowed - nothing, whatsoever, to do with caliber or ammuntion type.
That leaves us with Firearms Identification Card (FID) holders. Basically, this license allows for the purchase and possesison of non-high-capactity long guns (rifles and shotguns) and ammunition.
Last I checked, an FID holder could legally buy a rifle in this state chambered in many common handgun calibers, including .22LR, 9mm, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .40-caliber, .44 Magnum, and .45 ACP. In addition, such a licensed individual could also purchase non-high-capacity rifles chambered in those calibers commonly associated with those scary, high-capacity "assault weapons", or "sniper rifles".
Care to explain your words, Detective? You wouldn't be feeding the Globe a string of bullshit there just to further your boss's political agenda, and remain in his good graces now, would you?