I open carried in Boston today

Sep 15, 2022
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For all the rumors, stories, and Fuddlore that surround the topic of "open carry in Massachusetts", I wanted to see for myself exactly what would happen. The results will bore you:

View: https://x.com/avsterbone/status/1778630094770032769

That's right, NOTHING! The thousands of rich white liberals I passed by in the Financial District couldn't give two shits about the sight of a punk 22-year-old walking around with a Glock strapped to the side of his hip. Nor did any of the many businesses I visited, the cops I walked past, etc.

Frankly, it makes complete & total sense. You'd have to be an idiot to violate gun laws and be public about it. Humans, including cops, intuitively understand that and as a result, it is their default assumption. "Hmmm, I don't usually see people in shorts and a T-shirt openly carrying a handgun but if it were illegal he probably wouldn't be doing it sooooo."

Bonus Info-P.S. While researching Massachusetts Gun-Free-Zones it turns out the MBTA explicitly bans the possession of firearms on all of their property. I saw conflicting information on here concerning this point so I figured I'd clarify that as well for everyone.

Riders cannot bring the following items into MBTA vehicles and stations:

  • Dynamite
  • Gasoline
  • Gunpowder
  • Fireworks
  • Hoverboards
  • Propane tanks
  • Pure alcohol
  • Uncovered oil or grease containers
  • [B]Weapons or firearms[/B]
For all the rumors, stories, and Fuddlore that surround the topic of "open carry in Massachusetts", I wanted to see for myself exactly what would happen. The results will bore you:

View: https://x.com/avsterbone/status/1778630094770032769

That's right, NOTHING! The thousands of rich white liberals I passed by in the Financial District couldn't give two shits about the sight of a punk 22-year-old walking around with a Glock strapped to the side of his hip. Nor did any of the many businesses I visited, the cops I walked past, etc.

Frankly, it makes complete & total sense. You'd have to be an idiot to violate gun laws and be public about it. Humans, including cops, intuitively understand that and as a result, it is their default assumption. "Hmmm, I don't usually see people in shorts and a T-shirt openly carrying a handgun but if it were illegal he probably wouldn't be doing it sooooo."

Bonus Info-P.S. While researching Massachusetts Gun-Free-Zones it turns out the MBTA explicitly bans the possession of firearms on all of their property. I saw conflicting information on here concerning this point so I figured I'd clarify that as well for everyone.

Riders cannot bring the following items into MBTA vehicles and stations:

  • Dynamite
  • Gasoline
  • Gunpowder
  • Fireworks
  • Hoverboards
  • Propane tanks
  • Pure alcohol
  • Uncovered oil or grease containers
  • [B]Weapons or firearms[/B]

Conflicting info on the MBTA indeed.

Sat in GOAL's MA LAW session Tuesday night and heard just the opposite.

Now whether that is enforceable or not is a different matter
For what? So you will get attention? Part of being mature is not wanting to draw attention to oneself. When there is not one good thing that can come from a behavior but only negative things the mature intelligent course is to avoid it.
Damn it, Rosa, just sit at the back of the bus and shut up!
For what? So you will get attention? Part of being mature is not wanting to draw attention to oneself. When there is not one good thing that can come from a behavior but only negative things the mature intelligent course is to avoid it.
Well he’s 22 so wisdom probably isn’t his strong suit.
Regarding carrying the MBTA: Is it illegal or prohibited? A business can say no firearms but until the law changes in MA that's not a criminal offense if you choose to ignore it. I'd expect an MGL for a source not mbta.com.
It’s not illegal to carry on T property. It’s not in the list of prohibited places by law. I once dated a MBTA transit cop. Trust me the last thing they want to do is arrest someone. She would tell me stories about catching people shooting smack in South Station and walking on past CUZ too much paperwork. Also, why bother in the first place CUZ some slick talking lawyer is going to try to make ME look like the bad guy. Being outwitted by a public defender must be depressing for them.
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For what? So you will get attention? Part of being mature is not wanting to draw attention to oneself. When there is not one good thing that can come from a behavior but only negative things the mature intelligent course is to avoid it.

I understand the motivation, "my rights" and all that. And who am I to talk, I'm in NH where you really can open carry and nobody cares. Or at least most don't care and the rest have no power to cause problems.
But I spent most of my life in MA and the situation there is different. They may not have said/done anything to the OP but you can bet it was noticed, and there are now more working to promote gun control. There was also the risk that he get's IDed and it gets back to his CoP, which will, at least, have him thinking suitability. Both a big risk for no return, what the OP did will have no posative outcome other than satisfying his "look at me" desire.
The key point is in NH those opposed don't have the power to do anything, it's the opposite in MA, those opposed have all the power and will use it.
Whenever I’ve been asked to teach a firearms class as an associate instructor, I’ve always said “yes it’s legal. No, it’s not wise.” The crime of assault could be putting a “reasonable person”in fear of imminent danger. With many police officers being ignorant of the law, why would anyone take a chance of getting jammed up only to be “within their rights”? I could foresee thousands in legal fees before that gets resolved. Unfortunately we’re not in a free state.

I’ve also been of the opinion that open carry remains legal in Massachusetts for people like armored car guards.

Lastly, what would you do if confronted by a real tough guy? The kind of guy who sees your display as an affront to his dominance would, without a word, walk up on you, sucker punch you, and beat you stupid with it? You wouldn’t have time to react. Keep it concealed and you will always have the tactical advantage.

Then again, I have a son who’s 22 who has all the answers and rarely listens to me.
Looking forward to the Boston.com article that's cooking: "White man didn't commit a crime and nothing happens." I think you need to open carry in a smaller town where the cops have nothing to do.
OP walking around Boston OC, not a good idea.

On the other hand, an organized protest, demonstrating that gun owners are law abiding citizens and protesting any new laws (no tactical gear), that is more than OK
For all the rumors, stories, and Fuddlore that surround the topic of "open carry in Massachusetts", I wanted to see for myself exactly what would happen. The results will bore you

Are there any pictures or video of you doing this?

For the record, I think it’s great. Don’t listen to the haters. Do whatever you are allowed to within the confines of the law, if you please.
What was the goal? Just to do it to see what happens? There's a thousand things that you can do on a daily basis that are legal and frowned upon, or flat out illegal and no one will notice or care. Particularly in Boston.

If their goal is to get attention and get jammed up to make a scene I'd recommend repeating the stunt in a Wellesley coffee shop rather than on the street in boston where the average person will walk by an ongoing stabbing.
The sight of a holstered handgun scares nobody and doesn't even cause police to stop and question you


I support you and all, but saying that the sheep don't get scared and the cops won't bother you just is not true. Maybe you got away with it once, but that's not the norm in a place like Boston.
Good for OP and to each their own. I personally wouldn’t do it as I don’t want to chance it plus to me carrying means concealed. It’s nobodies business that I’m carrying and what they dont know won’t hurt them.

Though in all seriousness I fully support the OPs ability to open carry as dictated by law.

Though I alway thought it was illegal to carry in Boston on the common. Not sure where I picked that up. B
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