Obama team targeting FFLs

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Obama team targeting FFLs
Posted by Jacob on October 27, 2008 at 9:10 am
under 2008 Presidential Campaign, General

The Obama team is already looking at more gun control schemes. The Outdoor Wire reports today:

“… The Outdoor Wire has confirmed from confidential sources that the “transition team” for the Democratic candidate has already begun looking into the current approval system for firearms transactions. It seems the digital recordkeeping approval recently granted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has piqued their curiosity. With a virtual Form 4473 in existence, we should be on the lookout for a new record-keeping initiative that will “simplify” the hassles of off-site digital record storage by allowing FFLs to, say, store the information on secure governmental servers. Of course, the government will never access the information …”

The outdoor wire is found here.

Who would have thunk Obama would legislate more gun control!

Now all he needs to do is mandate FFL for all sales, and then boom, they know exactly what you acquire/sell from that point on. I don't think so.
Doesn't surprise me at all.

If Obama is elected expect another Clinton grade FFL crackdown, except its likely to be even worse. It would not surprise me if this results in the death of many smaller FFLs. Depends on what kind of BS they can get away
with, of course.

Didn't some of the posters on this site say that they are going to vote for obama?
Its Joe Biden's long time gun control record he's notorious for that we have to worry about.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. It wouldn't matter if Obama was a lifetime NRA member and campaigned with an AK strapped to his back and was 100% for gun owners. The fact that he is black and could win the election is reason enough for some looney tune out there to do him in.

For every dipshit wanna be assassin out there that has been caught in a plot to do away with Obama, there are a handful of serious people that are ready to do it if he wins.
Those were what you call trolls.

I voted for Obama.

While I don't trust Obama on gun control, I cannot vote for McCain due to his stated position on reproductive rights. I don't want to start a flamefest here, but this is the McCain campaign's stated issue on their web site:

John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench.

Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat.

I believe that women have the right to decide what they need to do for themselves should they find themselves in that desperate situation, not the states. I don't want my daughter to grow up in a country where women are again put into the position of seeking back-room abortions.
I voted for Obama.

While I don't trust Obama on gun control, I cannot vote for McCain due to his stated position on reproductive rights. I don't want to start a flamefest here, but this is the McCain campaign's stated issue on their web site:

I believe that women have the right to decide what they need to do for themselves should they find themselves in that desperate situation, not the states. I don't want my daughter to grow up in a country where women are again put into the position of seeking back-room abortions.

Nice going. Your strong support for irresponsible f***sticks to kill the babies that they were unfortunately capable of producing, put the right of us responsible citizens to self preservation into the frying pan. It's no suprise then at all that self preservation isn't at the top of your list.

I hope your daughter takes some responsibility for her own actions and learns this lesson from someone willing to teach her these things.

And by the way, I am pro choice. But the support I have for the rights of those individuals who are too irresponsible to practice safe sex in a time where it is so readily available, sure as hell does not in anway take precedence over the rights of those who do the right thing and make the right choices in life.

Oh, and keep in mind that the right to defend your life is an actual right. The right to take another because you were horny and lazy is not actually a right at all.
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I voted for Obama.

While I don't trust Obama on gun control, I cannot vote for McCain due to his stated position on reproductive rights. I don't want to start a flamefest here, but this is the McCain campaign's stated issue on their web site:

I believe that women have the right to decide what they need to do for themselves should they find themselves in that desperate situation, not the states. I don't want my daughter to grow up in a country where women are again put into the position of seeking back-room abortions.

I am going to try and be nice here and not resort to name calling - but I would to point out to you that you have a total lack of logic in your reasoning.

So you would vote for a person who "respects reproductive rights" - which you justify by saying that you would not want your daughter to be forced to seek "back room abortions". Yet the same person you voted for would remove a woman's right to protect herself with the most effective thing available out there for a woman who is attacked by a person who can easily overpower her: a handgun ??????

And now exactly does this position make your daughter's life better?

I would like to see you explain that to your daughter - or your granddaughter or any other woman in your family who is faced with attack - but has no way to fight back against that attacker.

Abortion is choice people make over somebody else's (potential) life. Now you are making another choice to remove the chance somebody else has to defend their life.

I will leave you to figure out how immoral this position is.
I voted for Obama.

I don't want my daughter to grow up in a country where women are again put into the position of seeking back-room abortions.

Since your daughter will loose her ability to protect herself she very well may need access to an abortion.

As a helpless victim I am sure she will appreciate your principled stand. Hey...look at it this way...if McCain wins she may have to keep the baby.
OK. Let's not act surprised that there are gun owners who have voted or will vote for Obama.

I am not surprised. But I have come to the conclusion that one of the things that needs to happen in this country is that people need to be made to feel the effects of their bad choices. If gun owners vote for Obama - and Obama then turns around and makes gun ownership illegal in this country - then those people who voted for him should be ostracized. They should be made to feel the consequences of their decisions.

It's not like we didn't know going in what he was going to be like.
John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench.

Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat.

Oh - and one more thing; what is so wrong with the position of returning the right to decide to the states? This is the constitutional way to do things in this country, this is one way in which federal power should be diminished. It is unchecked federal power that is at the root of many of the problems we have in this country. You are so wrong on many levels when you imply that "legislating from the bench" is good - and returning power to the states - is somehow a bad thing.
I am not surprised. But I have come to the conclusion that one of the things that needs to happen in this country is that people need to be made to feel the effects of their bad choices. If gun owners vote for Obama - and Obama then turns around and makes gun ownership illegal in this country - then those people who voted for him should be ostracized. They should be made to feel the consequences of their decisions.

It's not like we didn't know going in what he was going to be like.

Oh - and one more thing; what is so wrong with the position of returning the right to decide to the states? This is the constitutional way to do things in this country, this is one way in which federal power should be diminished. It is unchecked federal power that is at the root of many of the problems we have in this country. You are so wrong on many levels when you imply that "legislating from the bench" is good - and returning power to the states - is somehow a bad thing.

I have to agree with this. It may not be optimal for conservatives in places like Massachusetts or liberals in Texas, but I'd rather many states with different laws that reflect their citizenry than a whole country at odds over nationwide laws created at the federal level.
I voted for Obama.

While I don't trust Obama on gun control, I cannot vote for McCain due to his stated position on reproductive rights. I don't want to start a flamefest here, but this is the McCain campaign's stated issue on their web site:

I believe that women have the right to decide what they need to do for themselves should they find themselves in that desperate situation, not the states. I don't want my daughter to grow up in a country where women are again put into the position of seeking back-room abortions.

You vote for Obama because of women’s reproductive rights. Im sorry you voted against baby’s right to life. If McCain is elected you would not see a change in abortion polices. Abortion is strictly prohibited in MA either way.

Women have the right to use some judgment i.e. Birth control, closing there legs (abstinence for the PC people).

I have seen the after affects of abortions on women. The effects are great both emotionally and physically. (a good friend of mine)Today too many people talk about abortion as though it was like turning the TV on or making a phone call. It is not even a term/process to be thought of and taken lightly.


I question someone’s moral judgment when they vote for a man who is holding secrets and does not support the constitution. These people will be the first crying when the all the new gun laws are in effect, and when gas skyrockets.
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Sorry to say, hminsky, but your logic and ability to think an issue through is flawed.
I hope your daughter doesn't have to face the consequences of your thinking.
Personally I think you're thinking is simplistic IMHO.
Its Joe Biden's long time gun control record he's notorious for that we have to worry about.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. It wouldn't matter if Obama was a lifetime NRA member and campaigned with an AK strapped to his back and was 100% for gun owners. The fact that he is black and could win the election is reason enough for some looney tune out there to do him in.

For every dipshit wanna be assassin out there that has been caught in a plot to do away with Obama, there are a handful of serious people that are ready to do it if he wins.

I've seen the argument on the table to make sure this guy lives. Because it just takes one potshoting idiot and there goes our hobby.
I voted for Obama.

While I don't trust Obama on gun control, I cannot vote for McCain due to his stated position on reproductive rights. I don't want to start a flamefest here, but this is the McCain campaign's stated issue on their web site:

I believe that women have the right to decide what they need to do for themselves should they find themselves in that desperate situation, not the states. I don't want my daughter to grow up in a country where women are again put into the position of seeking back-room abortions.

hminsky, I actually agree with your stance on abortion rights. I've also vowed to not vote for anyone who voted for the Iraq war. So, McCain is out for me (even though I have quite a bit of respect for him).

However, there's no way I can vote for Obama based on his 2A stance and his choice of Biden for VP.

So, I'll be writing in "unacceptable" on that portion of the ballot.
I question someone’s moral judgment when they vote for a man who is holding secrets and does not support the constitution. These people will be the first crying when the all the new gun laws are in effect, and when gas skyrockets.

Or when conscription starts, or when mandatory vaccinations start, or when your daily nutrients are delivered and you're fined for not consuming them, or when your tax liability doubles...
Single issue voters (on both sides of the political spectrum) really should take a look at the wider picture instead of voting based on one issue (abortion, iraq war, guns etc)

Lets ignore his position on guns, lets ignore his unwillingness to prove he is a natural born US citizen, and lets ignore the widespread electoral fraud perpetrated by his supporters, instead lets look at his stated policies:

Obama is a Marxist who thinks the Constitution is flawed, outdated and a problem to be overcome.

He thinks wealth needs to be redistributed from hard working relatively well off people to lazy people who want to live on welfare.

He also thinks wealth needs to be redistributed from whites to blacks.

He thinks you and I should pay for healthcare for everyone else.

We are on the verge of electing a man who will be able to substantially change the direction of the US Supreme Court for most of our lifetime, plus he will possibly have a super majority in the Congress able to pass any legislation he wants without filibuster.

This country is on the verge of a disaster that will destroy the vision of the Founding Fathers and turn us into a clone of Europe where the needs of the people (as defined by our glorious leaders) outweigh the rights of individual citizens. Who cares about "the American dream" when success is punished by oppressively high taxation and the lazy can live comfortably their whole lives sucking on the Government teat and never doing an honest days work?
Agreed mark!

Single issues are not the harbinger of a person's view. I happen to be anti-abortion (not pro-choice) pro-gun, small government (however possible) stand on your own 2feet or die trying, non-collective thinking person. None of this equates to an Obama vote.

None of it equates to a McCain vote either.
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OK. Let's not act surprised that there are gun owners who have voted or will vote for Obama.

Just like Jews for Hitler.

Honestly, I cannot comprehend how anyone who claims to be a Second Amendment supporter could even think of voting for Barack Obama. He promises to be at least as bad as Bill "Bastard" Clinton, if not worse, with regards to the Second Amendment.

And over abortion? Are you freaking serious? All McCain wants to do is send it back to the individual states - you're talking like McCain's first act is going to be to immediately outlaw all abortions.

Thanks for throwing us all under the bus. Enjoy your one-gun-a-month laws and the repeal of concealed carry. Oh, and when you have to turn in your semi-automatic pistols and "assault rifles", you can have the smug moral superiority of knowing that you voted for the pro-infanticide candidate.
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