Kennedy on gun- control

Jan 12, 2007
Cambridge :(
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I contacted Sen. E. Kennedy urging him to oppose the Veterans Disarmament Act (HR 2640).

I send him a version of the prepared letter available on the Gun owners of America website. This is the GOA letter"

Dear Senator:

I oppose the Veterans Disarmament Act, which is being pushed by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (HR 2640) and Sen. Patrick Leahy. This bill will expand the 1993 Brady Law and disarm hundreds of thousands of combat veterans, among others.

I understand that Gun Owners of America distributed several amendments recently to every senatorial office to address the mistaken arguments that supporters of the bill have. I also understand that proponents of this bill are claiming it will actually help gun owners.

They argue that this bill gives veterans a mechanism for getting their names off of the prohibited person list. That's like giving a mugger access to your home, but then stating you can hire a lawyer and pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to eventually (maybe) get your stolen items back.

Well, if the proponents are right -- that this bill will actually help gun owners -- then surely they won't object to friendly amendments that are designed to make it unmistakably clear that military veterans or grownups who suffered with ADHD as children will never be denied the ability to purchase a firearm, simply because they once had a "determination" from an anti-gun shrink that said there was the MINISCULE possibility that they could pose a danger to themselves or others. That is what the GOA amendments are designed to do.

I still believe that the Brady Law has done more to register gun owners and deny guns from of law-abiding Americans than to keep guns out of criminals' hands. But adopting these amendments will at least prevent an anti-gun administration from doing what the Clintons did in 2000 when the Veterans Administration added the names of some 83,000 veterans into the NICS system.


This is the reply I got today. The general "gun control is good" language did not surprise me, but the bold paragraphs made me laugh. I wonder if he /his secretaries wrote that with straight face.

Thank you for your letter on the nation's gun laws. There is
no doubt that the easy availability of firearms, particularly handguns,
contributes to the unacceptable toll of death and injury from gun

We must end the arms race in our cities, towns, and our
neighborhoods. I support tough punishment for violent criminals, but I
also believe that is not a sufficient answer to the problem. There are
steps we can take to prevent violent crime before it occurs. It is time
for Congress to act to place reasonable restrictions on access to
dangerous weapons.

Congress took an important first step by enacting the Brady
Bill in 1993, which imposed a nation-wide five-day waiting period on the
purchase of handguns. We need comprehensive legislation to strengthen
the regulation of federal firearms dealers and limit the importation of
foreign-made weapons. It is also time to limit the number of guns that
may be purchased at one time.

In the past, I have been a sponsor of legislation that
follows the example of Massachusetts and requires handgun purchasers
throughout the country to obtain a license proving they are qualified
and responsible enough to own handguns. More recently, I have introduced
the Children's Gun Violence Prevention Act, to protect children from gun

None of these measures will infringe on the legitimate rights
of hunters and other sportspeople. The Second Amendment is not a
constitutional obstacle to the regulation of firearms, since the
amendment by its own terms deals with the rights of the state militia,
not individuals. The framers of the Constitution surely did not intend
to leave Congress powerless to protect the public from an epidemic of
gun-related violence.

I am committed to keeping guns out of the hands of criminals,
without undue burden to law-abiding citizens who choose to use firearms
for legitimate sporting purposes. Reasonable gun control is an important
part of the effort to protect the American people from violent crime.
Again, thank you for writing to me on this important issue.

Edward M. Kennedy
POS. With any luck, this session of SCOTUS should disabuse him of his idiotic assertion that the 2nd Amendment did not, and does not, refer to the rights of individuals, aka "the people."

When that bastard departs this earth, drinks are on me.
Teddy K, A guy who took SIX paragraphs to tell someone this:

"You're a gun owner? Here, take this coupon for a free CUP OF
URINE in your eye" and call me after the election. "

I wonder if you could call CCWing for self defense as practice for IDPA? Lets make hunting criminals a "legitimate sport".

They have snow boarding in the Olympics, so I can't see why we can't call that a sport!

All this fat a**h*** wants is more power by taking it from us.
State Militia ?

Wasn't the state militia formed like, 100+ years after the constitution was ratified? And Militia's are the people. So.... sorry I can't apply logic to this my head will explode.
This is an updated version of the only correspondence I've ever gotten back for the senior senator. You would think he'd hire someone to actually read the letters he's sent.
No offense intended, but the question that gets my attention is why anyone would waste the time, energy and electrons trying to get Porky's attention about anything having to do with guns?
No offense intended, but the question that gets my attention is why anyone would waste the time, energy and electrons trying to get Porky's attention about anything having to do with guns?

Because I feel someone needs to remind him that we are still here, and that we still care.

I contacted several senators that are involved with the Veteran Disarmament act, and I thought I may as well send the MA senators a line.

I know it will likely not change their mind, but I have to do it nonetheless. I do not expect politicians can read my mind. So I have to tell them what I think.

If few hundred thousand gun owners wrote Kennedy with the same concern, maybe he'd listen some more.

Thank You for making the contact.

Because I feel someone needs to remind him that we are still here, and that we still care.

I contacted several senators that are involved with the Veteran Disarmament act, and I thought I may as well send the MA senators a line.

I know it will likely not change their mind, but I have to do it nonetheless. I do not expect politicians can read my mind. So I have to tell them what I think.

If few hundred thousand gun owners wrote Kennedy with the same concern, maybe he'd listen some more.


Even if your letter went before eyes that refuse to see the light, thank you for taking the time to write it. Kennedy's form answer comes as no surprise. He lost two brothers to assassins who used guns. I disagree with the statements he used in his reply. Did you send a similar note to Kerry? I'd be interested to learn what kinds of responses he's making these days.
Best Regards.
Because I feel someone needs to remind him that we are still here, and that we still care.

I contacted several senators that are involved with the Veteran Disarmament act, and I thought I may as well send the MA senators a line.

I know it will likely not change their mind, but I have to do it nonetheless. I do not expect politicians can read my mind. So I have to tell them what I think.

If few hundred thousand gun owners wrote Kennedy with the same concern, maybe he'd listen some more.


You dream. Porky no more cares what you think about anything than did King George care about what Bostonians thought.
Even if your letter went before eyes that refuse to see the light, thank you for taking the time to write it. Kennedy's form answer comes as no surprise. He lost two brothers to assassins who used guns. I disagree with the statements he used in his reply. Did you send a similar note to Kerry? I'd be interested to learn what kinds of responses he's making these days.
Best Regards.

Yes, I sent Kerry the same letter. If he bothers to reply, I will post that as well.

Wasn't the state militia formed like, 100+ years after the constitution was ratified? And Militia's are the people. So.... sorry I can't apply logic to this my head will explode.

I think you are confusing militia with National Guard - and the National Guard was formed in 1913 I believe - more than 100 years after the Constitution.

The militia is actually defined in federal code as being all able bodied males between the ages of 16 and 45. Furthermore the militia referred to in the Constitution is meant to mean all of the people - in other words the population of the country is the militia - and we all have a responsibility to defend the country and the Constitution.

Read some Edwin Vieira - he is a constitutional lawyer - who fully supports the 2nd amendment - and lays out (unfortunately in somewhat lawyerly detail) - why the militia should be resurrected.
The Second Amendment is not a
constitutional obstacle to the regulation of firearms, since the
amendment by its own terms deals with the rights of the state militia,
not individuals. The framers of the Constitution surely did not intend
to leave Congress powerless to protect the public from an epidemic of
gun-related violence.

Every other place in the Constition it's the rights of Individuals, why not in the 2nd amendment. Vote him out of office.
The Second Amendment is not a
constitutional obstacle to the regulation of firearms, since the
amendment by its own terms deals with the rights of the state militia,
not individuals. The framers of the Constitution surely did not intend
to leave Congress powerless to protect the public from an epidemic of
gun-related violence.

Really, you pompus jackass?

Then exactly how would you interpret these comments from those that were instramental in the creation of this nation and the consistution?

"No free government was ever founded, or ever preserved its liberty, without uniting the characters of citizen and soldier in those destined for the defense of the State. Such are a well regulated Militia, composed of the freeholders, citizen, and husbandman; who take up arms to preserve their property, as individuals, and their rights as freemen." - James Madison

Sounds like WE, THE PEOPLE are the militia

"Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation." - James Madison

Don't know about you... but i fear my government.

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
- Thomas Jefferson

So does this make that assmunch a Tyrant?

"The constitutions of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property and freedom of the press." - Thomas Jefferson

There is that "the people" thing again.

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." -Thomas Jefferson

yeah.. .next time, use stronger chains, cause these buttmonkeys dont get it.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed, and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person." - James Madison

Original, un-edited 2A text.

What a f***tard.
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I got the exact same response from Sen. Kennedys office. But still not response from Sen. Kerry either...
I'd place a fair wager those two assclowns have a folder of "form
letters to send to conservatives" or some shit like that. Sending
anything to these clowns is a waste of time, unless it's something
in the form of a lawsuit.

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