Hilliary Feels She's Untouchable

I don't think we need more evidence of a gangster government, but if she gets away personal server and lies in the aftermath of Bengazi we will have evidence that the national government is living breathing organism willing to do anything to protect itself.
Stalin would be envious of the propaganda media machine propping up her cult of personality.

I do think Blumenthal needs to be subpoenaed. Roaches that scurry in the darkness hate bright lights. It ruins their businesses.
It'll probably be Bernie or Hillary in 2016 and that's fine - let's get this long-overdue party started.
Anyone with video editing skills here? We should totally take a recording of one of here campaign speeches, turn it an aged B&W and dub her audio over with one of Adolf Hitler's or Joseph Goebbels speeches. Think that's the only way anyone is gonna get a hint here.
I think it was on Hannity's radio show yesterday that they were talking about how if the Ds on the panel don't feel that she's getting treated fairly they're going to leave the panel. Effectively what they're saying is "If this looks bad for H-Dogg we're going to take our ball and go home."

So if those watching the watchers won't do their jobs, why do we expect more from anyone else?
Me neither, not even with Obama's d--k.

Wait, Hillary/Obamma love child?


The republicans, like usual, WAY overplayed their hands. Grilling her for 8 hours on tv, it just looked like a bunch of partisan old men attaching a woman. good luck finding women to vote republican in the upcoming.....
I watched a lot of it yesterday. I don't know why i do because I get so aggravated. She dances around the republicans questions and the democrats either make statements absolving her of every crime she has committed or throw her softball questions.
What else could anyone expect from the Democrat ass kissers on the Benghazi committee? Hildebeast is the front-runner for their party, so none of them are going to throw her under the bus. If she happens to be elected, she owes Elijah Cummings big-time.
Here’s What Hillary Did Immediately After Benghazi Committee Hearing Ended, Low fives all around.

[video]https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/2726C33C761269038317228412928_485485d3963.1.1.1782 3373274576994320.mp4?versionId=EZkpiBMIxTdoIcVdrpG Zq0MNZmb1TKC9[/video]
the media is lock arm with her, that is why she feels untouchable

She IS untouchable! Look what the MSM/Hollywood/Banksters have done for King 0. He has got away with way more and way worse than what almost got Nixon impeached!

She WILL BE our next POTUS as long as she wants to.
She IS untouchable! Look what the MSM/Hollywood/Banksters have done for King 0. He has got away with way more and way worse than what almost got Nixon impeached!

She WILL BE our next POTUS as long as she wants to.

It isn't over until the fat lady sings, and Hildebeast cannot sing.
It isn't over until the fat lady sings, and Hildebeast cannot sing.

Hope you are right, fear you are wrong.

The political class and the media have made their minds up who they want. All they have to do now is get enough dead people, illegals and free $hit army soldiers to go out and vote in Nov. 2016 and it is game, set and match.
Hope you are right, fear you are wrong.

The political class and the media have made their minds up who they want. All they have to do now is get enough dead people, illegals and free $hit army soldiers to go out and vote in Nov. 2016 and it is game, set and match.

So far, she has failed to energize the freeloader base. If Bernie runs as a third party candidate, there aren't enough dead people et al left to vote for Hildebeast.
So far, she has failed to energize the freeloader base. If Bernie runs as a third party candidate, there aren't enough dead people et al left to vote for Hildebeast.

It will be a different ball game once it is SHillary vs. Trump or Jeb.

I think that if a Bernie Independent run won't make much difference. The Dems have a way of herding everyone to vote together.

Now if Trump runs as an Independent, SHillary will waltz into the oval office.

Back to SHillary being untouchable...if she truly wasn't, she would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now.
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Back to SHillary being untouchable...if she truly wasn't, she would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now.
Will my car get keyed in Boston for this?

Will my car get keyed in Boston for this?


probably by anti hillary people. nobody reads the fine print so it actually looks like you are supporting her. If you are no big deal...just saying how it looks at a glance...

I saw a similar sticker in Norwood the other day. Had to squint to read the funny part. But at a quick glance he looked like he was a supporter...
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