She's "Gun-free" in Chelsea.... (and deathly afraid)...

As others have pointed out, no job is worth that risk. I'm a big ugly dude and I wouldn't want to work there. I'd be damned if my wife worked at a place like that. Time to move on.

Because screw your rules lol.

Insert small OC spray and take it out on her walk from the office. It's also something that can be brought everyday and I doubt would be questioned for tripping the detector.

On Amazon for $7 shipped.

Find one of those GIANT Coke Can barrels that hold hundreds of cans.

Climb inside and have an orderly wheel her out to the parking garage.

How can a sane person work in such a dump and not be able to protect herself.

Find a new job - or be at risk for extreme violence.
Have her fill her pocketbook up with metal items, after a while security will get tired of searching it and they will just wave her through.
If she does get caught with a gun, what is the worst thing that could happen to her? The security guards refuse to allow her to enter the building.
The gun free policy is the landlords, not the employers, am I right on this?
Do they not have security? There's nobody available to escort her out? I'm guessing they do, otherwise who is running the metal detectors?

If the company has enough resources to man a metal detector at the entrance, they can get a security guard to escort her to her car, etc. If they fail to do that she needs to make an issue out of it. It shouldn't be a big deal, most security companies do this stuff all the time.

No job is worth that level of risk, imho. Can't believe they went so far as to install metal detectors!

Meanwhile she should request an escort to her vehicle everyday and carry keys in hand ready to stab someone in the eye.

Tragedy waiting to happen!!!

She should either have a secure parking space or security escort to and from. Period!

In the short term, while either searching for a way to carry some self defense at work or searching for a new job, I would advise her to have an actual meeting with HR. Not to bring up the "I want my 2A rights" as that would be a quick trip to finding a pretext to fire her, but to give them official notice of "this is a very unsafe area and I've had close calls already. You need to protect your employees. I'll need an escort by a uniformed member of building security every night on the way to my car." It's decent enough stop-gap security against the junkies and it might get them to at least reconsider their stance on mace if it becomes too much of a pain in the ass.

If the company has enough resources to man a metal detector at the entrance, they can get a security guard to escort her to her car, etc. If they fail to do that she needs to make an issue out of it. It shouldn't be a big deal, most security companies do this stuff all the time.


Good ideas.

This situation is going to take its toll emotionally even if nothing happens. That will likely result in physical problems (upset stomach, headaches, etc.). No job is worth that.

Either demand an escort to the car every night or find another job, there is no other good option.
Some creative ideas here for getting OC past a metal detector - but it's going a bit far for something that isn't going to set off the metal detector anyways. And if they happen to have some rare super fancy metal detector that does pick up a small thin piece of aluminum like that? Big deal, "I forgot it there", bring it back to the car.
I work at a small business with about 10 employees and the owner has his LTC but doesn't carry. One of our part time guys is also a full time police officer. I always carried at work and the LEO occasionally carried. A third guy is very knowledgeable about firearms and used to shoot with his father a lot but let his FID lapse while he was in college. A fourth guy is from down south, has been hunting, and wants his LTC but his fiance is anti. Two other staff members are neutral/mildly interested in keeping a firearm at home "just in case" and had no problems with the rest of us carrying. A few months ago one of the other male employees who always creates tons of drama decided that no one should be allowed to carry at work so he threatened to quit unless the rest of us were told we couldn't carry anymore. The owner kowtowed down to him and now none of us are allowed to carry there. I now leave my firearm in the car and I carry pepper spray clipped to one pocket and a Spyderco Endura clipped to the other pocket. I'm also half-heartedly looking for a new job.
Find a better way to carry. I carried for years at a company with a no weapons of any kind written policy.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
I have a job that frowns upon carrying. i do not have my ltc so i have to decide what to do. Lucky i do not work in a high crime area or have to walk through metal detectors
I don't understand your post. Just because your job doesn't allow carry, you are willing to give up?

Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk
I have a job that frowns upon carrying. i do not have my ltc so i have to decide what to do. Lucky i do not work in a high crime area or have to walk through metal detectors
1. Get LTC
2. Buy gun
3. Carry to work
4. Keep mouth shut
5. ???
6. Profit
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