Here it is AGAIN Boys Press Conference @ 11:55

Why? So when you end up in the ER for untreated issues through the years, I have to care for you while you complain the whole time there but lack the ability to physically walk out due to your medical condition and deteriorating health? Seen it many times.

Listen, I don't ask the question to patients about guns because it is none of my business. I am pro 2A. The only time I will ask is if someone comes to me in crisis and shows signs of being suicidal. I am not going down this path again because it went no place last debate. But, no MD, NP, or PA is out to do anything but help you. Most cannot stand regulations and just want to help cure illness. We don't have a secret agenda. Serously.

Any chance your taking on new patients?
From the EO document:
The President believes that the SecondAmendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms, and he respects our
nation’s rich hunting and sport shooting traditions
. But this right comes with aresponsibility to safely store guns to prevent them from accidentally orintentionally being used to harm others.

I wonder if they'll go for some storage laws with that.

Obama is the #1 gun salesman of the year, why not be the #1 safe salesman too.
The bullet type is rarely important. If you're getting shot it sucks and can kill you. Shooting 6 year olds at 10 feet is not going to have a different outcome if you use 55gr spire point, M855 or 80gr BTHP. The result is the same.
Why? So when you end up in the ER for untreated issues through the years, I have to care for you while you complain the whole time there but lack the ability to physically walk out due to your medical condition and deteriorating health? Seen it many times.

Listen, I don't ask the question to patients about guns because it is none of my business. I am pro 2A. The only time I will ask is if someone comes to me in crisis and shows signs of being suicidal. I am not going down this path again because it went no place last debate. But, no MD, NP, or PA is out to do anything but help you. Most cannot stand regulations and just want to help cure illness. We don't have a secret agenda. Serously.

Do you ask about knives, cars, forks... You can use just about anything to kill yourself with... That's my point but its always the gun. My last comment on it.
Aw shucks. I missed the POTUS announcement. I snuck up to the range for some snow day fun. Dragged the AK out, made some noise, and feel so relaxed now.

On to the afternoon conference calls....
How much money did Canada (and several states) waste to figure out that gun registries don't work either?...

Canada was something like 3-4 billion IIRC. I am sure the US could easily out do that and end up in the trillions of wasteful spending on such an endeavor.
Doc: Do you own any guns?

Me: Yup right here Doc

Do you ask about knives, cars, forks... You can use just about anything to kill yourself with... That's my point but its always the gun. My last comment on it.

No. I only ask if someone is there specifically for help and shows signs of crisis. Lots of people do come in when they are sad and have thoughts of harm. If someone is in for a BP check or routine physical, I personally do not ask...most of my colleagues don't either. Pediatricians might, but I do adults. My pedi doc has never asked...but also knows me so it is no secret.
I think the Police and ALL LEOs need to wake up, and fast.

I don't see them carving out LE exemption from the mental aspect of this.

Depression, it's not just for the "little guys" any more...
After the list of President 0bama's Executive orders have become public, I have written this letter in the hope it will spell out what 'we' believe, what 'some' are going to do, and what a 'few' are willing to do. These Executive Orders currently mean nothing. They will continue to mean nothing until action is taken against constitutional citizens, exercising their God Given and Founder Enumerated Rights. As in Colonial Times, the Kings Edicts meant nothing until someone arrived to enforce them.

Today we face a similar situation, we have a President who has placed himself as the defacto King, writing his own laws, ignoring our Constitution and laws while listening to no objections. Friends, we have a choice; we can do nothing and comply or we can object, we can abstain and we can disobey. I ask you are we free citizens of these United States of America or are we subjects merely existing as serfs? Are we to simply sit idly by and accept the these edicts from the self appointed King or are we to object? Are we to simply accept any 'Executive Order', regardless of what it says, because the government might try to enforce it at the barrel of a gun?

In Colonial Times, these same questions were asked. The decisions made, we all know, led to the founding of this Great Nation. Yes, I still believe it is a Great Nation. I believe it is a Great Nation because we are still free citizens in it. We can determine where the nation goes. We can determine what happens in the immediate, near and distant future. Just as the Founders set the course for this nation with the Constitution, we can set the course by saying NO MORE.

NO MORE will we accept infringements on OUR Rights. Rights are not the governments to bestow or withdraw, they are ours be divine providence. As the President is fond of saying, he won the election, this is true. He also took and oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. If the President wishes to modify the Constitution, there is a very clear procedure set forth for that; but how does one amend rights bestowed by God.

So, we have a decision, we have some choices, just as the Founders did. According to some records, the Colonies were split 10% Loyalist, 40% Revolutionary and 50% Neutral; not that dissimilar from today.
The Revolutionaries were further split by those in a passive, those in a obstructive and those in an active role. Now, the decisions that can be made; please note these are the only viable options:
1) Accept any and all laws and edicts, ignore the Constitution, and pray that the government doesn't take an active dislike in you, and hope you can life out your life in peace - knowing your children will not.
2) Ignore these Unconstitutional Executive Orders, stay quiet, hope and pray as above.
3) Ignore these Unconstitutional Executive Orders, and rally others to the fight; write letters, protest, resist through the system of arrest, court, appeals, prison.
4) Ignore these Unconstitutional Executive Orders, and rally others to the fight; write letters, protest, resist as our founders did. When they come to your home with guns drawn, treat them as an imminent threat and deal with them accordingly.

The Colonists worked completely within the system until they came for their guns and powder at Lexington and Concord. This was the point of definitive decision, either accept the edict knowing that this dream of freedom had died before it had a chance to live or fight for what became the greatest pillar of freedom the world has known. A pillar strong enough that when darkness rose in World War I and II, we were able to defeat it, and save the entire world.

I would submit that we are not yet at that point of definitive decision. No one has been actively infringed, no one has been directly harmed by these Executive Orders...yet. I fear that it is simply a matter of time for this to happen. When the government dispatches armed agents to enforce these Unconstitutional Executive Orders, these will truly be the time that tries men's souls.

If you are willing to ignore these orders, stay quiet and hope that this passes you by, I wish you luck, but I believe you will be forced to another choice. If you are willing to ignore these orders, rally the masses, and fight within the system, seek legal redress, and force the issue to the highest court in the land, I say bravo to you, and I wish you luck. If you are willing to ignore these orders, rally the masses, and meet sweat with sweat, force with force and blood with blood; then I say bravo Patriot, bravo.

If you are unwilling to do anything to defend yourself, your neighbors and your children's Freedom, then I say go from me and never return, for you do not deserve the freedoms others have and will fight for and I have not the stomach to face a person such as you. I say this not out of hate, but out of pity, for you are allowing your descendants to never know freedom, and that is a fate worse than death.

These Executive orders are no different than orders that would dictate everyone light candles for the Shabbat, or that no one can eat meat on Friday, or that we must all face Mecca and pray 5 times per day. All these activities are untouchable by the government under the First Amendment protections, either to dictate or forbid.

We will need many to stay quiet and record, document and remember what others did to preserve Freedom. We will need some to force the issue through the courts, get jury's to see the evil that is being done, and to fill the system with non-compliant people to grind it to a halt. We will need a few to defend themselves, not to attack, but to DEFEND themselves. We are many, the government is few, and with resolve and the help of the Creator, the few will become fewer and we will grow to restore the Republic as it was founded and return to our lives in a free nation where the United States Constitution and the Rule of Law are restored.

Gun Control is not about Crime Control, Saving Lives or Protecting Society; it is about the Government telling you are not a Citizen, but a servant. A servant who's only purpose is to provide financing and labor for the government for its policies, while having no recourse when the government violates the very laws it is sworn to protect. At least one of these Executive Orders re-writes a portion of the Affordable Care Act, a law, enacted by Congress. If this law can be re-written with an Executive Order - any other law can be as well.

I took an oath when I joined the armed forces of the United States of America, and I still live by that oath. I have made a decision which path I am willing to follow should I be forced to walk it. I may not arrive at the destination with you in body but I will be there in spirit; and, God willing, in the memories of my children and their children.

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There is the letter I worked up, kind of long I know. Not half bad if I do say so myself. While these EO's do not call for registration or confiscation, some underling may take it upon themselves. Furthermore, a law passed infringing on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is Unconstitutional on it's face. As I inferred in the letter, this is all smoke and mirrors until someone comes to your house with a gun and 'order'.
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Ya im glad i have no doc as well.Ide be scared to go to a doc now.First thing out of there mouth will be do u own guns,Hell ill bet it will be on the registration form.NY says a RN has the right to report someone if they feel a person will do harm to themselves or someone else.Gonna suck if said RN is pissed and her partner in life and takes it out on a patient.Im assuming its up to said doc to say u cant own guns because of this medication im going to put u on as well.I think this is gonna get to be a real issue in time

Woops,sorry for the dupe,server so busy i didnt think it posted,sorry

None of my doctors have ever asked this question. Do you feel safe at home..but not specifically guns. I take this more about spousal abuse than anything else, but could be wrong.
None of my doctors have ever asked this question. Do you feel safe at home..but not specifically guns. I take this more about spousal abuse than anything else, but could be wrong.

Our ex-Pediatrician asked my wife and I if "Guns were present in the house" while filling out some initial consultation form. The topic hasn't come up with our current.

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Does this mean mine will be classified as an Assault Weapon? [rofl]

I'm thinking WMD...
He's talking about steel-core ammunition like M855 (green tip). It's not really armor piercing, but it can punch holes through barriers and steel plates most of the time.

Isnt almost all rifle ammo (other than 22lr) armor piercing?

I find it hard to believe that any 5.56 308 30-06 ect will not penetrate body armor.
Our ex-Pediatrician asked my wife and I if "Guns were present in the house" while filling out some initial consultation form. The topic hasn't come up with our current.

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I'm thinking WMD...

uh oh, well if there gonna come searching for some WMDs i hope they send a hot chick
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