Gun-Grabbers Not Wasting Any TIme

Actually the lcoal newspaper here, The Standard Times, had a great article in last Sunday's paper. Marc Folco the local jewelry store owner and avid sportsman who writes a column in the paper called Open Season, had a huge write up with his thoughts about how criminals could start painting real guns florescent colors, etc. Richie of Richie's Sporting Supply in Westport was also interviewd by Channel 10 news and said as far as he was concerned it was a clear cut case of suicide by cop. I wish I could find both interviews but I've searched Channel 10's web site and the local Newspaper's site and can't find either.
I may be wrong here, but, the last I new there is still a law in Mass that you need to carry your 6 gun to church in case of Indian attack.

How about that one being outdated !!!

This was many years ago, the people on Becon Hill my have gotten smarter [rofl] and removed it by now.

From Dumb Laws
"In Maine you are supposed to bring a gun to church, in case of Indian attack (Massachusetts has repealed a similar law)."

I don't know when this was repealed, but bascially it stated All men must carry a rifle to church on Sunday.
From Dumb Laws
"In Maine you are supposed to bring a gun to church, in case of Indian attack (Massachusetts has repealed a similar law)."

I don't know when this was repealed, but bascially it stated All men must carry a rifle to church on Sunday.

I'd surely go to church more often if that were the case.
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