GOAL Not Supporting Fish & Wildlife Fee Increases Until Serious Issues are Addressed

Nor do surfcasters care about 10+ rounds in a rifle. But, both types of sportsmen should be helping one another.
My point above was that the plurality of gun owners in this state aren't buying them for sporting purposes unless you consider defensive use sporting which I could buy into in the right cases lmao.
Administration – Director Mark Tisa will be conducting an additional listening session related to the previously reported proposed license fee increase on March 25th, at 6:30pm. Information about participating in the information session, including details of the proposed license fee increase and how you can leave feedback on the proposal can be found on the MassWildlife website here: mass.gov/masswildlife-funding
Heads up:
Again. Hard to say no to NO increases for 25 years.

Best is people in NH that are squalking about this. Current MA fishing lic - $22.50. Going to $40 over 5 years. NH - $45. In fact, I believe the CURRENT fees are the lowest in New England. (Assuming no changes they might be the highest by 2026, or just under NH's current fees.)
“After careful consideration, we have decided to approve our own fee hikes”-Masswildlife. Brought to you by police departments who investigate their own wrong doing.
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