FX network’s “30 Days” — living with a gun enthusiast —

I must admit, i like hearing her cry...I laughed out loud...i would have laughed even louder if she blasted the second shell into the ground while she was blubbering.
Her stance shouldn't be everytime she hears a gun shot a kid dies in her psycho world she's created in that little head of hers. It should be when unfortunate events occur like her therapist getting killed she should be pushing for legislation to be tougher on criminals not legislation to make honest citizens lives harder or restricted in some way.

I'd like to have her over for dinner some night as a fellow Brockton resident. She said, "Well I live in a high crime area and I don't own a gun." Speak for yourself lady, I own many.
I actually thought the last portion was the best. They had her doing some IDPA style shooting and she went back to do more skeet/trap and I think that showed her that responsible owners know what they're doing and that it's the criminals that everyone should be worrying about.

I have a LOT more to comment...but I am SICKENED....SICKENED....

The show portrayed the kid as a going nowhere, no other life to live but GUNS... Guns are the rest of his life and will not go to college and just go to the range all day long. And then they take the kid to the UO, and it is like "See what the real people are like..."

This show made me [puke][puke2]
I don't think it was too bad..it showed both sides and it ended basically showing that she came away with a very different outlook on guns.

Overall, I think it was a winner.

I agree. Overall there were several things that made me a little nuts but I guess without being informed... they think we're nuts too. As odd as that is.. it's important to understand them. If we can't understand them- how can we influence and change their views? I thought the guy was a perfect fit for a pro gun candidate. I think they made sure to show what a gentleman he was... like when he offered to help carry her stuff, etc.
It wasn't that bad, in fact it was at least fair for getting both points of view.

On a side note... she wasn't bad looking. Give her to me for 30 days, I have better plans. I'll have her strung out and doing internet porn before she knows what happened.[devil]
I thought it was as objective as we can expect to get from a TV show. They portrayed the "gun enthusiast" as a safe, reasonable, and responsible American. Whether or not others will see him that way is another story but they didn't add fuel to the fire by showing him drunk or whooping and hollering with an AR-15 in the air. He seemed like a decent guy....especially to put up with her for a month.
I thought the show was pretty balanced. I didn't like the way the kid was made to look like some dumb, farming, hill billy. The kid likes guns... so what? The show made it look like he wasn't going anywhere in life because he likes guns. What a crock.
While the 30 days show had what I expected from an antis point of view, I was more upset that I missed the start of the Rescue Me mini-sodes. [angry]
I love that show and look forward to it every summer. I was pissed when I heard it wouldn't be on until 09 because of the writer's strike. At least I'll get to see new tidbits of the show for a while on Tuesdays now.
OK, story time...

There is a public forest in the western part of MA. The forest has a road system that was created in the 1800's to serve the farming community that was settled in the area. Today, those farms are nothing more than foundations and a small cemetery plot. In fact, a marker memorializing the flying of the first flag over a public school stands out in the forest.

For several years 4x4 clubs planned trips to this area for the challenge, beauty and great natural camping areas. Let me repeat, these were old roads, not haphazard trails.

Well, the local towns began having trouble and proposed banning all motorized use. I drove out to attend both Selectmen and Town meetings when the ban was being discussed. I brought photos of the mounds of trash the clubs have removed. The abandoned cars we pulled out, and repairs to bridges and hazardous sections of the roads.

Just before the public vote, I was told by the chairman of the Selectmen:

"I realize that you are the responsible users, but we have no way to determine who the responsible people are and who the irresponsible ones are."

I replied:

"It's easy - when you ban access, we won't be here to clean, repair, and spend $$ at local businesses."

The measure passed by a few votes.

I've since hiked the area (it really is beautiful) and even hidden a Geocache in the area. Popular camping areas are trashed. The sections of road that needed care are washed out. The local kids are still out there. The town did block some of the major access points, but there are still many that are open. The locals I'm sure know them well.

This was the first personal experience I had with the completely illogical concept of bans.

And yet, even with example after example of where the ban just stops the "good" user but does nothing about the "bad" user, these people still turn to these kind of prohibition laws first.

It doesn't matter what the subject is. BANS DO NOT WORK!
Some random thoughts:

- Regardless of attempts to show both sides of many issues (and they did), this show had an anti-gun slant – it was about an anti-gun person being thrust into the world of evil gun owners.

- The gun-owner ex-marine was pretty knowledgeable, and explained himself very well in most cases.

- Whoever thought a shotgun would be a good “first gun” to shoot was either on drugs or working for the network.

- This woman had serious, psychological problems that were rubbed raw by her first shot – maybe the show’s producers were looking for some raw emotion, and they got it.

- I was pissed after the meeting with the crime victims who lost loved ones to violence. I found myself saying, “Hey, how about showing someone who SAVED lives with firearms.” Well, the next segment they did just that.

- Why the hell would that show be rated “TV-14” with a “V” for violence? Because guns were being shot? Give me a break…

- No offense to the Marine, but by representing the pro-gun side with a guy whose wife just walked out on him, who lives in a double-wide in the middle of a cornfield…. I think JUST MAYBE the redneck stereotype was being emphasized.

- The wrap-up statement was pretty good – the woman certainly did not embrace the gun culture after 30 days, but she better understood it, and allowed that lawful citizens should be allowed to have guns.

-Man, I should have sent my kids to Ohio State. They have a pistol club AND a rifle team! But the emphasis on the kid "going nowhere" because all he enjoys is guns was a bit overdone.

- Overall – I enjoyed it, and I think it did us more good than harm.
Brady Bunch won this fight tonight...

Brady Bunch Propaganda: A+
Second Amendment Rights: D-

First off, thanks for taking a smug, stuck up, liberal from Massachusetts. +1 on the stereotypes during the opening of the show on the "Red Neck" gun toting family. Maybe the converse could be said about you, you liberal bigot.

So, here is a run down of the "Brady Bunch" attack, that went unanswered:

In 20 minutes, I have not seen a soul... Why would someone need a gun here?
Brady Point

Maybe because help is 10 minutes away and that is 10 minutes too late. I would rather have my 1911 than dial 911 for my safety.

NCIS: I cannot believe that the answering of the questions are left up to the applicant to sign!
Brady Point

ATF Form 4473 - be prepared to properly and legibly fill out an ATF Form 4473 for your purchase. As a special note regarding Form 4473 and the legality of your purchase, section 9(a) of the form makes it clear that by law, the individual filling out the ATF Form 4473 transaction record must be purchasing the firearm for himself or herself or as a gift. That individual must be the one actually paying for the gun. All statements made on the ATF Form 4473 must be truthful. Providing false information is a federal felony and a conviction can result in a 10-year prison term and a fine of up to $ 250,000 for both the purchaser and any "straw purchase" involved in the transaction.

Every time I hear a gunshot, I see a life extinguished...
[thinking] Seeking professional help is needed...cannot begin to say how sorry I am that you are so damaged! I too feel pain, for all of my Brothers in the People's Republik who are denied the right to Conceal Carry and place their lives in danger every day. I feel your pain. [rolleyes]

If you carry a gun, it will more than likely be turned against you in a fight
Brady Point: TILT +2

WOW... We are pulling out all of the talking points from the Anti Playbook now...

I feel less secure with guns...

I cannot believe people can carry with limited amounts of training...
Brady Point

They are completely addicted to guns...if he [the kid] was not engrossed in this culture, he would have more opportunities in life...
[angry] Just like a liberal to stereotype someone else and break them down. Eat me you psychopathic bitch. Owning Guns does not mean that you are a gun nut!

Private Gun sales: Wow, all you got was his license...
Brady Point: TILT +2

Just give it a try: Let legislation work and give it a try! Let's give it a try! I am not saying legislation will not fix the problem a 100%, but it may just a little bit....
Brady Point
[frown][angry][thinking] Yea....when I go to my mechanic (on the off chance I cannot fix it), he always hands me the key and says "I am not sure my fix is 100%, but at least it is a start" Foolhardy bitch.

When you have seen someone shot, how can you stand for the Second Amendment?
Brady Point: Bleeding Heart +3

FEAR! Gun owners are filled with FEAR!
Brady Point Yea....this is coming from the "I hear a gunshot I squirt some and piss my pants" ANTI. [thinking]

Guns do not belong out of the range...
Brady Point

If legislatures come up with some sort of gun control bill, that does not infringe on my rights, I will approve of it....

OK, there has NOT EVER been a gun friendly law enacted...

Woman who comes into the store at the end of the show, asks to see a gun to purchase and.... When handed the semi-automatic, starts to breakdown and cry and sob and get ALL emotional about holding the weapon.... And the hero of the day states "Maybe you should get some training before you purchase this weapon"
[thinking] Does ANYONE think that the woman who shows up at the end of the show was NOT a plant?? Please... I am going to ask Carl if anyone came into his store and started to break down and cry about purchasing a gun... [puke] This show is SOOOOO predictable and horrible...

Anyhow, I thought this show was a shill for the Brady Bunch, and the bitch should go home to her limp wristed girl friend...I mean boy toy. I think I have a good idea who wears the pants in that family and she is the one with the tool belt. Move out of the combat zone if you cannot take it....well...apparently you are really safe there....so Vaya con Dios!

Sorry, but this was a horrible show IMO.

I wonder what she thinks of this:
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I thought it was pretty well done for TV. they actually let the guy talk and he sounded reasonable and articulate about the issue. She, OTOH, came across as an emotional train wreck with deep rooted psychological problems.
It wasn't a huge +1 win for us, but it wasn't the smear-slander job I was expecting.
You're shocked by all the Brady points she makes throughout the show, In God We Trust? In the very first scene where we were first meeting her, it showed her reading a Brady newsletter. Of course she's gonna regurgitate the same BS that the Bradys put out if all she reads is their garbage.
Overall I thought it was rather fair and balanced considering the media these days. Depending on your point of view either side could have been seen to be a little extreme. The more I analyze it and read these posts the more I realize the plants and the set ups . The way they portrayed the kid really sticks with me afterwards.

Just reinforces the vast divide between thinkers and feelers. Damn, they can be illogical.
You're shocked by all the Brady points she makes throughout the show, In God We Trust? In the very first scene where we were first meeting her, it showed her reading a Brady newsletter. Of course she's gonna regurgitate the same BS that the Bradys put out if all she reads is their garbage.

What I was surprised to see was a Job done by Fox on the 2A. I was hoping to see some sort of balance, however what we saw was anything but. That Ma**h*** was an emotional wreck, and I am sure $100,000 in shrink fees would not fix that psychosis. And the Antis say WE have a psychological problem! Geesh!

I was pretty upset at the way they portrayed that kid, and gun owners in general: I am surprised at the responses that this was really a "fair" portrayal. The way the show was going, I was waiting for Paul Helmke to make an appearance at the range and talk about how all of those guns are bad, and that they really only need one of each kind (rifle, shotgun, pistol).
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to see was a Job done by Fox on the 2A.

It was FX -- I don't think they have anything to do with Fox or FoxNews.


Pia's therapist was shot and killed by a crazy patient. [Aside: Someone who wanted to get mutilation surgery, and the therapist thought that other issues needed to be worked out before the surgery because the surgery wouldn't solve the person's problems. It turns out that, sadly, the therapist was proven correct.]

More recently, in NYC a therapist was slashed to death in her office.

Had Pia's therapist been killed by slashing, what "cause" would she have devoted her life too?

I so wanted some one to ask her that question.
I so wanted some one to ask her that question.

And the other point I wish had been made is that Massachusetts is a near paradise in Sarah Brady's eyes. Even with all the gun laws here, Brockton still has serious problems. What more gun laws does she think would fix that?

Well, we know the answer from the begining: "All guns should be banned (and only available to police)".

Except guns are banned from those doing harm in Brockton (they don't have LTC). And drugs are banned from all -- yet the thugs get both, probably from the same dealer,

Why does Pia think that a gun ban will work, when a drug ban doesn't?
I don't think it was too bad..it showed both sides and it ended basically showing that she came away with a very different outlook on guns.

Overall, I think it was a winner.

I agree, everyone on the pro side was reasonable, articulate and responsible. Even the kid didnt' come off that bad to me and it wasn't a bad thing that she took to see what college is like.

Everyone saying it was Brady propaganda needed to watch it more closely. Like Pilgrim said, she changed her mind by the end. Other antis will pay attention to that a lot more than a bunch of guys yelling.
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Everyone saying it was Brady propaganda need to watch it more closely. Like Pilgrim said, she changed her mind by the end. Other antis will pay attention to that a lot more than a bunch of guys yelling.

I think that's a very good point. I watched the show carefully, and tried to view it from the perspective of one who was "on the fence" in the gun debate (which is obviously not easy for any of us here). These shows are primarily intended to be entertainment, not documentary, and to provide the proper amount of "tension" they obviously need to select individuals that are poles apart, hence the emotional Eastern liberal vs. the double-wide "guns are my only interest" Midwesterner.

Overall, I thought the show was reasonably balanced, even somewhat pro-gun, particularly in the narration. Yes, there were a number of errors in fact which others have pointed out in this thread, but I didn't see those as being a big deal, nor did I interpret them to be indicative of some sort of nefarious anti-gun agenda. To the extent that either side of the issue was stereotyped as overly emotional, intransigent, and unreasonable, obviously Pia, at least at the beginning of the show, was shown that way - in fact it was clear that she has some serious emotional issues. Ken, on the other hand, was shown as responsible and pretty well grounded in reality.

I too thought the show ended on an upbeat note. Pia, who started as a totally anti-gun wack job, came to an understanding that guns can be used for much more than killing "people and other living things" and can be a valid source of recreation. I think that's a big plus for us. Ken also moved a bit, indicating that he would not necessarily oppose laws that prevented guns reaching criminals as long as those laws didn't restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Now, I don't really know what those laws might look like, or even if they're possible, but leaving that aside, would anyone here disagree with the concept? I hope not.

Overall, surprisingly well done, though I agree that Ken's kid was portrayed as too one-dimensional. I applauded Pia's attempt to make him aware of the opportunities available to him via higher education. College may not be for everyone, but the ability to make a rational decision about whether or not to go certainly is.
personally... i hate to say.. .but the guy they picked was a bad pick to "make all things equal"

seriously... that trailer was a pit... exposed wires every where... half built walls.... middle of no-where.

the guy himself, very good... but still the surroundings give that red neck hick vibe.

Hell... I think many of our shooters here would better rep the "gun group".
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