FInal Push Back on ERPO - Please Call Baker's Office Immediately.

I here what you saying. Fight to the end on Wake island rather than give up and get slaughtered anyway.

But remember that Hillary won the commiewealth by a landslide.

This crap will get overrided one way or another and singles out a minority. And it will be abused. I hope Comm2A files lawsuit.

Not in my town. I live 24 miles from Boston and Trump got 70% of the votes.
Talking points that might appeal to Baker:

  • Baker has the ability as governor, unique to MA, to "veto with amendment". He can essentially edit the bill and send it back to the legislature. This avoids the thorny political issues of a veto.
  • Every other legislature that has passed, including CA, IL, MD, VT, FL, and CT have used a "clear and convincing evidence" standard. Washington State used "preponderance", but that was a ballot initiative, not a legislative bill.
  • Other states did not have discretionary provisions for removing firearms for people not convicted for a crime. Massachusetts police do. What is the justification from removing the police, who have the power to actually investigate and take immediate action, from the equation? Is there any reason to believe that the judicial branch, with no investigatory capabilities, is more capable of making appropriate determinations as to risk? The bill should be amended to allow only law enforcement to file an ERPO.
  • The "risk" rather than "significant risk" standard is unreasonable. Every human situation or action has some degree of risk.

This all makes sense.
Don't quote me on this but didn't he take about 35% of the vote here in MA all-said? That's pretty impressive. As, of course, is your towns 70%.

I think that is correct. I also believe that in most of the Blue states, it is the densely populated urban areas that the libs carry, and that is enough, like in Mass, to carry the state. Even in liberal shit holes like Cali or New York, you get away from the cities and they don't support the left.
Like communism, I think that those on the far left, are beginning to run their course. Even with the liberal controlled media trying to sway opinion, liberalism is being recognized as the elitist disease that it is.
My hope, is that soon, the Feds get involved. If we can get Trump to just take a look at how liberal states are trampling American's constitutional rights, he won't put up with it. One thing I see with Trump is that he hates liberal bullies.
Baker has not yet signed the bill according to my State Senator, Dean Tran. Still time to encourage those that have not called yet. The only thing a politician fears is large clusters of angry voters. The larger, the better.
I thought there were differences between the House and Senate versions and nothing would get to the Governor until the difference were hashed out and the 2 chambers had a bill they both agreed on.
What a shame no politician has the balls to actually say eff you to the statist maggots that infest the statist house and stand fir what is right. All the pandering for votes/employment turns my stomach. The corruption runs deep on beacon hill/Massachusetts and there is need for a massive enema.
I thought there were differences between the House and Senate versions and nothing would get to the Governor until the difference were hashed out and the 2 chambers had a bill they both agreed on.
That's my understanding too. I suspect they're waiting for a good time to sneak it through without notice, then get it on tall deval's desk at an opportune moment (when's his next trip).

p.s. While searching for the latest status I found this article with a quote that explained why there was no roll call vote in the Senate:
Minority Leader Bruce Tarr, who often initiates requests for recorded votes, told the News Service he supported the bill and he believed “a majority” of the seven-man Republican caucus was supportive.
With friends like these who needs enemies.
So Tarr didn't want a role call vote so come election season we can't point out in the record the the GOPe in MA was happy to join in shoving DNC authored anti-2A down constituents throats.
A bill hasn't made it to Baker's desk yet as the differences between the bills haven't been reconciled.

Forcing a roll call vote would have required 7 votes, so it would have required all of the Republicans or some Republicans and some crossover Democrats.
A bill hasn't made it to Baker's desk yet as the differences between the bills haven't been reconciled.

Forcing a roll call vote would have required 7 votes, so it would have required all of the Republicans or some Republicans and some crossover Democrats.

I said it before: I don't give a shit if it's a vote to break for lunch, all votes should be public record. This voice voting shit needs to die.
Was checking status on this bill this morning and found the following:
6/25/2018 House Rules suspended
6/25/2018 House House NON-concurred in the Senate amendment
6/25/2018 House Committee of conference appointed - (Naughton-Decker-Vieira)
6/25/2018 Senate Rule suspended
6/25/2018 Senate Senate insisted on its amendment
6/25/2018 Senate Committee of conference appointed, in concurrence (Creem-Spilka-Tarr)
Bottom line is a conference committee of Reps Naughton, Decker and Vieira, and Senators Creem, Spilka, and Tarr has been appointed to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions. Anyone willing to bet against the worst of both versions coming out the other side?
a conference committee of Reps Naughton, Decker and Vieira, and Senators Creem, Spilka, and Tarr has been appointed to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions.

So is it time (AGAIN!) to start calling (AGAIN!)?

Isn't Tarr and Vieira supposedly on our side? What about Public Safety Chairman Michael Moore? His words should carry some weight with these people.
So is it time (AGAIN!) to start calling (AGAIN!)?
Isn't Tarr and Vieira supposedly on our side?
One might have thought so in the past, but Tarr has said he supported the Senate version (hence no Senate roll call) and Viera voted for the House version.
What about Public Safety Chairman Michael Moore? His words should carry some weight with these people.
Again, one might have thought so before, but it was reported out favorably from his committee. I've not found a record of the committee vote, and there's no roll call of the vote in the Senate, but I suspect he supports the bill given he did not call for a roll call vote.

Senator Dean A. Tran

"Two very difficult votes this afternoon but at the end of the day, I am very proud of my continued record of staying true to myself, protecting individual's rights and listening to my constituents over legislating unnecessary laws.

- S2571, protecting youth from the health risks of tobacco and nicotine.

The title of this Act is quite deceiving. If the Act was actually protecting "youth", I would absolutely be in favor but in actuality, it is a law to raise the tobacco age to 21 and extends government intrusion into people's lives. Though I hate the smell of tobacco and nicotine, I believe individuals from 18 years of age to 21 years old are adults who can make their own decisions. If you are old enough to die to protect our country and provide the freedom that I have, I will protect your rights. I was one of three Senators who voted against this bill.

- H4670, relative to firearms.

This bill was first sold as a law to protect children. It has nothing to do with protecting children. Then it was sold as a law to go after extreme risk individuals with a focus on mental health. Mental health was completely stripped from the bill and has nothing to do with going after individuals with mental health issues. Then it became a bill solely focused on removing individual's rights to due process while allowing frivolous claims from anyone to go after your firearms, protected under the 2nd amendment. The Senate Republicans including myself filed a countless number of amendments to the bill. Some of which were adopted including two of mine. The adopted amendments made the bill a little better but when it came out of conference committee, one of my two amendments did not survive. The amendment simply required the court to notify the accused of their right to legal counsel.

I was born in a country where communism rules. Where personal liberty and rights do not exist and are not afforded. Where government dictates your lives. Why on earth would I take part in a piece of legislation that would create such an environment here? I'm the only Senator who voted against this bill."

Can we get a roll call on the house vote?
06/28/2018 01:49 PM
No. 389 133 YEAS 15 NAYS 5 N/V
Yea and Nay H. 4670 On acceptance of the conference report
Y Mr. Speaker Y Finn Y Michlewitz Y Williams
Y Mariano Y Fiola Y Mom N Zlotnik
Y Haddad Y Galvin Y Moran F. Y Jones
Y Rushing Y Garballey Y Murphy Y Hill
X Donato Y Garlick Y Murray Y Poirier
Y Moran M. N Garry Y Nangle N Gifford
Y Arciero Y Gentile Y Naughton N Frost
Y Ashe Y Golden Y O’Day Y Barrows
Y Atkins Y Gonzalez Y Parisella N Berthiaume
Y Ayers Y Gordon Y Peake Y Boldyga
Y Balser Y Gregoire Y Peisch N Campanale
Y Barber Y Hawkins Y Petrolati Y Crocker
Y Barrett Y Hay Y Pignatelli Y D'Emilia
Y Benson Y Hecht Y Provost N DeCoste
Y Brodeur Y Higgins Y Puppolo N Diehl
Y Cabral Y Hogan Y Rogers, D. Y Dooley
Y Cahill Y Holmes * Y Rogers, J. N Durant
Y Campbell Y Honan Y Roy Y Ferguson
Y Carvalho Y Hunt, D. Y Ryan Y Harrington
Y Cassidy Y Kafka Y Sánchez Y Howitt
Y Chan Y Kaufman Y Scaccia X Hunt, R.
Y Connolly Y Keefe Y Schmid Y Kane
Y Coppinger Y Khan X Scibak Y Kelcourse
Y Cronin Y Koczera Y Silvia N Kuros
Y Cullinane Y Kulik Y Smizik Y Lombardo
Y Cusack Y Lawn Y Speliotis Y Lyons
Y Cutler Y Lewis Y Stanley N McKenna
Y Day Y Linsky Y Straus Y Mirra
Y Decker Y Livingstone Y Tosado N Muradian
Y DiZoglio Y Madaro Y Tucker Y Muratore
Y Donahue Y Mahoney Y Tyler N O’Connell
Y Driscoll Y Malia Y Ultrino N Orrall
Y DuBois Y Mark Y Vargas Y Smola
Y Dwyer Y Markey Y Vega Y Vieira
Y Dykema Y Matias * X Velis X Whelan
Y Ehrlich Y McGonagle Y Vincent Y Wong
Y Farley-Bouvier Y McMurtry Y Wagner Y Goldstein-Rose
Y Fernandes Y Meschino Y Walsh, T. N Whipps
Y Ferrante
To get a PDF version go to the House Journal page (, enter 389 in the Roll Call Number box, and hit Download Roll Call button. "389" comes from the history of the conference committee bill (H.4670)
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