cops seize firearms from brookline home

You're all missing the point.

Weapons are scary. Scary looking ones are more scary. Add in the Bonus Multipliers of "silencers" and "Armor-penetrating ammo" and "100-round clips" and you have a scarefest.

We, the NESers, are not the intended audience. We know better. The ones that don't know better, that can't tell a clip from a mag, or a machine gun from an airsoft are the ones the story is spun for.

I'm sure that this will be mentioned to me, as Nons often ask me about this sort of thing. That's when we need ot talk about it - explain the "Lifetime" FIDs that magically vanished, etc....
“Everybody was in agreement that we did not want to force our way in. Time was on our side,” said police chief Dan O’Leary. “We thought the best idea was to stake out the house—to play it low key for a while.”

Read more: Brookline Police: Health check led to major weapons haul - Brookline, Massachusetts - Brookline TAB

Since when does a 'welfare check' turn into a 'stake out'? If someone needs a welfare check, aren't the 'authorities' supposed to go knock on their door and say, 'we got a call to check on you, are you ok? OK, good, why don't you give so & so a call and let them know that you're ok. Have a nice day'? [puke]
You're all missing the point.

Weapons are scary. Scary looking ones are more scary. Add in the Bonus Multipliers of "silencers" and "Armor-penetrating ammo" and "100-round clips" and you have a scarefest.

We, the NESers, are not the intended audience. We know better. The ones that don't know better, that can't tell a clip from a mag, or a machine gun from an airsoft are the ones the story is spun for.

I'm sure that this will be mentioned to me, as Nons often ask me about this sort of thing. That's when we need ot talk about it - explain the "Lifetime" FIDs that magically vanished, etc....

Few, if any, here are missing the point.

It's also worth reinforcing the fact that these media outlets are regurgitating exactly what the Brookline PD have told them about the situation.
“The concern would be that if he wasn’t going to use them, somebody else was going to.”

HUH!? This article is really infuriating. There are so many FAIL quotes in there from the people who are supposed to understand and enforce the law.
According to officials, Becker hasn’t talked to police since his arrest. At this point there’s no indication he’s a member of any terrorist organization, and it doesn’t appear he’s threatened anybody. An official did say police believe he’s a member of the National Rifle Association.

To paraphrase an old song, "I'll bet he even has an American flag hanging on the wall of his garage.". [thinking]
Whenever I go into Brookline I make sure to wear firearms related clothing, and read American Rifleman or Guns and Ammo and leave them at Starbucks. I just have to needle those damn sheep. Nice collection, too bad he didn't keep up with the law changes. I've been trying to remember how I found out about the FID expiration, and I can't remember. I had an LTC starting back in 1993 and kept renewing it until I left that G-dforsaken Socialist utopia.
Now there are claims of "fully-automatic" firearms...

What they recovered was far more than they expected. Along with fully-automatic guns, and extended gun clips, the suspect had silencers.

I was a little worried, I think the silencers are the most concerning because it seems like there would be ill intentions to have silencers,” one woman said.

Police say the guns were in a locked area of his home, and don't know why he had so many guns and bullets. They're just happy the stockpile is now off the streets.

Officers estimate Becker had roughly $100,000 worth of weapons. Many were still in their factory boxes.

100K? [thinking]

I'd love to know how they pulled that appraisal out of their ass (and the head of the Stasi wants to see Beckers property melted down).

Claims of armor piercing/vest piercing "bullets" are also greatly exaggerated.

Other than a few odd ammo cans, the only rounds that have been shown in any police propaganda videos is a case of "China Sports" 7.62x39 lead core ammo.

Video at link is chock full of [rolleyes] rubbish...
The saddest thing about the whole story is that in most states like here in Maine this is a "nothing more to see here case." Guy is going to get raped over the coals for something the police here would simply describe as "nice collection". A shame when you have done nothing wrong, made no threats, ect and can be portrayed as such a threat because you collect firearms. Can't find a single thing in this case that is even a misdemeanor here. And my mother wonders why I wont move back to MA.

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I doubt these guns will be melted. But I can't see a cop taking a rifle because it would be illegally owned. Seems like too big of a risk for them. Plus there's nothing too valuable in that collection. I do see a Tec-9 on the table though.
The saddest thing about the whole story is that in most states like here in Maine this is a "nothing more to see here case." Guy is going to get raped over the coals for something the police here would simply describe as "nice collection". A shame when you have done nothing wrong, made no threats, ect and can be portrayed as such a threat because you collect firearms. Can't find a single thing in this case that is even a misdemeanor here.

This would not happen in about 40 of the 50 states. Unfortunately, many of us do not live in those states. This entire story makes me sick... [puke]
This is what happens when the police chiefs all belkong to the same clubs IACOP, MCOPA. and they attend the junkets paid for by thier community. Which you will most likely find is part of thier contract.
Shitheads Like O'Leary, Lavalle, and others are the results.

So true.
We talk about how someday the govt. may go door to door and confiscate out guns. I read a lot of Internet bravado saying from my cold dead hands. These stories pop up often. The confiscation in some states has begun. Unfortunately what are we do do when the do it piecemeal the way they are?
My father in law is like many people I know - completely indifferent on guns. He has no interest in shooting with me, nor does he have a problem with it. We have had discussions on how 99% of the time the news stories are complete BS. He likes the new shows about guns (Discover channel stuff), and I help him with what is true and not true about guns in the news.

Last night he says to me when the news started talking about this case... "Did you know he has clips that hold 100 rounds?" "He had armor piercing ammo" " He had tens of thousands of rounds" " He had silencers".

I told him it was a modest starter collection and helped him through each issue and why it wasn't a big deal anywhere but MA.
This is exactly what we have to do, though it's a painful, painstaking process.

I wonder how many people that think this was a good outcome....evil guns being taken off the street....would have a problem with John Law using a welfare check to get into their residence, and finding a more "herbaceous" stash, if you take my meaning.

The presence of the FID/LTC should be a secondary issue - the "We're here to help you, put your hands behind your back," should get the Nons' attention. They may not like 2A, but I'm sure that they're in favor of 4A.
I don't think many people care about 4A either. I tried convincing several family members over the weekend that they should never allow the police in their home without a warrant and almost everyone thought I was nuts. "The police are not your enemy and you should trust them" , I was told. Even though I quote the words "can and WILL be used AGAINST you in a court of law", they will not make the connection that anything they say that is FOR themselves is heresay and is inadmissible,so they are best suited to shut up and not let them in. I didn't change one person's mind. They are all convinced not cooperating will prove guilt.
This is exactly what we have to do, though it's a painful, painstaking process.

I wonder how many people that think this was a good outcome....evil guns being taken off the street....would have a problem with John Law using a welfare check to get into their residence, and finding a more "herbaceous" stash, if you take my meaning.

The presence of the FID/LTC should be a secondary issue - the "We're here to help you, put your hands behind your back," should get the Nons' attention. They may not like 2A, but I'm sure that they're in favor of 4A.

Maybe (see edhead35's response below):

The certainly don't support it when it comes to matters involving guns/ammo as "those things can go off by themselves, and without warning" is the mantra painted by the media and politicrats. The sheep are convinced that when it comes to the "greater good", the Constitution SHOULD be suspended! [shocked] That's what you get from years of brainwashing. Todays politicrats/media have taken the pages from Goebbels playbook and it is still indeed very effective. [sad]

I don't think many people care about 4A either. I tried convincing several family members over the weekend that they should never allow the police in their home without a warrant and almost everyone thought I was nuts. "The police are not your enemy and you should trust them" , I was told. Even though I quote the words "can and WILL be used AGAINST you in a court of law", they will not make the connection that anything they say that is FOR themselves is heresay and is inadmissible,so they are best suited to shut up and not let them in. I didn't change one person's mind. They are all convinced not cooperating will prove guilt.

We've even seen this here on NES and other forums. When stopped for speeding, many give permission for vehicle searches since "they have nothing to hide"!
O'Toole has political motives or he is a real douche and believes that citizens don't have a 2A right. And, the media who is in bed with O'Toole is pushing and fueling Deval's "one gun a month" efforts. Wait and see.

Cadillac: "It's HORRIBLE. Look what we found in Brookline. We need one gun a month more than EVER!"
My point was that in "debating" with a Non (leaving Antis out, for the moment), we need to develop a common ground with them, so that they will see what we're talking about.

I have no problem with losing my Medical License (not being a doctor); Nons have no problem with LTC issues, as it does not affect them. Unless you have a libertarain Non, that will support rights that they choose not to exercise because it's the right thing to do, you have to make them invested in the issue.

From the news reports, the guy had some guns ( and accesories) and just wanted to be left alone. Even when confronted by the cops, he didn't draw down; he fell down. The guns were not on the street, they were no immediate threat. But....the cops used a vague justification to take a look. When "debating" this, the guns should not be the issue, but the actions. A 2A argument will carry no weight with a Non....but a "do you really have nothing in your house that the cops would like to find?" question might make them think.


As we all know, Guns are Icky (c); people in Brookline find them more so that most, apparently. Trying to convince a Non that this was a bad happening is a toughie....framing it in a more general a way that might affect them....that might get more traction.

I find that with the type of people so easily convinced the .gov is the answer that you cannot go deeply into an issue and debate it. It has to be done in 2 sentences... maybe. Even still, they do not think about the intricate details about a point or even how far down the line giving up a right could affect YOU someday. Many people on here have insight, curiosity, and attention to detail. We can look outside the story, think out of the box.

Brain dead: Guns kill people
Rational: Guns can kill a person if the gun is loaded, aimed and the trigger pulled at a person
Brain dead: but guns kill people
Rational: So can knives
Brain dead: Guns and knives kill people
Rational: What would you do if you were attacked? How would you defend yourself?
Brain dead: Guns kill people, therefore, it could kill me. It could also kill the attacker and that is a tragedy
Rational: Why put your faith in the .gov?
Brain dead: I don't. They are useless. But regulations protect me, police protect me, laws protect me, FBI protects me, Welfare is a safety net that protects me from hunger, etc.
Rational: Don't you at least want a fighting chance to stand your own defense?
Brain dead: guns kill people. It is more likely that I will be killed with my own gun
Rational: But don't you want a chance at survival?
Brain dead: but Guns kill people. High powered guns kill more people.

It all comes back to a theory you hear around the block. There are 10% of people that are anti and can't be convinced otherwise. There are 10% that are pro 2A, and can't be convinced otherwise, and 80% that are at varying degrees of indifference/anti/pro. The percentages may or may not be accurate, but it paints a picture that debating people in the middle to leaning your way is more productive than debating people who are your opposite.
O'Toole has political motives or he is a real douche and believes that citizens don't have a 2A right. And, the media who is in bed with O'Toole is pushing and fueling Deval's "one gun a month" efforts. Wait and see.

Cadillac: "It's HORRIBLE. Look what we found in Brookline. We need one gun a month more than EVER!"

G-d, I hope that doesn't pass. I can't afford to buy a gun a month.
Federal agents have been summoned to help sort through the weapons and figure out where Becker got them.

You mean because the local-yokels didn't keep records at the time he probably bought them? I hope the Feds tell them to pound sand. No crimes were committed and nothing indicates he purchased them illegally. Have fun spending my tax dollars on your fishing trip.
Does he have a residence in another state? I don't know. Neither do you. There's a lot people don't know.

I would also tell you that the ATF is probably being called in to determine if the guns are legal.
A determination of whether something that looks like a silencer is actually one, would be an AFT thing.

A determination of the date of manufacture of an AR15-A2 model (clearly visible in the photos) would be made by the ATF.

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