Carrying concealed while exercising

Thankfully, it would appear that none of you guys who "don't see the need" didn't lose any loved ones in the Pennsylvania gym tragedy where the lone gunman came in shooting and then took his life after the 4 others before him.
Lucky for you.
Clearly, you also don't work in a gym and haven't witnessed fist-fights and death threats amongst spouses who have been found to be having affairs at the gym (some with aerobics instructors!)
You also may not work in a gym like one of those that I attend with alot of inner city kids, drug dealers, both steroids and recreational, and local "tough" guys and general riff-raff.
If you feel safe at your personal gym, that's great. But to doubt, or "not see the need" that someone else feels, is just ignorant, if not rude, in my humble opinion.
But like was said before, "to each his own".

The only place I don't see the need to carry is in my home, or the home of a trusted friend with the doors locked.
Ding ding ding!! Case in point.
I think it's so tragic that most people will never "see the need" until it's too late...[sad]

Nobody ragged on anybody else carrying anywhere. As far as I can tell only personal opinions/perceptions were stated. And to call it tragic that some people choose not to carry every waking minute of their lives is [rolleyes].

To each his own.
Clearly, you also don't work in a gym and haven't witnessed fist-fights and death threats amongst spouses who have been found to be having affairs at the gym (some with aerobics instructors!)
You also may not work in a gym like one of those that I attend with alot of inner city kids, drug dealers, both steroids and recreational, and local "tough" guys and general riff-raff.
If you feel safe at your personal gym, that's great. But to doubt, or "not see the need" that someone else feels, is just ignorant, if not rude, in my humble opinion.
But like was said before, "to each his own".

Sounds like you could use a new gym before a gun [thinking][wink]

I want to deadlift in peace, not adjust my 1911 then deadlift. If a change of gym is needed I'd do it. Staying in a hostile envioment is asking for it.

I'm partly busting your chops so dont take me too serious. I still think if your in that kind of envioment you'll live longer if you leave then if you stay with a gun. It's alot less stress to avoid that crap then to deal with it the way I see it.
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Sounds like you could use a new gym before a gun [thinking][wink]

I want to deadlift in peace, not adjust my 1911 then deadlift. If a change of gym is needed I'd do it. Staying in a hostile envioment is asking for it.

I'm partly busting your chops so dont take me too serious. I still think if your in that kind of envioment you'll live longer if you leave then if you stay with a gun. It's alot less stress to avoid that crap then to deal with it the way I see it.
I've worked in I've worked in 6 gyms over the past 9 years, in 3 different states. NY, MA and NH.
It's not the gym, it's the human race. I'm not a cynic, but until you spend up to 16 hours a day, 6 days a week for almost a decade (like I have)in a gym, most people have no idea the types of bizarre behavior that goes on in gyms all over the country!
"Gym affairs" took place in every single gym and state I lived in, which carry with them the concurrent jealous (and often times violent) spouses. Every gym, I don't care where you live in the world, has people selling drugs (either in the gym or on their own time in the community), whether they be pot or steroids, and that lifestlye can carry with it consequences that can prevail at ANY time, ideal for the rest of the law-abiding public or not.
I've worked in very desirable, well-to-do areas, and some that are equal distance from Million dollar homes as they are from low-rent crack houses.
In "nice" area's, there have been people who have threatened our front desk staff that they would be waiting for them in the parking lot after work because they (the member) chose to start a fight about the radio station. People are crazy. Doesn't matter where you live; it only takes one.
Until you spend the majority of your life in a certain place (in this case, a gym), you cannot have a full understanding of what goes on when you're only there an hour or two a day.

I'm not saying that everyone SHOULD or NEEDS to carry every time they go to a gym. In fact, I am only newly licensed myself, and every incident I've described (and the hundreds of others I've forgotten) all happened before I was carrying.
I'm just saying that anything can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time, and it's simply nonsensical to assume otherwise.

new guy said:
Nobody ragged on anybody else carrying anywhere. As far as I can tell only personal opinions/perceptions were stated. And to call it tragic that some people choose not to carry every waking minute of their lives is .

To each his own.
New Guy, as indicated by your name and your post count, you are new here. Maybe I should've clarified my original statement. If you spend enough time here and/or searched the forums, you would see that the topics about carrying at different places has been discussed ad nauseam. I was simply alluding to the fact that whenever someone asks the best way they can carry at a specific location, it NEVER FAILS that someone, and usually (unfortunately) multiple people ask the obligatory "Why?" instead of offering helpful advice to the OP. Maybe it's me. I thought the whole point of joining a community like this one was for help and support from like-minded people. Sadly, I appear to be mistaken, on more than one occasion. Oh well, C'est la vie.

Furthermore, "tragic that some people choose not to carry every waking minute of their lives is" are your words, not mine.
I'd be more than happy to discuss my opinions and points of view all day long, but please don't put words in my mouth. I take what I say very seriously, so please don't paraphrase my opinions into your own exaggerated interpretations. I never told anyone to carry every waking moment. I simply said "I think it's so tragic that most people will never "see the need" until it's too late...", and that's an exact quotation, not a paraphrase.
That opinion in no way, shape or form says that the choice of individuals to not carry 24/7 is tragic. It just says that most people never see violent tragedies coming, and the million what-ifs that I can only imagine would surround the aftermath of the unimaginable must weigh heavily on those who fell victim to the occurrence.

I've been involved in too many of these "why would you carry there" discussions... Let me ask you one final question:
Why did you join Northeast Shooters? Can I safely assume that you have or are getting your LTC? Do you hunt? Do you want to carry for self defense? Do you just want to target shoot? I'm just baffled why you would question someone else's desire to carry anywhere they are legally allowed to?

Maybe it's just me. But like you've said twice now (and I even quoted your first use in my initial response) "To each his own".
Let's agree to disagree. I can't change your mind, and you can't change mine.

There's a great saying I saw on here that I'll continue to use as a mantra:
"May you always have it, and never need it."

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Guys, I think we're getting a little too heated here. Just because someone says they don't see the point does not immediately imply that someone else is wrong. Each person has their own situation and their own experiences. Now, if someone were to say another person was WRONG for wanting to carry in that situation, that is being ignorant (unless it were actually illegal). No need to fight here guys, I think most of us all want the same thing.
Furthermore, "tragic that some people choose not to carry every waking minute of their lives is" are your words, not mine.


I take what I say very seriously, so please don't paraphrase my opinions into your own exaggerated interpretations.

I'm slowly discovering as much. [smile]

I never told anyone to carry every waking moment. I simply said "I think it's so tragic that most people will never "see the need" until it's too late...", and that's an exact quotation, not a paraphrase. That opinion in no way, shape or form says that the choice of individuals to carry 24/7 is tragic. It just says that most people never see violent tragedies coming, and the million what-ifs that I can only imagine would surround the aftermath of the unimaginable must weigh heavily on those who fell victim to the occurrence.

You seem like a smart guy, so I hope you can appreciate how I ended up at my interpretation of your tragedy comment within the context of this thread.

I'm just baffled why you would question someone else's desire to carry anywhere they are legally allowed to?

I didn't question anybody's desire to do anything, I simply shared my own view on the issue and was even thoughtful enough to qualify it with a reference to exercising in unsafe places. The little TEHO at the end was intended to make it perfectly clear that these were merely my thoughts, and that what others do is *strictly* their business. How you took it any other way baffles me.

Maybe it's just me. But like you've said twice now (and I even quoted your first use in my initial response) "To each his own".
Let's agree to disagree. I can't change your mind, and you can't change mine.

Agreed, but I'm not even sure that we disagreed to begin with. [smile]
Guys, I think we're getting a little too heated here. Just because someone says they don't see the point does not immediately imply that someone else is wrong. Each person has their own situation and their own experiences. Now, if someone were to say another person was WRONG for wanting to carry in that situation, that is being ignorant (unless it were actually illegal). No need to fight here guys, I think most of us all want the same thing.

Not heated at all, and I apologize if my being 'playful' in this thread rubbed anybody the wrong way. Not my intent. My only intent was to get somebody to play along with the whole "how could you CC a firearm in the shower" theme. Fail. [sad2]
Thanks for your reply. I'd love to put this thing to bed!
I wasn't mad when I replied, I just like to make sure I explain myself clearly and thoroughly. I hope no one mis-interpreted it as anger or "fighting words".
I appreciate when everyone shares their thoughts and opinions and can discuss them like adults!
Not heated at all, and I apologize if my being 'playful' in this thread rubbed anybody the wrong way. Not my intent. My only intent was to get somebody to play along with the whole "how could you CC a firearm in the shower" theme. Fail. [sad2]

Well, I would hope everybody knew you were kidding with that one!
Besides, if I was going to e-fight with somebody the guy who works at a gym on the "people with lots of guns who live within driving distance" forum probably wouldn't be a great choice on my part. [smile]
I've being going to gyms for the past 23yrs. and "I" really don't feel as though "I" need or have ever needed to carry while I worked out. I do remember the massacre in the PA gym but really how often has that happened? It is more likely to happen at the school I coach at and I can not legally carry there that worries me more. If I was working at a gym that would be different I would carry for sure. If I ran or biked outside for exercise(but I don't) I would carry then too, but to be in a gym lifting weights I don't even think it would be possible for me too carry anything that would not interfer with my workout. This of course is just my opinion. If you are able to carry and makes you feel comfortable while you workout then I say sure go for it. It may just save my life some day.
Smartcarry seems to be the most prevalent answer. I haven't tried it yet, so I don't even know if it's doable for me. My gun isn't light, either, so who knows. Before I had guns, I carried a knife while exercising. I'm female and fairly skinny, which makes the holster issue even wackier.
I'm female and fairly skinny, which makes the holster issue even wackier.

I'll chime in again. I am female and I think I get to make claim to "fairly skinny." I carry a NAA Guardian on my runs in a belly band. My pants would never conceal anything, but if I wear a *slightly* looser t-shirt than I normally would, the gun disappears and is stable & secure. In the winter, printing obviously isn't an issue. [grin]

I'm confident I could carry a larger gun in this manner, but the Guardian is what I have right now.
I'll chime in again. I am female and I think I get to make claim to "fairly skinny." I carry a NAA Guardian on my runs in a belly band. My pants would never conceal anything, but if I wear a *slightly* looser t-shirt than I normally would, the gun disappears and is stable & secure. In the winter, printing obviously isn't an issue. [grin]

I'm confident I could carry a larger gun in this manner, but the Guardian is what I have right now.
If you put a laser slipper on that Guardian you can drop it into a pocket and it will print "wallet". Jack.
I'll chime in again. I am female and I think I get to make claim to "fairly skinny." I carry a NAA Guardian on my runs in a belly band. My pants would never conceal anything, but if I wear a *slightly* looser t-shirt than I normally would, the gun disappears and is stable & secure. In the winter, printing obviously isn't an issue. [grin]

I'm confident I could carry a larger gun in this manner, but the Guardian is what I have right now.

Belly bands are fantastic. I've carried my Sig 229's, J-frames, & a Seecamp in one of these, & it's very comfortable if you do it right. It wasn't sturdy enough for the 1911, IMO.

For the gym, my preferred method was an ankle holster with either the J-frame or Seecamp in it. I usually wore boot-cut or straight leg yoga-style pants, & it was virtually undetectable. I know a lot of people knock ankle carry, but it's a better option than "leave it home", & with practice you can draw quite quickly.
If you put a laser slipper on that Guardian you can drop it into a pocket and it will print "wallet". Jack.

The gun is definitely the size for it, but only if I'm wearing my hiking pants. None of my other clothes have pockets that big! [wink]

I can take it anywhere, but it requires a different set of tricks when you are a petite female.
I'll chime in again. I am female and I think I get to make claim to "fairly skinny." I carry a NAA Guardian on my runs in a belly band. My pants would never conceal anything, but if I wear a *slightly* looser t-shirt than I normally would, the gun disappears and is stable & secure. In the winter, printing obviously isn't an issue. [grin]

I'm confident I could carry a larger gun in this manner, but the Guardian is what I have right now.

Thanks for the input. The gun looks like it rides high in this bellyband pic:

S&W Model 60 2 1/8" is my carry ccw. It weighs 22.5 oz empty, with a length of 6 5/8". Do you think this would work? Maybe it's just me - I always seem to have a problem with the gun being too high, and therefore unstable.

The smartcarry pics look like the gun rides lower.

Are these holsters specific to particular guns? I hope to switch to the Model 640 soon.

God, the horrors of HSWF (holster shopping while female)...
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The smartcarry pics look like the gun rides lower.

Are these holsters specific to particular guns? I hope to switch to the Model 640 soon.

God, the horrors of HSWF (holster shopping while female)...

The smartcarry has three sizes for different guns, small medium and large. You give them the make and model of your gun, they send you the appropriate size holster.
Thanks for the input. The gun looks like it rides high in this bellyband pic:

The belly bands fit snugly and I find it fairly easy to move up and down depending on what I'm wearing and have it stay where I put it. If you PM me I'll send you some pics of what it looks like on a girl. The belly band won't get the gun as low as you can with other systems, but with my little auto, it's very stable. Even when sprinting it's never budged. Mine is also the Desantis which has a little velcro strap to secure the gun even further. There is no flopping.

S&W Model 60 2 1/8" is my carry ccw. It weighs 22.5 oz empty, with a length of 6 5/8". Do you think this would work? Maybe it's just me - I always seem to have a problem with the gun being too high, and therefore unstable. Are these holsters specific to particular guns? I hope to switch to the Model 640 soon.

The Desantis website just lists them as "for small autos." If you're interested, I can borrow a snubby on Saturday and report back on how it fits.

Mine Guardian is lighter and a bit smaller than your gun, but as I've mentioned, I'm confident I could carry a much more substantial gun in this manner.

God, the horrors of HSWF (holster shopping while female)...

You aren't kidding. Especially if you don't want to chuck half your closet the day you start carrying. [rolleyes]
Smartcarry seems to be the most prevalent answer. I haven't tried it yet, so I don't even know if it's doable for me. My gun isn't light, either, so who knows. Before I had guns, I carried a knife while exercising. I'm female and fairly skinny, which makes the holster issue even wackier.
If you go to, you'll see a pic of a couple of females carrying guns, including one that is pretty skinny. Key, of course, is a little bit of room in your pants.

Then again, the smartcarry looks like the gun would flop around.. God, I hate the logistics of carrying!
My gun never flopped around while in my Smartcarry - I was carrying a Walther PPK. Quite secure.

If you PM me I'll send you some pics of what it looks like on a girl.
Heh... Oh, the wiseass comments I could make. [laugh] I'll be good, though.
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