bernie sanders leading ????

I dont think he could be leading over trump maybe in commie VT?
I do know that more people I am around daily would likely vote bernie.
Last election the bernie fans around lost thier shit when hillary stole the nomination . They simply said they would stay home.
Sadly i think bernie has a bigger fan base than the anti commie folks want to recognize
Is it big enough to beat Trump?
im a bit shocked that trump won to be honest. i think between the bernie folks that did not vote and the any one but Clinton voters gave trump an advantage.
I forget the numbers IIR C only 60% of voters turned out for 2016 presidential election.
It would be interesting to see which parties lacked to turn out.
I often wondered how much voter control gun owners in MA would have if all 500,000 FID holders could agree on one vote and show up
Don't worry, the DNC is actively making sure to throw as many road blocks in front of that ancient commie as they can. Now w/ the weak-ass RINO turds like Collins, Romney and Murkowski falling for the dems manufactured last minute bomb drop it looks like the Bern and Liawatha will be tied up for many more weeks than they thought
I dont think he could be leading over trump maybe in commie VT?
I do know that more people I am around daily would likely vote bernie.
Last election the bernie fans around lost thier shit when hillary stole the nomination . They simply said they would stay home.
Sadly i think bernie has a bigger fan base than the anti commie folks want to recognize
Is it big enough to beat Trump?
im a bit shocked that trump won to be honest. i think between the bernie folks that did not vote and the any one but Clinton voters gave trump an advantage.
I forget the numbers IIR C only 60% of voters turned out for 2016 presidential election.
It would be interesting to see which parties lacked to turn out.
I often wondered how much voter control gun owners in MA would have if all 500,000 FID holders could agree on one vote and show up
After last presidential election polls I don't even pay attention to that bullshit. New York times had a 90% chance of clinton winning......the morning of election day. It's all bullshit.
Sadly i think bernie has a bigger fan base than the anti commie folks want to recognize

That may be a fair assessment, but I believe they are mostly concentrated in the shithole states where Hillary won anyhow. The electoral college minimizes that problem.
An important thing to keep in mind about polls right now is that they're based on NH and Iowa Democrats. The Republican ticket is locked up so there's no reason to debate the merits of Trump.

Focusing on NH because this is a New England gun forum, NH Dems were solidly behind Bernie in 2016. Why would that be any different in 2020? Bernie was like a rock star wherever he arrived. Bernie's problem is his message doesn't mesh well with minorities (he's an old Jewish New Yorker that was part of the hippie invasion of Vermont), so saying he has the Dem nomination now is extremely short-sighted. The Dems are going to nominate Biden because he's got the political clout. I don't think they'll repeat 2016 and nominate Granny Warren.
Even if Bernie won the nomination outright, The DNC would steal it from him anyway, like last time.
It would make things really interesting if he were to run as an independent.
The DNC is committed to ramming Biden down everyone's throats even if no one wants him (sounds like 2016 all over again). If Bernie ran independent you're guaranteed a Trump 2020.

I'm really curious to see how Monday goes for Iowa.
They are pushing Bernie hard in NH right now. Saw an SUV with Connecticut plates the other morning, trunk full of Bernie signs putting them at intersections.
In NH there is a "Bernie" storefront near a business that I occasionally stop at. The "Bernie cars" in the parking lot near that storefront are mostly from CT, MA and VT. I happened there one day and there was a couple sitting outside another store (it's a small strip-mall) who said to me "Bernie is here" pointing to that storefront. There were no more than a handful of young folks standing in the doorway of that storefront. What I found odd was the lack of black SUVs and visible USSS in the area.

It's mostly young folks that will support Bernie, hoping for free college/cancellation of their debts and other free shit.
It's mostly young folks who failed to consider the economic consequences of pursuing an education without considering potential career options and salaries post-grad that will support Bernie, hoping for free college/cancellation of their debts and other free shit.

FIFY. The young Bernie supporters are the ones who got sucked into the pipe dream of "go to college and you'll be set for life!" Now they're getting sucked into another pipe dream. I think the adjectives here are "gullible" and "naive."
After the fake polls of 2016 the liberal media will not (at least in the near term) have any influence over Patriot voters by publishing polling results designed to demoralize us into thinking we cannot win. How I wish I lived in a swing state. I still vote for President in Massachusetts just to make a statement. LOL Maybe someday I will get a pleasant surprise.
It's mostly young folks that will support Bernie, hoping for free college/cancellation of their debts and other free shit.
Andrew Yang won the young voters poll in Iowa the other day, I believe Bernie was second. But yes, Bernie polls a lot better with the younger crowds.

Recently for the Democrats, the winner of the Iowa primary has been the nominee the last six elections. (H. Clinton, Obama 2x, Kerry, Gore, W. Clinton).

So, I'd expect a decent (3-5) number of people to drop out after Iowa.

As for head to heads, the most recent ones I've seen have Trump beating:
- Biden
- Bloomberg
- Steyer
- Warren

But losing to:
- Bernie
- Yang
- Klobuchar, if I recall

I don't put much trust in polls, though.
Trump will eat Bernie alive in any debate, Trump may be a loose cannon, but Bernie comes off as the stereotypical angry old New Yorker of a certain religious persuasion and if a shouting match starts in a debate, Bernie will alienate some voters enough to vote for Trump.

Trump got a lot of votes because he was not Hillary

The convention is going to be like a MMA event
He's got the same chance he had 4 years ago. Sure, he might go far. But ultimately, he'll lose to a "more reasonable candidate." That might be Joltin Joe or it'll be Trump. But that dude is bat-poop crazy and just having the Cable News Conglomerate rooting for him won't give him enough sway from his crazy ideas.

While most Americans are lemmings, they understand that they HAVE a job and HAVE money in the bank and some guy telling them that they don't is crazy.
Recently Hillary came out and openly criticized Bernie.

That told me two things:

- Bernie is the likely democratic candidate
- Hillary is still thinking about coming back in at the convention and stealing his nomination
ok so we learned not to talk to the media correct? that being said, what direction would you think these polls are ALWAYS going to lean since 1.) we do not talk to the media and 2.) the media doesn't want to talk to you since you don't agree with the smut theyre peddling anyways?
Recently Hillary came out and openly criticized Bernie.

That told me two things:

- Bernie is the likely democratic candidate
- Hillary is still thinking about coming back in at the convention and stealing his nomination
I don't know if he's the likely candidate, but it does show to me that Hillary still hasn't accepted the fact that people just don't like her and is still trying to pin her loss on Bernie rather than a mea culpa, and that she's still bitter enough to try to tear him down after this time.
He is making some headway in NH, but whether he is a realistic threat to Trump remains to be seen.

Your average American is NOT ready to hand over another 10-15% of their paycheck for the PROMISE that government-funded health care is going to solve their problems. Especially for the rank-and-file of so many Democrat supporters. . . . like union folk. Union folk, by and large, pay little-to-none into their health plans. They get an EXTRA F'ing by Bernie.

So those who like their $ won't vote for him. And those who are normally counted in the D camp may not be voting either. Bernie as the nominee could make this a 47 or 48 state win for Trump. The fact that Trump is praising him over the other candidates means he definitely IS the candidate he wants to go up against.
My $.02; the unorganized militia has ten months to get "Organised". I don't advocate violence but rather observation. People who would stand a watch outside every polling place and photograph every vehicle with out of state plates and also record the number of passengers. This information should be posted to as many media (social & main) as possible. Hold them accountable for their actions!
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