AWB Rejected by none other than...

We need to remind them in the next election cycle for even letting it get this far...

Maybe someday the GOP will actually run a candidate that a) has a chance in hell and b) stands for something we can believe in. Too bad 3rd parties are, at least for now, non-viable.
Nothing to see here, move along.... [laugh]

This really isn't "news" as liberal cumquat Reid had already said it stood zero chance of passing the Senate weeks ago.
Both he and Pryor have now come out against it. The important step here is that action matched words. It isn't the end of this nonsense yet (certainly not at the state level), but better than before by a long shot at the national level.

But we need to keep the pressure on. This bill is sure to get reworked and we have lots of other bills in many states. Go write your weekly letters. Drown them.

Exactly -- while watching this being displayed with one hand, watch out for the other hand about to cold-cock you (in this case with more draconian anti-2A legislation being sneaked through in other bills having nothing to do "gun control"). [wink]
We need to start running independents and libertarians with an agenda. Pandering to the right and moderates accomplishes nothing in this state. This state votes on social issues....

Indeed it does. Mass has always been known as the Free shit State, and for some strange reason many are happy to hand it to them. Real Change happens on the outside.
Then find another way to hold some other sword across their necks. They're all corrupt, its just a matter of finding out how, where and when, then screwing them into the ground.

This^^ Find all of their skeletons! [wink]

on the front page will be something like:

NRA Buys Votes of Senate Stopping AWB !!!!
Thousands of Children At Risk !

....and this^^ [thinking]
Translation: Expect new restrictions on private sales despite the fact that it would not have stopped Sandy Hook, et al.

They're yapping about it but that doesn't mean it will actually happen. It still must be turned into a bill, still must get put on the table and so on. Expect a lot of "we dont like swinestines bill but... " lip service to go on.

The thing to watch out for is small bills being used as tack ons, McCarthy et al will probably try that sort of thing but it will probably fail, too, but it still could be dangerous.

This does not end here. The lefties are engaged in a "shock and awe" full frontal assault. They are working federal, state and local levels. Elements of gun control will re-appear as amendments to other legislation. They are working the hearts and minds of our children.

This needs to be a permanent wake up call to all gun owners. I'd prefer if it were a wake up call to all Americans who value their fundamental civil rights!

The progressives have an agenda, and it isn't about saving the world. It is about control. It is about power, plain and simple. They are willing to do anything to achieve their agenda: lie cheat, steal, vilify, enagage in voter fraud, etc.

We are on the defensive. When you are on the defensive you lose. We need to find a way to get on the offensive, take the battle to them on their turf. We need to start organizing in their bases of power - the urban centers across this country. We need to find a way to flip the people in the urban centers.

Don't write these people off. Many of them are not so different in their thinking than us. There are strong conservative family values in a lot of these places. Look at the church attendance compared to the rest of America for example. But ever since the FDR administration we have allowed them to be hoodwinked into thinking the Democratic Party is the only group that cares about them. We have conceded the battle without a fight. This needs to change
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so all prices should come down from full retard.

Sorry to say but I doubt it, the conditioning of higher prices is already rolling, similar to 2008, and prices never came down. Like any other commodity it will fluctuate yes, but the days of cheap anything is coming to an end sorry to say.

With Firearms its always supply and demand.
We need to start running independents and libertarians with an agenda. Pandering to the right and moderates accomplishes nothing in this state. This state votes on social give them what they want. Nothing is more socially liberal than a libertarian. Nobody is more pro-gun than a libertarian. Nothing is more pro-capitalism than a libertarian.

"Send it" like chinalfr from my can attached to a string from another can in the lair of the dark lord kramdar.

unfortunately the only part that seems to matter is "no one has a D next to their name like a Democrat"

but I agree 100%
Common sense is starting to kick in?

Yep, It's different this time. I think there is more common sense on the effect of banning ugly guns, or the "just do something" mentality.
But, millions more gun owners, millions more ARs, and better organization/response by our side.
Still dumbasses: media, NY state, my moonbat neighbors. And Scott Brown.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But we need to keep the pressure on. This bill is sure to get reworked and we have lots of other bills in many states. Go write your weekly letters. Drown them.

I'm on the daily plan: keep them short, polite and to the point. This is great news, but I think I'll keep my routine up for a while yet.
We need to start running independents and libertarians with an agenda. Pandering to the right and moderates accomplishes nothing in this state. This state votes on social give them what they want. Nothing is more socially liberal than a libertarian. Nobody is more pro-gun than a libertarian. Nothing is more pro-capitalism than a libertarian.

"Send it" like chinalfr from my can attached to a string from another can in the lair of the dark lord kramdar.

The sheep in MA are so dumb they might think the 'L" next to the name means Liberal [rofl]
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