Again I'm at a loss for words.

Of course she was hearing voices yeah right. Growing up in Philly it was nothing new to hear about some crack Wh*re mother leaving her baby in a dumpster or giving her baby to crack head to sodomize and rape in return for drugs. But they all claimed that they were hearing voices. Hmmmm can I hear a " Harsher drug charges" please?
Grifter said:
Of course she was hearing voices yeah right. Growing up in Philly it was nothing new to hear about some crack Wh*re mother leaving her baby in a dumpster or giving her baby to crack head to sodomize and rape in return for drugs. But they all claimed that they were hearing voices. Hmmmm can I hear a " Harsher drug charges" please?



You just explained the "why" on some court papers I attempted to serve on a crack whore! The State was advising her that they were permanently taking away her 7 yo daughter. Reason: she was a druggie that had failed to take the court-mandated rehab and she allowed the father of her child (another crack addict) to sodomize her daughter (the father is now allegedly serving a very long sentence in a FL jail). When I went to serve the papers "it was too late", the court had already sent her off to jail for drug possession and bad checks. This was one case that haunted me . . . it's unconscionable (to me) that a mother could ever let her boyfriend do such a thing to her daughter!

You gave me some understanding of the "why"! We have to purge the gene pool of these types of people, and the sooner the better.
mAss Backwards said:
How come these people never hear voices telling them to keep their kids in school, find a job, and stop taking drugs?

Because they're ignoring Mom and Dad?

Because the people who DO hear those voices don't make headlines?
I hear voices. Every single weekday morning. Not exactly evil or good. just non productive voices.

" Don't get out of bed. Don't go to work today. There is enough beer in the fridge to last you throughout the day. Stay home today and watch price is right all day. Imagine how good it will feel to stay in your boxer's all day and not have to wear a suit or work on the deceased all day. Their dead, they can wait. Pick up the phone, call that girl you've been hanging out with, she has the day off too, and if she doesn't convince her to take it off. That's right you act like your hitting the snooze alarm and really hit the alarm off button........sleep.....go to sleep..... WAIT!.. When the phone rings........your excuse is........Who haven't we told your boss died in your family yet?.....ah hell we will make one up when he calls.....sleep."

Oh yeah and I came to the conclusion today that my non-productive conscience and TIVO are joining forces to get me fired!
I can't go to work today... the voices told me to stay home and clean the guns. (Especially since I went shooting with Lynne yesterday!) [lol] [lol] [lol]
Hmmm...I have to stay home and clean my guns....I haven't used that one yet. Oh, wait....I've been out of work for two years. <slap forehead> It wouldn't work with Ed tho for not cleaning the house or getting dinner ready. [lol] [lol]
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