Words.....there are none

Ethics... look at the programs he exposed and tell me our government has any.

Not to get into the assassinate-a-moron, but I have ethics that transcend what the people around me do. It stops me from stealing from the store that grossly overcharges me. "But look at what they did" is not a valid defense.

Eff politically correct. If it has a block and tackle, it's a dude. If it gets it removed, then it can be called a she....Until then, he is just a crossdresser.

Actually, without a block-and-tackle, he's not a woman. He may WANT to be one. He's still a man. A lifetime of hormones will keep his body confused and such, but he's ultimately a man.

I mean, can John Howard Griffen make the case he's now black? (Well, he's dead, but let's say from 1961 to his death.)

Heck, I could go find some replica MOH and wear it around my neck. How many of you would want to beat me up for pretending?

He's a dude. He's always BEEN a dude. He'll always BE a dude.
Not to get into the assassinate-a-moron, but I have ethics that transcend what the people around me do. It stops me from stealing from the store that grossly overcharges me. "But look at what they did" is not a valid defense.

Actually, without a block-and-tackle, he's not a woman. He may WANT to be one. He's still a man. A lifetime of hormones will keep his body confused and such, but he's ultimately a man.

I mean, can John Howard Griffen make the case he's now black? (Well, he's dead, but let's say from 1961 to his death.)

Heck, I could go find some replica MOH and wear it around my neck. How many of you would want to beat me up for pretending?

He's a dude. He's always BEEN a dude. He'll always BE a dude.
Not what I meant. Laws and ethics don't align always. Suppose you have a Virginia ltc and you accidentally cross the border into dc. You are breaking the law, you have not done anything unethical. Further, suppose you live right on the border and you hear someone calling for help as they get beaten by a gang. You have a choice between ethics and the law. Snowden made the right choice, the hard choice
I don't have a problem with Snowden. What he did proved out the worst tinfoil theories that conspiracy theorists had imagined on their worst days. My only worry is that shining a light on those activities may have driven them further underground and made our government agencies much more vigilant in protecting those activities. Snowden did a public service and in many ways, fulfilled a patriotic duty to disobey unconstitutional orders.

Bradley is just another traitor who sold secrets for money and attention. That the level of data he released was limited is due to his access not to his betrayal. If he had more access, he would have released that too. There was no higher ethical or moral motivation for his treason: He simply wanted attention. I place no value on his life and the taxpayer should not be paying to unscramble his mental state or entertain his Jenner fantasies.
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